#include "master.hpp" namespace factor { THREADHANDLE start_thread(void *(*start_routine)(void *),void *args) { pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t thread; if (pthread_attr_init (&attr) != 0) fatal_error("pthread_attr_init() failed",0); if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE) != 0) fatal_error("pthread_attr_setdetachstate() failed",0); if (pthread_create (&thread, &attr, start_routine, args) != 0) fatal_error("pthread_create() failed",0); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); return thread; } static void *null_dll; void sleep_nanos(u64 nsec) { timespec ts; timespec ts_rem; int ret; ts.tv_sec = nsec / 1000000000; ts.tv_nsec = nsec % 1000000000; ret = nanosleep(&ts,&ts_rem); while(ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) { memcpy(&ts, &ts_rem, sizeof(ts)); ret = nanosleep(&ts, &ts_rem); } if(ret == -1) fatal_error("nanosleep failed", 0); } void factor_vm::init_ffi() { null_dll = dlopen(NULL,RTLD_LAZY); } void factor_vm::ffi_dlopen(dll *dll) { dll->handle = dlopen(alien_offset(dll->path), RTLD_LAZY); } void *factor_vm::ffi_dlsym_raw(dll *dll, symbol_char *symbol) { return dlsym(dll ? dll->handle : null_dll, symbol); } void *factor_vm::ffi_dlsym(dll *dll, symbol_char *symbol) { return FUNCTION_CODE_POINTER(ffi_dlsym_raw(dll, symbol)); } #ifdef FACTOR_PPC void *factor_vm::ffi_dlsym_toc(dll *dll, symbol_char *symbol) { return FUNCTION_TOC_POINTER(ffi_dlsym_raw(dll, symbol)); } #endif void factor_vm::ffi_dlclose(dll *dll) { if(dlclose(dll->handle)) general_error(ERROR_FFI,false_object,false_object); dll->handle = NULL; } void factor_vm::primitive_existsp() { struct stat sb; char *path = (char *)(untag_check(ctx->pop()) + 1); ctx->push(tag_boolean(stat(path,&sb) >= 0)); } void factor_vm::move_file(const vm_char *path1, const vm_char *path2) { int ret = 0; do { ret = rename((path1),(path2)); } while(ret < 0 && errno == EINTR); if(ret < 0) general_error(ERROR_IO,tag_fixnum(errno),false_object); } segment::segment(cell size_, bool executable_p) { size = size_; int pagesize = getpagesize(); int prot; if(executable_p) prot = (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC); else prot = (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); char *array = (char *)mmap(NULL,pagesize + size + pagesize,prot,MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE,-1,0); if(array == (char*)-1) out_of_memory(); if(mprotect(array,pagesize,PROT_NONE) == -1) fatal_error("Cannot protect low guard page",(cell)array); if(mprotect(array + pagesize + size,pagesize,PROT_NONE) == -1) fatal_error("Cannot protect high guard page",(cell)array); start = (cell)(array + pagesize); end = start + size; } segment::~segment() { int pagesize = getpagesize(); int retval = munmap((void*)(start - pagesize),pagesize + size + pagesize); if(retval) fatal_error("Segment deallocation failed",0); } void code_heap::guard_safepoint() { if(mprotect(safepoint_page,getpagesize(),PROT_NONE) == -1) fatal_error("Cannot protect safepoint guard page",(cell)safepoint_page); } void code_heap::unguard_safepoint() { if(mprotect(safepoint_page,getpagesize(),PROT_WRITE) == -1) fatal_error("Cannot unprotect safepoint guard page",(cell)safepoint_page); } void factor_vm::dispatch_signal(void *uap, void (handler)()) { dispatch_signal_handler( (cell*)&UAP_STACK_POINTER(uap), (cell*)&UAP_PROGRAM_COUNTER(uap), (cell)FUNCTION_CODE_POINTER(handler) ); UAP_SET_TOC_POINTER(uap, (cell)FUNCTION_TOC_POINTER(handler)); } void factor_vm::start_sampling_profiler_timer() { struct itimerval timer; memset((void*)&timer, 0, sizeof(struct itimerval)); timer.it_value.tv_usec = 1000000/samples_per_second; timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 1000000/samples_per_second; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL); } void factor_vm::end_sampling_profiler_timer() { struct itimerval timer; memset((void*)&timer, 0, sizeof(struct itimerval)); setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL); } void memory_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { factor_vm *vm = current_vm(); vm->verify_memory_protection_error((cell)siginfo->si_addr); vm->signal_fault_addr = (cell)siginfo->si_addr; vm->signal_fault_pc = (cell)UAP_PROGRAM_COUNTER(uap); vm->dispatch_signal(uap,factor::memory_signal_handler_impl); } void synchronous_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { if (factor_vm::fatal_erroring_p) return; factor_vm *vm = current_vm_p(); if (vm) { vm->signal_number = signal; vm->dispatch_signal(uap,factor::synchronous_signal_handler_impl); } else fatal_error("Foreign thread received signal", signal); } void safe_write_nonblock(int fd, void *data, ssize_t size); static void enqueue_signal(factor_vm *vm, int