! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Doug Coleman, Daniel Ehrenberg. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors arrays assocs classes combinators combinators.short-circuit combinators.smart fry kernel locals math math.order sequences sets unicode unicode.data ; FROM: ascii => ascii? ; IN: regexp.classes SINGLETONS: dot letter-class LETTER-class Letter-class digit-class alpha-class non-newline-blank-class ascii-class punctuation-class java-printable-class blank-class control-character-class hex-digit-class java-blank-class c-identifier-class unmatchable-class terminator-class word-boundary-class ; SINGLETONS: beginning-of-input ^ end-of-input $ end-of-file ^unix $unix word-break ; TUPLE: range-class { from read-only } { to read-only } ; C: range-class TUPLE: primitive-class { class read-only } ; C: primitive-class TUPLE: category-class { category read-only } ; C: category-class TUPLE: category-range-class { category read-only } ; C: category-range-class TUPLE: script-class { script read-only } ; C: script-class GENERIC: class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) M: t class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) 2drop t ; inline M: integer class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) = ; inline M: range-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) [ from>> ] [ to>> ] bi between? ; inline M: letter-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop letter? ; inline M: LETTER-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop LETTER? ; inline M: Letter-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop Letter? ; inline M: ascii-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop ascii? ; inline M: digit-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop digit? ; inline : c-identifier-char? ( ch -- ? ) { [ alpha? ] [ CHAR: _ = ] } 1|| ; M: c-identifier-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop c-identifier-char? ; inline M: alpha-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop alpha? ; inline : punct? ( ch -- ? ) "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" member? ; M: punctuation-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop punct? ; inline : java-printable? ( ch -- ? ) { [ alpha? ] [ punct? ] } 1|| ; M: java-printable-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop java-printable? ; inline M: non-newline-blank-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop { [ blank? ] [ CHAR: \n = not ] } 1&& ; inline M: control-character-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop control? ; inline : hex-digit? ( ch -- ? ) { [ CHAR: A CHAR: F between? ] [ CHAR: a CHAR: f between? ] [ CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 between? ] } 1|| ; M: hex-digit-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop hex-digit? ; inline : java-blank? ( ch -- ? ) { CHAR: \s CHAR: \t CHAR: \n CHAR: \v CHAR: \a CHAR: \r } member? ; M: java-blank-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop java-blank? ; inline M: unmatchable-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) 2drop f ; inline M: terminator-class class-member? ( obj class -- ? ) drop "\r\n\u000085\u002029\u002028" member? ; inline M: f class-member? 2drop f ; inline : same? ( obj1 obj2 quot1: ( obj1 -- val1 ) quot2: ( obj2 -- val2 ) -- ? ) bi* = ; inline M: script-class class-member? [ script-of ] [ script>> ] same? ; inline M: category-class class-member? [ category ] [ category>> ] same? ; inline M: category-range-class class-member? inline [ category first ] [ category>> ] same? ; inline TUPLE: not-class { class read-only } ; PREDICATE: not-integer < not-class class>> integer? ; UNION: simple-class primitive-class range-class dot ; PREDICATE: not-simple < not-class class>> simple-class? ; M: not-class class-member? class>> class-member? not ; inline TUPLE: or-class { seq read-only } ; M: or-class class-member? seq>> [ class-member? ] with any? ; inline TUPLE: and-class { seq read-only } ; M: and-class class-member? seq>> [ class-member? ] with all? ; inline DEFER: substitute : flatten ( seq class -- newseq ) '[ dup _ instance? [ seq>> ] [ 1array ] if ] map concat ; inline :: sequence>instance ( seq empty class -- instance ) seq length { { 0 [ empty ] } { 1 [ seq first ] } [ drop seq { } like class boa ] } case ; inline TUPLE: class-partition integers not-integers simples not-simples and or other ; : partition-classes ( seq -- class-partition ) members [ integer? ] partition [ not-integer? ] partition [ simple-class? ] partition [ not-simple? ] partition [ and-class? ] partition [ or-class? ] partition class-partition boa ; : class-partition>sequence ( class-partition -- seq ) { [ integers>> ] [ not-integers>> ] [ simples>> ] [ not-simples>> ] [ and>> ] [ or>> ] [ other>> ] } cleave>array concat ; : repartition ( partition -- partition' ) ! This could be made more efficient; only and and or are effected class-partition>sequence partition-classes ; : filter-not-integers ( partition -- partition' ) dup [ simples>> ] [ not-simples>> ] [ or>> ] tri 3append and-class boa '[ [ class>> _ class-member? ] filter ] change-not-integers ; : answer-ors ( partition -- partition' ) dup [ not-integers>> ] [ not-simples>> ] [ simples>> ] tri 3append '[ [ _ [ t substitute ] each ] map ] change-or ; : contradiction? ( partition -- ? ) { [ [ simples>> ] [ not-simples>> ] bi intersects? ] [ other>> f swap member? ] } 1|| ; : make-and-class ( partition -- and-class ) answer-ors repartition [ t swap remove ] change-other dup contradiction? [ drop f ] [ filter-not-integers class-partition>sequence members t and-class sequence>instance ] if ; : ( seq -- class ) dup and-class flatten partition-classes dup integers>> length { { 0 [ nip make-and-class ] } { 1 [ integers>> first [ '[ _ swap class-member? ] all? ] keep and ] } [ 3drop f ] } case ; : filter-integers ( partition -- partition' ) dup [ simples>> ] [ not-simples>> ] [ and>> ] tri 3append or-class boa '[ [ _ class-member? ] reject ] change-integers ; : answer-ands ( partition -- partition' ) dup [ integers>> ] [ not-simples>> ] [ simples>> ] tri 3append '[ [ _ [ f substitute ] each ] map ] change-and ; : tautology? ( partition -- ? ) { [ [ simples>> ] [ not-simples>> ] bi intersects? ] [ other>> t swap member? ] } 1|| ; : make-or-class ( partition -- and-class ) answer-ands repartition [ f swap remove ] change-other dup tautology? [ drop t ] [ filter-integers class-partition>sequence members f or-class sequence>instance ] if ; : ( seq -- class ) dup or-class flatten partition-classes dup not-integers>> length { { 0 [ nip make-or-class ] } { 1 [ not-integers>> first [ class>> '[ _ swap class-member? ] any? ] keep or ] } [ 3drop t ] } case ; GENERIC: ( class -- inverse ) M: object not-class boa ; M: not-class class>> ; M: and-class seq>> [ ] map ; M: or-class seq>> [ ] map ; M: t drop f ; M: f drop t ; : ( a b -- a-b ) 2array ; : ( a b -- a~b ) 2array [ ] [ ] bi ; M: primitive-class class-member? class>> class-member? ; inline TUPLE: condition question yes no ; C: condition GENERIC#: answer 2 ( class from to -- new-class ) M:: object answer ( class from to -- new-class ) class from = to class ? ; : replace-compound ( class from to -- seq ) [ seq>> ] 2dip '[ _ _ answer ] map ; M: and-class answer replace-compound ; M: or-class answer replace-compound ; M: not-class answer [ class>> ] 2dip answer ; GENERIC#: substitute 1 ( class from to -- new-class ) M: object substitute answer ; M: not-class substitute [ ] bi@ answer ; : assoc-answer ( table question answer -- new-table ) '[ _ _ substitute ] assoc-map sift-values ; : assoc-answers ( table questions answer -- new-table ) '[ _ assoc-answer ] each ; DEFER: make-condition : (make-condition) ( table questions question -- condition ) [ 2nip ] [ swap [ t assoc-answer ] dip make-condition ] [ swap [ f assoc-answer ] dip make-condition ] 3tri 2dup = [ 2nip ] [ ] if ; : make-condition ( table questions -- condition ) [ keys ] [ unclip (make-condition) ] if-empty ; GENERIC: class>questions ( class -- questions ) : compound-questions ( class -- questions ) seq>> [ class>questions ] gather ; M: or-class class>questions compound-questions ; M: and-class class>questions compound-questions ; M: not-class class>questions class>> class>questions ; M: object class>questions 1array ; : table>questions ( table -- questions ) values [ class>questions ] gather >array t swap remove ; : table>condition ( table -- condition ) ! input table is state => class >alist dup table>questions make-condition ; : condition-map ( condition quot: ( obj -- obj' ) -- new-condition ) over condition? [ [ [ question>> ] [ yes>> ] [ no>> ] tri ] dip '[ _ condition-map ] bi@ ] [ call ] if ; inline recursive : condition-states ( condition -- states ) dup condition? [ [ yes>> ] [ no>> ] bi [ condition-states ] bi@ union ] [ 1array ] if ; : condition-at ( condition assoc -- new-condition ) '[ _ at ] condition-map ;