#include "master.h" void start_thread(void *(*start_routine)(void *)) { pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t thread; if (pthread_attr_init (&attr) != 0) fatal_error("pthread_attr_init() failed",0); if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0) fatal_error("pthread_attr_setdetachstate() failed",0); if (pthread_create (&thread, &attr, start_routine, NULL) != 0) fatal_error("pthread_create() failed",0); pthread_attr_destroy (&attr); } static void *null_dll; s64 current_millis(void) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); return (s64)t.tv_sec * 1000 + t.tv_usec / 1000; } void sleep_millis(CELL msec) { usleep(msec * 1000); } void init_ffi(void) { /* NULL_DLL is "libfactor.dylib" for OS X and NULL for generic unix */ null_dll = dlopen(NULL_DLL,RTLD_LAZY); } void ffi_dlopen(F_DLL *dll) { dll->dll = dlopen(alien_offset(dll->path), RTLD_LAZY); } void *ffi_dlsym(F_DLL *dll, F_SYMBOL *symbol) { void *handle = (dll == NULL ? null_dll : dll->dll); return dlsym(handle,symbol); } void ffi_dlclose(F_DLL *dll) { if(dlclose(dll->dll)) { general_error(ERROR_FFI,tag_object( from_char_string(dlerror())),F,NULL); } dll->dll = NULL; } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(existsp) { struct stat sb; box_boolean(stat(unbox_char_string(),&sb) >= 0); } /* Allocates memory */ CELL parse_dir_entry(struct dirent *file) { CELL name = tag_object(from_char_string(file->d_name)); if(UNKNOWN_TYPE_P(file)) return name; else { CELL dirp = tag_boolean(DIRECTORY_P(file)); return allot_array_2(name,dirp); } } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(read_dir) { DIR* dir = opendir(unbox_char_string()); GROWABLE_ARRAY(result); REGISTER_ROOT(result); if(dir != NULL) { struct dirent* file; while((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { CELL pair = parse_dir_entry(file); GROWABLE_ARRAY_ADD(result,pair); } closedir(dir); } UNREGISTER_ROOT(result); GROWABLE_ARRAY_TRIM(result); dpush(result); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(os_env) { char *name = unbox_char_string(); char *value = getenv(name); if(value == NULL) dpush(F); else box_char_string(value); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(os_envs) { GROWABLE_ARRAY(result); REGISTER_ROOT(result); char **env = environ; while(*env) { CELL string = tag_object(from_char_string(*env)); GROWABLE_ARRAY_ADD(result,string); env++; } UNREGISTER_ROOT(result); GROWABLE_ARRAY_TRIM(result); dpush(result); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(set_os_env) { char *key = unbox_char_string(); REGISTER_C_STRING(key); char *value = unbox_char_string(); UNREGISTER_C_STRING(key); setenv(key, value, 1); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(unset_os_env) { char *key = unbox_char_string(); unsetenv(key); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(set_os_envs) { F_ARRAY *array = untag_array(dpop()); CELL size = array_capacity(array); /* Memory leak */ char **env = calloc(size + 1,sizeof(CELL)); CELL i; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { F_STRING *string = untag_string(array_nth(array,i)); CELL length = to_fixnum(string->length); char *chars = malloc(length + 1); char_string_to_memory(string,chars); chars[length] = '\0'; env[i] = chars; } environ = env; } F_SEGMENT *alloc_segment(CELL size) { int pagesize = getpagesize(); char *array = mmap(NULL,pagesize + size + pagesize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE,-1,0); if(array == (char*)-1) fatal_error("Out of memory in alloc_segment",0); if(mprotect(array,pagesize,PROT_NONE) == -1) fatal_error("Cannot protect low guard page",(CELL)array); if(mprotect(array + pagesize + size,pagesize,PROT_NONE) == -1) fatal_error("Cannot protect high guard page",(CELL)array); F_SEGMENT *retval = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_SEGMENT)); retval->start = (CELL)(array + pagesize); retval->size = size; retval->end = retval->start + size; return retval; } void dealloc_segment(F_SEGMENT *block) { int pagesize = getpagesize(); int retval = munmap((void*)(block->start - pagesize), pagesize + block->size + pagesize); if(retval) fatal_error("dealloc_segment failed",0); free(block); } INLINE F_STACK_FRAME *uap_stack_pointer(void *uap) { /* There is a race condition here, but in practice a signal delivered during stack frame setup/teardown or while transitioning from Factor to C is a sign of things seriously gone wrong, not just a divide by zero or stack underflow in the listener */ if(in_code_heap_p(UAP_PROGRAM_COUNTER(uap))) { F_STACK_FRAME *ptr = ucontext_stack_pointer(uap); if(!ptr) critical_error("Invalid uap",(CELL)uap); return ptr; } else return NULL; } void memory_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { signal_fault_addr = (CELL)siginfo->si_addr; signal_callstack_top = uap_stack_pointer(uap); UAP_PROGRAM_COUNTER(uap) = (CELL)memory_signal_handler_impl; } void misc_signal_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uap) { signal_number = signal; signal_callstack_top = uap_stack_pointer(uap); UAP_PROGRAM_COUNTER(uap) = (CELL)misc_signal_handler_impl; } static void sigaction_safe(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact) { int ret; do { ret = sigaction(signum, act, oldact); } while(ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if(ret == -1) fatal_error("sigaction failed", 0); } void unix_init_signals(void) { struct sigaction memory_sigaction; struct sigaction misc_sigaction; struct sigaction ignore_sigaction; memset(&memory_sigaction,0,sizeof(struct sigaction)); sigemptyset(&memory_sigaction.sa_mask); memory_sigaction.sa_sigaction = memory_signal_handler; memory_sigaction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction_safe(SIGBUS,&memory_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGSEGV,&memory_sigaction,NULL); memset(&misc_sigaction,0,sizeof(struct sigaction)); sigemptyset(&misc_sigaction.sa_mask); misc_sigaction.sa_sigaction = misc_signal_handler; misc_sigaction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction_safe(SIGABRT,&misc_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGFPE,&misc_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGQUIT,&misc_sigaction,NULL); sigaction_safe(SIGILL,&misc_sigaction,NULL); memset(&ignore_sigaction,0,sizeof(struct sigaction)); sigemptyset(&ignore_sigaction.sa_mask); ignore_sigaction.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction_safe(SIGPIPE,&ignore_sigaction,NULL); } /* On Unix, shared fds such as stdin cannot be set to non-blocking mode (http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/dont-set-shared-file-descriptors-to-non-blocking-mode.html) so we kludge around this by spawning a thread, which waits on a control pipe for a signal, upon receiving this signal it reads one block of data from stdin and writes it to a data pipe. Upon completion, it writes a 4-byte integer to the size pipe, indicating how much data was written to the data pipe. The read end of the size pipe can be set to non-blocking. */ __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int stdin_read; __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int stdin_write; __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int control_read; __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int control_write; __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int size_read; __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int size_write; void safe_close(int fd) { if(close(fd) < 0) fatal_error("error closing fd",errno); } bool check_write(int fd, void *data, size_t size) { if(write(fd,data,size) == size) return true; else { if(errno == EINTR) return check_write(fd,data,size); else return false; } } void safe_write(int fd, void *data, size_t size) { if(!check_write(fd,data,size)) fatal_error("error writing fd",errno); } void safe_read(int fd, void *data, size_t size) { if(read(fd,data,size) != size) fatal_error("error reading fd",errno); } void *stdin_loop(void *arg) { unsigned char buf[4096]; bool loop_running = true; while(loop_running) { safe_read(control_read,buf,1); if(buf[0] != 'X') fatal_error("stdin_loop: bad data on control fd",buf[0]); for(;;) { size_t bytes = read(0,buf,sizeof(buf)); if(bytes < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) continue; else { loop_running = false; break; } } else if(bytes >= 0) { safe_write(size_write,&bytes,sizeof(bytes)); if(write(stdin_write,buf,bytes) != bytes) loop_running = false; break; } } } safe_close(stdin_write); safe_close(control_write); return NULL; } void open_console(void) { int filedes[2]; if(pipe(filedes) < 0) fatal_error("Error opening control pipe",errno); control_read = filedes[0]; control_write = filedes[1]; if(pipe(filedes) < 0) fatal_error("Error opening size pipe",errno); size_read = filedes[0]; size_write = filedes[1]; if(pipe(filedes) < 0) fatal_error("Error opening stdin pipe",errno); stdin_read = filedes[0]; stdin_write = filedes[1]; start_thread(stdin_loop); } DLLEXPORT void wait_for_stdin(void) { if(write(control_write,"X",1) != 1) { if(errno == EINTR) wait_for_stdin(); else fatal_error("Error writing control fd",errno); } }