! Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: arrays assocs bootstrap.image.primitives bootstrap.image.private classes classes.builtin classes.intersection classes.predicate classes.private classes.singleton classes.tuple classes.tuple.private classes.union combinators compiler.units io kernel kernel.private layouts make math math.private namespaces parser quotations sequences slots source-files splitting vocabs vocabs.loader words ; IN: bootstrap.primitives "* Creating primitives and basic runtime structures..." print flush H{ } clone sub-primitives set "vocab:bootstrap/syntax.factor" parse-file : asm-file ( arch -- file ) "-" split reverse "." join "vocab:bootstrap/assembler/" ".factor" surround ; architecture get asm-file parse-file "vocab:bootstrap/layouts/layouts.factor" parse-file ! Now we have ( syntax-quot arch-quot layouts-quot ) on the stack ! Bring up a bare cross-compiling vocabulary. "syntax" lookup-vocab vocab-words-assoc bootstrap-syntax set H{ } clone dictionary set H{ } clone root-cache set H{ } clone source-files set H{ } clone update-map set H{ } clone implementors-map set init-caches bootstrapping? on call( -- ) ! layouts quot call( -- ) ! arch quot ! Vocabulary for slot accessors "accessors" create-vocab drop ! After we execute bootstrap/layouts num-types get f builtins set [ call( -- ) ! syntax-quot ! create-word some empty vocabs where the below primitives and ! classes will go { "alien" "alien.accessors" "alien.libraries" "alien.private" "arrays" "byte-arrays" "classes.private" "classes.tuple" "classes.tuple.private" "classes.predicate" "compiler.units" "continuations.private" "generic.single" "generic.single.private" "growable" "hashtables" "hashtables.private" "io" "io.files" "io.files.private" "io.streams.c" "locals.backend" "kernel" "kernel.private" "math" "math.parser.private" "math.private" "memory" "memory.private" "quotations" "quotations.private" "sbufs" "sbufs.private" "scratchpad" "sequences" "sequences.private" "slots.private" "strings" "strings.private" "system" "system.private" "threads.private" "tools.dispatch.private" "tools.memory.private" "tools.profiler.sampling.private" "words" "words.private" "vectors" "vectors.private" "vm" } [ create-vocab drop ] each ! Builtin classes : lookup-type-number ( word -- n ) [ target-word ] with-global type-number ; : register-builtin ( class -- ) [ dup lookup-type-number "type" set-word-prop ] [ dup "type" word-prop builtins get set-nth ] [ f f f builtin-class define-class ] tri ; : prepare-slots ( slots -- slots' ) [ [ dup pair? [ first2 create-word ] when ] map ] map ; : define-builtin-slots ( class slots -- ) prepare-slots make-slots 1 finalize-slots [ "slots" set-word-prop ] [ define-accessors ] 2bi ; : define-builtin-predicate ( class -- ) dup class>type [ eq? ] curry [ tag ] prepend define-predicate ; : define-builtin ( symbol slotspec -- ) [ [ define-builtin-predicate ] keep ] dip define-builtin-slots ; { { "alien" "alien" } { "array" "arrays" } { "bignum" "math" } { "byte-array" "byte-arrays" } { "callstack" "kernel" } { "dll" "alien" } { "fixnum" "math" } { "float" "math" } { "quotation" "quotations" } { "string" "strings" } { "tuple" "kernel" } { "word" "words" } { "wrapper" "kernel" } } [ create-word register-builtin ] assoc-each "f" "syntax" lookup-word register-builtin ! We need this before defining c-ptr below "f" "syntax" lookup-word { } define-builtin "f" "syntax" create-word [ not ] "predicate" set-word-prop "f?" "syntax" vocab-words-assoc delete-at "t" "syntax" lookup-word define-singleton-class ! Some unions "c-ptr" "alien" create-word [ "alien" "alien" lookup-word , "f" "syntax" lookup-word , "byte-array" "byte-arrays" lookup-word , ] { } make define-union-class "integer" "math" create-word "fixnum" "math" lookup-word "bignum" "math" lookup-word 2array define-union-class ! Two predicate classes used for declarations. "array-capacity" "sequences.private" create-word "fixnum" "math" lookup-word [ [ dup 0 fixnum>= ] % bootstrap-max-array-capacity [ fixnum<= ] curry , [ [ drop f ] if ] % ] [ ] make define-predicate-class "array-capacity" "sequences.private" lookup-word [ >fixnum ] bootstrap-max-array-capacity [ fixnum-bitand ] curry append "coercer" set-word-prop "integer-array-capacity" "sequences.private" create-word "integer" "math" lookup-word [ [ dup 0 >= ] % bootstrap-max-array-capacity [ <= ] curry , [ [ drop f ] if ] % ] [ ] make define-predicate-class ! Catch-all class for providing a default method. "object" "kernel" create-word [ f f { } intersection-class define-class ] [ [ drop t ] "predicate" set-word-prop ] bi "object?" "kernel" vocab-words-assoc delete-at ! Empty class with no instances "null" "kernel" create-word [ f { } f union-class define-class ] [ [ drop f ] "predicate" set-word-prop ] bi "null?" "kernel" vocab-words-assoc delete-at "fixnum" "math" create-word { } define-builtin "fixnum" "math" create-word "integer>fixnum-strict" "math" create-word 1quotation "coercer" set-word-prop "bignum" "math" create-word { } define-builtin "bignum" "math" create-word ">bignum" "math" create-word 1quotation "coercer" set-word-prop "float" "math" create-word { } define-builtin "float" "math" create-word ">float" "math" create-word 1quotation "coercer" set-word-prop "array" "arrays" create-word { { "length" { "array-capacity" "sequences.private" } read-only } } define-builtin "wrapper" "kernel" create-word { { "wrapped" read-only } } define-builtin "string" "strings" create-word { { "length" { "array-capacity" "sequences.private" } read-only } "aux" } define-builtin "quotation" "quotations" create-word { { "array" { "array" "arrays" } read-only } "cached-effect" "cache-counter" } define-builtin "dll" "alien" create-word { { "path" { "byte-array" "byte-arrays" } read-only } } define-builtin "alien" "alien" create-word { { "underlying" { "c-ptr" "alien" } read-only } "expired" } define-builtin "word" "words" create-word { { "hashcode" { "fixnum" "math" } } "name" "vocabulary" { "def" { "quotation" "quotations" } initial: [ ] } "props" "pic-def" "pic-tail-def" { "sub-primitive" read-only } } define-builtin "byte-array" "byte-arrays" create-word { { "length" { "array-capacity" "sequences.private" } read-only } } define-builtin "callstack" "kernel" create-word { } define-builtin "tuple" "kernel" create-word [ { } define-builtin ] [ define-tuple-layout ] bi ! create-word special tombstone values "tombstone" "hashtables.private" create-word tuple { "state" } define-tuple-class "+empty+" "hashtables.private" create-word { f } "tombstone" "hashtables.private" lookup-word slots>tuple 1quotation ( -- value ) define-inline "+tombstone+" "hashtables.private" create-word { t } "tombstone" "hashtables.private" lookup-word slots>tuple 1quotation ( -- value ) define-inline ! Some tuple classes "curry" "kernel" create-word tuple { { "obj" read-only } { "quot" read-only } } prepare-slots define-tuple-class "curry" "kernel" lookup-word { [ f "inline" set-word-prop ] [ make-flushable ] [ ] [ [ callable instance-check-quot % tuple-layout , \ , ] [ ] make ] } cleave ( obj quot -- curry ) define-declared "compose" "kernel" create-word tuple { { "first" read-only } { "second" read-only } } prepare-slots define-tuple-class "compose" "kernel" lookup-word { [ f "inline" set-word-prop ] [ make-flushable ] [ ] [ [ callable instance-check-quot [ dip ] curry % callable instance-check-quot % tuple-layout , \ , ] [ ] make ] } cleave ( quot1 quot2 -- compose ) define-declared "* Declaring primitives..." print flush all-primitives create-primitives ! Bump build number "build" "kernel" create-word build 1 + [ ] curry ( -- n ) define-declared ] with-compilation-unit