#include "master.hpp" namespace factor { cell factor_vm::string_nth(string* str, cell index) { /* If high bit is set, the most significant 16 bits of the char come from the aux vector. The least significant bit of the corresponding aux vector entry is negated, so that we can XOR the two components together and get the original code point back. */ cell lo_bits = str->data()[index]; if((lo_bits & 0x80) == 0) return lo_bits; else { byte_array *aux = untag(str->aux); cell hi_bits = aux->data()[index]; return (hi_bits << 7) ^ lo_bits; } } void factor_vm::set_string_nth_fast(string *str, cell index, cell ch) { str->data()[index] = ch; } void factor_vm::set_string_nth_slow(string *str_, cell index, cell ch) { gc_root str(str_,this); byte_array *aux; str->data()[index] = ((ch & 0x7f) | 0x80); if(str->aux == F) { /* We don't need to pre-initialize the byte array with any data, since we only ever read from the aux vector if the most significant bit of a character is set. Initially all of the bits are clear. */ aux = allot_array_internal(untag_fixnum(str->length) * sizeof(u16)); str->aux = tag(aux); write_barrier(&str->aux); } else aux = untag(str->aux); aux->data()[index] = ((ch >> 7) ^ 1); } /* allocates memory */ void factor_vm::set_string_nth(string *str, cell index, cell ch) { if(ch <= 0x7f) set_string_nth_fast(str,index,ch); else set_string_nth_slow(str,index,ch); } /* Allocates memory */ string *factor_vm::allot_string_internal(cell capacity) { string *str = allot(string_size(capacity)); str->length = tag_fixnum(capacity); str->hashcode = F; str->aux = F; return str; } /* Allocates memory */ void factor_vm::fill_string(string *str_, cell start, cell capacity, cell fill) { gc_root str(str_,this); if(fill <= 0x7f) memset(&str->data()[start],fill,capacity - start); else { cell i; for(i = start; i < capacity; i++) set_string_nth(str.untagged(),i,fill); } } /* Allocates memory */ string *factor_vm::allot_string(cell capacity, cell fill) { gc_root str(allot_string_internal(capacity),this); fill_string(str.untagged(),0,capacity,fill); return str.untagged(); } void factor_vm::primitive_string() { cell initial = to_cell(dpop()); cell length = unbox_array_size(); dpush(tag(allot_string(length,initial))); } bool factor_vm::reallot_string_in_place_p(string *str, cell capacity) { return nursery.contains_p(str) && (str->aux == F || nursery.contains_p(untag(str->aux))) && capacity <= string_capacity(str); } string* factor_vm::reallot_string(string *str_, cell capacity) { gc_root str(str_,this); if(reallot_string_in_place_p(str.untagged(),capacity)) { str->length = tag_fixnum(capacity); if(str->aux != F) { byte_array *aux = untag(str->aux); aux->capacity = tag_fixnum(capacity * 2); } return str.untagged(); } else { cell to_copy = string_capacity(str.untagged()); if(capacity < to_copy) to_copy = capacity; gc_root new_str(allot_string_internal(capacity),this); memcpy(new_str->data(),str->data(),to_copy); if(str->aux != F) { byte_array *new_aux = allot_byte_array(capacity * sizeof(u16)); new_str->aux = tag(new_aux); write_barrier(&new_str->aux); byte_array *aux = untag(str->aux); memcpy(new_aux->data(),aux->data(),to_copy * sizeof(u16)); } fill_string(new_str.untagged(),to_copy,capacity,'\0'); return new_str.untagged(); } } void factor_vm::primitive_resize_string() { string* str = untag_check(dpop()); cell capacity = unbox_array_size(); dpush(tag(reallot_string(str,capacity))); } void factor_vm::primitive_string_nth() { string *str = untag(dpop()); cell index = untag_fixnum(dpop()); dpush(tag_fixnum(string_nth(str,index))); } void factor_vm::primitive_set_string_nth_fast() { string *str = untag(dpop()); cell index = untag_fixnum(dpop()); cell value = untag_fixnum(dpop()); set_string_nth_fast(str,index,value); } void factor_vm::primitive_set_string_nth_slow() { string *str = untag(dpop()); cell index = untag_fixnum(dpop()); cell value = untag_fixnum(dpop()); set_string_nth_slow(str,index,value); } }