signal) { if (vm->signal_pipe_output != 0) safe_write_nonblock(vm->signal_pipe_output, &signal, sizeof(int)); } void enqueue_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { if (factor_vm::fatal_erroring_p) return; factor_vm *vm = current_vm_p(); if (vm) enqueue_signal(vm, signal); } void fep_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { if (factor_vm::fatal_erroring_p) return; factor_vm *vm = current_vm_p(); if (vm) { vm->safepoint.enqueue_fep(vm); enqueue_signal(vm, signal); } else fatal_error("Foreign thread received signal", signal); } void sample_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { factor_vm *vm = current_vm_p(); bool foreign_thread = false; if (vm == NULL) { foreign_thread = true; vm = thread_vms.begin()->second; } if (atomic::load(&vm->sampling_profiler_p)) vm->safepoint.enqueue_samples(vm, 1, (cell)UAP_PROGRAM_COUNTER(uap), foreign_thread); else if (!foreign_thread) enqueue_signal(vm, signal); } void ignore_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { } void fpe_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { factor_vm *vm = current_vm(); vm->signal_number = signal; vm->signal_fpu_status = fpu_status(uap_fpu_status(uap)); uap_clear_fpu_status(uap); vm->dispatch_signal(uap, (siginfo->si_code == FPE_INTDIV || siginfo->si_code == FPE_INTOVF) ? factor::synchronous_signal_handler_impl : factor::fp_signal_handler_impl); } static void sigaction_safe(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact) { int ret; do { ret = sigaction(signum, act, oldact); } while(ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if(ret == -1) fatal_error("sigaction failed", errno); } static void init_sigaction_with_handler(struct sigaction *act, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*)) { memset(act, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sigemptyset(&act->sa_mask); act->sa_sigaction = handler; act->sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK; } static void safe_pipe(int *in, int *out) { int filedes[2]; if(pipe(filedes) < 0) fatal_error("Error opening pipe",errno); *in = filedes[0]; *out = filedes[1]; if(fcntl(*in,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) fatal_error("Error with fcntl",errno); if(fcntl(*out,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) fatal_error("Error with fcntl",errno); } static void init_signal_pipe(factor_vm *vm) { safe_pipe(&vm->signal_pipe_input, &vm->signal_pipe_output); if(fcntl(vm->signal_pipe_output,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK) < 0) fatal_error("Error with fcntl",errno); vm->special_objects[OBJ_SIGNAL_PIPE] = tag_fixnum(vm->signal_pipe_input); } void factor_vm::unix_init_signals() { init_signal_pipe(this); signal_callstack_seg = new segment(callstack_size,false); stack_t signal_callstack; signal_callstack.ss_sp = (char *)signal_callstack_seg->start; signal_callstack.ss_size = signal_callstack_seg->size; signal_callstack.ss_flags = 0; if(sigaltstack(&signal_callstack,(stack_t *)NULL) < 0) fatal_error("sigaltstack() failed",0); struct sigaction memory_sigaction; struct sigaction synchronous_sigaction; struct sigaction enqueue_sigaction; struct sigaction sample_sigaction; struct sigaction fpe_sigaction; struct sigaction ignore_sigaction; init_sigaction_with_handler(&memory_sigaction, memory_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGBUS,&memory_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGSEGV,&memory_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGTRAP,&memory_sigaction,NULL); init_sigaction_with_handler(&fpe_sigaction, fpe_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGFPE,&fpe_sigaction,NULL); init_sigaction_with_handler(&synchronous_sigaction, synchronous_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGILL,&synchronous_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGABRT,&synchronous_sigaction,NULL); init_sigaction_with_handler(&enqueue_sigaction, enqueue_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGWINCH,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGUSR1,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGCONT,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGURG,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGIO,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGPROF,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGVTALRM,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); #ifdef SIGINFO sigaction_safe(SIGINFO,&enqueue_sigaction,NULL); #endif handle_ctrl_c(); init_sigaction_with_handler(&sample_sigaction, sample_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGALRM,&sample_sigaction,NULL); /* We don't use SA_IGN here because then the ignore action is inherited by subprocesses, which we don't want. There