USING: accessors alien alien.accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax byte-arrays continuations fry kernel layouts math namespaces prettyprint sequences tools.memory tools.test ; QUALIFIED: sets IN: alien.tests { t } [ -1 alien-address 0 > ] unit-test { t } [ 0 0 = ] unit-test { f } [ 0 1024 = ] unit-test { f } [ "hello" 1024 = ] unit-test { f } [ 0 ] unit-test { f } [ 0 f ] unit-test ! Testing the various bignum accessor 10 "dump" set [ "dump" get alien-address ] must-fail { 123 } [ 123 "dump" get 0 set-alien-signed-1 "dump" get 0 alien-signed-1 ] unit-test { 12345 } [ 12345 "dump" get 0 set-alien-signed-2 "dump" get 0 alien-signed-2 ] unit-test { 12345678 } [ 12345678 "dump" get 0 set-alien-signed-4 "dump" get 0 alien-signed-4 ] unit-test { 12345678901234567 } [ 12345678901234567 "dump" get 0 set-alien-signed-8 "dump" get 0 alien-signed-8 ] unit-test { -1 } [ -1 "dump" get 0 set-alien-signed-8 "dump" get 0 alien-signed-8 ] unit-test cell 8 = [ [ 0x123412341234 ] [ 8 0x123412341234 over 0 set-alien-signed-8 0 alien-signed-8 ] unit-test [ 0x123412341234 ] [ 8 0x123412341234 over 0 set-alien-signed-cell 0 alien-signed-cell ] unit-test ] when { "ALIEN: 1234" } [ 0x1234 unparse ] unit-test { } [ 0 B{ 1 2 3 } drop ] unit-test [ 0 B{ 1 2 3 } alien-address ] must-fail [ 1 1 ] must-fail { f } [ 1 B{ 1 2 3 } pinned-c-ptr? ] unit-test { f } [ 2 B{ 1 2 3 } 1 swap pinned-c-ptr? ] unit-test { t } [ 0 B{ 1 2 3 } 1 swap underlying>> byte-array? ] unit-test { "( displaced alien )" } [ 1 B{ 1 2 3 } unparse ] unit-test SYMBOL: initialize-test f initialize-test set-global { 31337 } [ initialize-test [ 31337 ] initialize-alien ] unit-test { 31337 } [ initialize-test [ 69 ] initialize-alien ] unit-test { } [ initialize-test get BAD-ALIEN >>alien drop ] unit-test { 7575 } [ initialize-test [ 7575 ] initialize-alien ] unit-test { { BAD-ALIEN } } [ { BAD-ALIEN BAD-ALIEN BAD-ALIEN } sets:members ] unit-test ! Generate callbacks until the whole callback-heap is full, then free ! them. Do it ten times in a row for good measure. : produce-until-error ( quot -- error seq ) '[ [ @ t ] [ f ] recover ] [ ] produce ; inline SYMBOL: foo : fill-and-free-callback-heap ( -- ) [ \ foo 33 ] produce-until-error nip [ free-callback ] each ; { } [ 10 [ fill-and-free-callback-heap ] times ] unit-test : ( -- alien ) \ int { pointer: void pointer: void } \ cdecl [ 2drop 37 ] alien-callback ; : call-cb ( -- ret ) f f [ \ int { pointer: void pointer: void } \ cdecl alien-indirect ] with-callback ; ! This function shouldn't leak { t } [ callback-room occupied>> call-cb drop callback-room occupied>> = ] unit-test ! Will fail if the callbacks cache gets out of sync { 37 37 } [ call-cb fill-and-free-callback-heap call-cb ] unit-test [ void { } cdecl [ ] alien-assembly ] [ callsite-not-compiled? ] must-fail-with [ void f "flor" { } f alien-invoke ] [ callsite-not-compiled? ] must-fail-with