USING: accessors kernel locals math math.parser multiline peg.ebnf ; IN: rosetta-code.arithmetic-evaluation ! ! Create a program which parses and evaluates arithmetic ! expressions. ! Requirements ! * An abstract-syntax tree (AST) for the expression must be ! created from parsing the input. ! * The AST must be used in evaluation, also, so the input may not ! be directly evaluated (e.g. by calling eval or a similar ! language feature.) ! * The expression will be a string or list of symbols like ! "(1+3)*7". ! * The four symbols + - * / must be supported as binary operators ! with conventional precedence rules. ! * Precedence-control parentheses must also be supported. ! Note ! For those who don't remember, mathematical precedence is as ! follows: ! * Parentheses ! * Multiplication/Division (left to right) ! * Addition/Subtraction (left to right) TUPLE: operator left right ; TUPLE: add < operator ; C: add TUPLE: sub < operator ; C: sub TUPLE: mul < operator ; C: mul TUPLE: div < operator ; C:
div EBNF: expr-ast [=[ spaces = [\n\t ]* digit = [0-9] number = (digit)+ => [[ string>number ]] value = spaces number:n => [[ n ]] | spaces "(" exp:e spaces ")" => [[ e ]] fac = fac:a spaces "*" value:b => [[ a b ]] | fac:a spaces "/" value:b => [[ a b
]] | value exp = exp:a spaces "+" fac:b => [[ a b ]] | exp:a spaces "-" fac:b => [[ a b ]] | fac main = exp:e spaces !(.) => [[ e ]] ]=] GENERIC: eval-ast ( ast -- result ) M: number eval-ast ; : recursive-eval ( ast -- left-result right-result ) [ left>> eval-ast ] [ right>> eval-ast ] bi ; M: add eval-ast recursive-eval + ; M: sub eval-ast recursive-eval - ; M: mul eval-ast recursive-eval * ; M: div eval-ast recursive-eval / ; : evaluate ( string -- result ) expr-ast eval-ast ;