Vim support for Factor ---------------------- This directory contains various support files that make editing Factor code more pleasant in Vim. The file-layout exactly matches the Vim runtime structure, so you can install them by copying the contents of this directory into ~/.vim/ or the equivalent path on other platforms (Open Vim and type ":help 'runtimepath'" for details). The current set of files is as follows: ftdetect/factor.vim Teach Vim when to load Factor support files. ftplugin/factor_settings.vim Teach Vim to follow the Factor Coding Style guidelines. plugin/factor.vim Teach Vim some commands for navigating Factor source code. See below. syntax/factor.vim Syntax highlighting for Factor code. The "plugin/factor.vim" file implements the following commands for navigating Factor source: :FactorVocab Opens the source file implementing the "" vocabulary. :NewFactorVocab Creates a new factor vocabulary under the working vocabulary root. :FactorVocabImpl Opens the main implementation file for the current vocabulary (name.factor). The keyboard shortcut "\fi" is bound to this command. :FactorVocabDocs Opens the documentation file for the current vocabulary (name-docs.factor). The keyboard shortcut "\fd" is bound to this command. :FactorVocabTests Opens the unit test file for the current vocabulary (name-tests.factor). The keyboard shortcut "\ft" is bound to this command. In order for the ":FactorVocab" command to work, you'll need to set some variables in your vimrc file: g:FactorRoot This variable should be set to the root of your Factor installation. The default value is "~/factor". g:FactorVocabRoots This variable should be set to a list of Factor vocabulary roots. The paths may be either relative to g:FactorRoot or absolute paths. The default value is ["core", "basis", "extra", "work"]. g:FactorNewVocabRoot This variable should be set to the vocabulary root in which vocabularies created with NewFactorVocab should be created. The default value is "work". Note: The syntax-highlighting file is automatically generated to include the names of all the vocabularies Factor knows about. To regenerate it manually, run the following code in the listener: "editors.vim.generate-syntax" run ...or run it from the command line: factor -run=editors.vim.generate-syntax