#include "master.hpp"

namespace factor {

callback_heap::callback_heap(cell size, factor_vm* parent)
    : seg(new segment(size, true)), here(seg->start), parent(parent) {}

callback_heap::~callback_heap() {
  delete seg;
  seg = NULL;

void factor_vm::init_callbacks(cell size) {
  callbacks = new callback_heap(size, this);

bool callback_heap::setup_seh_p() {
#if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(FACTOR_X86)
  return true;
  return false;

bool callback_heap::return_takes_param_p() {
#if defined(FACTOR_X86) || defined(FACTOR_AMD64)
  return true;
  return false;

instruction_operand callback_heap::callback_operand(code_block* stub,
                                                    cell index) {
  tagged<array> code_template(parent->special_objects[CALLBACK_STUB]);
  tagged<byte_array> relocation_template(
      array_nth(code_template.untagged(), 0));

  relocation_entry entry(relocation_template->data<relocation_entry>()[index]);
  return instruction_operand(entry, stub, 0);

void callback_heap::store_callback_operand(code_block* stub, cell index) {
  parent->store_external_address(callback_operand(stub, index));

void callback_heap::store_callback_operand(code_block* stub, cell index,
                                           cell value) {
  callback_operand(stub, index).store_value(value);

void callback_heap::update(code_block* stub) {
  store_callback_operand(stub, setup_seh_p() ? 2 : 1,
                         (cell) callback_entry_point(stub));

code_block* callback_heap::add(cell owner, cell return_rewind) {
  tagged<array> code_template(parent->special_objects[CALLBACK_STUB]);
  tagged<byte_array> insns(array_nth(code_template.untagged(), 1));
  cell size = array_capacity(insns.untagged());

  cell bump = align(size + sizeof(code_block), data_alignment);
  if (here + bump > seg->end)
    fatal_error("Out of callback space", 0);

  free_heap_block* free_block = (free_heap_block*)here;
  here += bump;

  code_block* stub = (code_block*)free_block;
  stub->owner = owner;
  stub->parameters = false_object;
  stub->relocation = false_object;

  memcpy(stub->entry_point(), insns->data<void>(), size);

  /* Store VM pointer */
  store_callback_operand(stub, 0, (cell) parent);

  cell index;

  if (setup_seh_p()) {
    store_callback_operand(stub, 1);
    index = 1;
  } else
    index = 0;

  /* Store VM pointer */
  store_callback_operand(stub, index + 2, (cell) parent);

  /* On x86, the RET instruction takes an argument which depends on
     the callback's calling convention */
  if (return_takes_param_p())
    store_callback_operand(stub, index + 3, return_rewind);


  return stub;

struct callback_updater {
  callback_heap* callbacks;

  explicit callback_updater(callback_heap* callbacks)
      : callbacks(callbacks) {}

  void operator()(code_block* stub) { callbacks->update(stub); }

void callback_heap::update() {
  callback_updater updater(this);

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_callback() {
  cell return_rewind = to_cell(ctx->pop());
  tagged<word> w(ctx->pop());


  void* func = callbacks->add(w.value(), return_rewind)->entry_point();
