! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: parser lexer kernel namespaces sequences definitions io.files io.backend io.pathnames io summary continuations tools.crossref vocabs.hierarchy prettyprint source-files source-files.errors assocs vocabs.loader splitting accessors debugger help.topics ; FROM: vocabs => vocab-name >vocab-link ; IN: editors TUPLE: no-edit-hook ; M: no-edit-hook summary drop "You must load one of the below vocabularies before using editor integration:" ; SYMBOL: edit-hook : available-editors ( -- seq ) "editors" child-vocabs no-roots no-prefixes [ vocab-name ] map ; : editor-restarts ( -- alist ) available-editors [ [ "Load " prepend ] keep ] { } map>assoc ; : no-edit-hook ( -- ) \ no-edit-hook new editor-restarts throw-restarts require ; : edit-location ( file line -- ) [ absolute-path ] dip edit-hook get-global [ call( file line -- ) ] [ no-edit-hook edit-location ] if* ; ERROR: cannot-find-source definition ; M: cannot-find-source error. "Cannot find source for ``" write definition>> pprint-short "''" print ; : edit ( defspec -- ) dup where [ first2 edit-location ] [ dup word-link? [ name>> edit ] [ cannot-find-source ] if ] ?if ; : edit-vocab ( name -- ) >vocab-link edit ; : edit-error ( error -- ) [ error-file ] [ error-line ] bi 2dup and [ edit-location ] [ 2drop ] if ; : :edit ( -- ) error get edit-error ; : edit-each ( seq -- ) [ [ "Editing " write . ] [ "RETURN moves on to the next usage, C+d stops." print flush edit readln ] bi ] all? drop ; : fix ( word -- ) [ "Fixing " write pprint " and all usages..." print nl ] [ [ smart-usage ] keep prefix ] bi edit-each ;