! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: tools.test core-text core-text.fonts core-foundation core-foundation.dictionaries destructors arrays kernel generalizations locals math accessors core-foundation.utilities combinators hashtables colors colors.constants ; IN: core-text.tests : test-font ( name -- font ) [ >cf &CFRelease 0.0 f CTFontCreateWithName ] with-destructors ; [ ] [ "Helvetica" test-font CFRelease ] unit-test [ ] [ [ kCTFontAttributeName "Helvetica" test-font &CFRelease 2array 1array &CFRelease drop ] with-destructors ] unit-test :: test-typographic-bounds ( string font -- ? ) [ font test-font &CFRelease :> ctfont string ctfont COLOR: white &CFRelease :> ctline ctfont ctline compute-line-metrics { [ width>> float? ] [ ascent>> float? ] [ descent>> float? ] [ leading>> float? ] } cleave and and and ] with-destructors ; [ t ] [ "Hello world" "Helvetica" test-typographic-bounds ] unit-test [ t ] [ "Hello world" "Chicago" test-typographic-bounds ] unit-test [ t ] [ "日本語" "Helvetica" test-typographic-bounds ] unit-test