is a unit test in io.launcher.unix for this. */ init_sigaction_with_handler(&ignore_sigaction, ignore_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGPIPE,&ignore_sigaction,NULL); /* We send SIGUSR2 to the stdin_loop thread to interrupt it on FEP */ sigaction_safe(SIGUSR2,&ignore_sigaction,NULL); } /* On Unix, shared fds such as stdin cannot be set to non-blocking mode (http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/dont-set-shared-file-descriptors-to-non-blocking-mode.html) so we kludge around this by spawning a thread, which waits on a control pipe for a signal, upon receiving this signal it reads one block of data from stdin and writes it to a data pipe. Upon completion, it writes a 4-byte integer to the size pipe, indicating how much data was written to the data pipe. The read end of the size pipe can be set to non-blocking. */ extern "C" { int stdin_read; int stdin_write; int control_read; int control_write; int size_read; int size_write; bool stdin_thread_initialized_p = false; THREADHANDLE stdin_thread; pthread_mutex_t stdin_mutex; } void safe_close(int fd) { if(close(fd) < 0) fatal_error("error closing fd",errno); } bool check_write(int fd, void *data, ssize_t size) { if(write(fd,data,size) == size) return true; else { if(errno == EINTR) return check_write(fd,data,size); else return false; } } void safe_write(int fd, void *data, ssize_t size) { if(!check_write(fd,data,size)) fatal_error("error writing fd",errno); } void safe_write_nonblock(int fd, void *data, ssize_t size) { if(!check_write(fd,data,size) && errno != EAGAIN) fatal_error("error writing fd",errno); } bool safe_read(int fd, void *data, ssize_t size) { ssize_t bytes = read(fd,data,size); if(bytes < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) return safe_read(fd,data,size); else { fatal_error("error reading fd",errno); return false; } } else return (bytes == size); } void *stdin_loop(void *arg) { unsigned char buf[4096]; bool loop_running = true; sigset_t mask; sigfillset(&mask); sigdelset(&mask, SIGUSR2); sigdelset(&mask, SIGTTIN); sigdelset(&mask, SIGTERM); sigdelset(&mask, SIGQUIT); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL); int unused; pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &unused); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &unused); while(loop_running) { if(!safe_read(control_read,buf,1)) break; if(buf[0] != 'X') fatal_error("stdin_loop: bad data on control fd",buf[0]); for(;;) { /* If we fep, the parent thread will grab stdin_mutex and send us SIGUSR2 to interrupt the read() call. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&stdin_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdin_mutex); ssize_t bytes = read(0,buf,sizeof(buf)); if(bytes < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) continue; else { loop_running = false; break; } } else if(bytes >= 0) { safe_write(size_write,&bytes,sizeof(bytes)); if(!check_write(stdin_write,buf,bytes)) loop_running = false; break; } } } safe_close(stdin_write); safe_close(control_read); return NULL; } void factor_vm::open_console() { FACTOR_ASSERT(!stdin_thread_initialized_p); safe_pipe(&control_read,&control_write); safe_pipe(&size_read,&size_write); safe_pipe(&stdin_read,&stdin_write); stdin_thread = start_thread(stdin_loop,NULL); stdin_thread_initialized_p = true; pthread_mutex_init(&stdin_mutex, NULL); } /* This method is used to kill the stdin_loop before exiting from factor. A Nvidia driver bug on Linux is the reason this has to be done, see: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=164619 */ void factor_vm::close_console() { if (stdin_thread_initialized_p) pthread_cancel(stdin_thread); } void factor_vm::lock_console() { FACTOR_ASSERT(stdin_thread_initialized_p); /* Lock the stdin_mutex and send the stdin_loop thread a signal to interrupt any read() it has in progress. When the stdin loop iterates again, it will try to lock the same mutex and wait until unlock_console() is called. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&stdin_mutex); pthread_kill(stdin_thread, SIGUSR2); } void factor_vm::unlock_console() { FACTOR_ASSERT(stdin_thread_initialized_p); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdin_mutex); } void factor_vm::ignore_ctrl_c() { sig_t ret; do { ret = signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } while(ret == SIG_ERR && errno == EINTR); } void factor_vm::handle_ctrl_c() { struct sigaction fep_sigaction; init_sigaction_with_handler(&fep_sigaction, fep_signal_handler); sigaction_safe(SIGINT,&fep_sigaction,NULL); } void abort() { sig_t ret; do { ret = signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); } while(ret == SIG_ERR && errno == EINTR); factor_vm::close_console(); ::abort(); } }