#include "master.h" void reset_datastack(void) { ds = ds_bot - CELLS; } void reset_retainstack(void) { rs = rs_bot - CELLS; } #define RESERVED (64 * CELLS) void fix_stacks(void) { if(ds + CELLS < ds_bot || ds + RESERVED >= ds_top) reset_datastack(); if(rs + CELLS < rs_bot || rs + RESERVED >= rs_top) reset_retainstack(); } /* called before entry into Factor code. */ FASTCALL void save_callstack_bottom(F_STACK_FRAME *callstack_bottom) { stack_chain->callstack_bottom = callstack_bottom; } /* called before entry into foreign C code. Note that ds and rs might be stored in registers, so callbacks must save and restore the correct values */ void save_stacks(void) { stack_chain->datastack = ds; stack_chain->retainstack = rs; } /* called on entry into a compiled callback */ void nest_stacks(void) { F_CONTEXT *new_stacks = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_CONTEXT)); new_stacks->callstack_bottom = (F_STACK_FRAME *)-1; new_stacks->callstack_top = (F_STACK_FRAME *)-1; /* note that these register values are not necessarily valid stack pointers. they are merely saved non-volatile registers, and are restored in unnest_stacks(). consider this scenario: - factor code calls C function - C function saves ds/cs registers (since they're non-volatile) - C function clobbers them - C function calls Factor callback - Factor callback returns - C function restores registers - C function returns to Factor code */ new_stacks->datastack_save = ds; new_stacks->retainstack_save = rs; /* save per-callback userenv */ new_stacks->current_callback_save = userenv[CURRENT_CALLBACK_ENV]; new_stacks->catchstack_save = userenv[CATCHSTACK_ENV]; new_stacks->datastack_region = alloc_segment(ds_size); new_stacks->retainstack_region = alloc_segment(rs_size); new_stacks->extra_roots = extra_roots; new_stacks->next = stack_chain; stack_chain = new_stacks; reset_datastack(); reset_retainstack(); } /* called when leaving a compiled callback */ void unnest_stacks(void) { dealloc_segment(stack_chain->datastack_region); dealloc_segment(stack_chain->retainstack_region); ds = stack_chain->datastack_save; rs = stack_chain->retainstack_save; /* restore per-callback userenv */ userenv[CURRENT_CALLBACK_ENV] = stack_chain->current_callback_save; userenv[CATCHSTACK_ENV] = stack_chain->catchstack_save; extra_roots = stack_chain->extra_roots; F_CONTEXT *old_stacks = stack_chain; stack_chain = old_stacks->next; free(old_stacks); } /* called on startup */ void init_stacks(CELL ds_size_, CELL rs_size_) { ds_size = ds_size_; rs_size = rs_size_; stack_chain = NULL; } void iterate_callstack(CELL top, CELL bottom, CELL base, CALLSTACK_ITER iterator) { CELL delta = (bottom - base); #ifdef CALLSTACK_UP_P F_STACK_FRAME *frame = (F_STACK_FRAME *)bottom - 1; #define ITERATING_P (CELL)frame >= top #else F_STACK_FRAME *frame = (F_STACK_FRAME *)top; #define ITERATING_P (CELL)frame < bottom #endif while(ITERATING_P) { F_STACK_FRAME *next = REBASE_FRAME_SUCCESSOR(frame,delta); iterator(frame); frame = next; } } void iterate_callstack_object(F_CALLSTACK *stack, CALLSTACK_ITER iterator) { CELL top = (CELL)(stack + 1); CELL bottom = top + untag_fixnum_fast(stack->length); CELL base = stack->bottom; iterate_callstack(top,bottom,base,iterator); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(drop) { dpop(); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(2drop) { ds -= 2 * CELLS; } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(3drop) { ds -= 3 * CELLS; } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(dup) { dpush(dpeek()); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(2dup) { CELL top = dpeek(); CELL next = get(ds - CELLS); ds += CELLS * 2; put(ds - CELLS,next); put(ds,top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(3dup) { CELL c1 = dpeek(); CELL c2 = get(ds - CELLS); CELL c3 = get(ds - CELLS * 2); ds += CELLS * 3; put (ds,c1); put (ds - CELLS,c2); put (ds - CELLS * 2,c3); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(rot) { CELL c1 = dpeek(); CELL c2 = get(ds - CELLS); CELL c3 = get(ds - CELLS * 2); put(ds,c3); put(ds - CELLS,c1); put(ds - CELLS * 2,c2); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(_rot) { CELL c1 = dpeek(); CELL c2 = get(ds - CELLS); CELL c3 = get(ds - CELLS * 2); put(ds,c2); put(ds - CELLS,c3); put(ds - CELLS * 2,c1); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(dupd) { CELL top = dpeek(); CELL next = get(ds - CELLS); put(ds,next); put(ds - CELLS,next); dpush(top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(swapd) { CELL top = get(ds - CELLS); CELL next = get(ds - CELLS * 2); put(ds - CELLS,next); put(ds - CELLS * 2,top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(nip) { CELL top = dpop(); drepl(top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(2nip) { CELL top = dpeek(); ds -= CELLS * 2; drepl(top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(tuck) { CELL top = dpeek(); CELL next = get(ds - CELLS); put(ds,next); put(ds - CELLS,top); dpush(top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(over) { dpush(get(ds - CELLS)); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(pick) { dpush(get(ds - CELLS * 2)); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(swap) { CELL top = dpeek(); CELL next = get(ds - CELLS); put(ds,next); put(ds - CELLS,top); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(to_r) { rpush(dpop()); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(from_r) { dpush(rpop()); } void stack_to_array(CELL bottom, CELL top) { F_FIXNUM depth = (F_FIXNUM)(top - bottom + CELLS); if(depth < 0) critical_error("depth < 0",0); F_ARRAY *a = allot_array_internal(ARRAY_TYPE,depth / CELLS); memcpy(a + 1,(void*)bottom,depth); dpush(tag_object(a)); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(datastack) { stack_to_array(ds_bot,ds); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(retainstack) { stack_to_array(rs_bot,rs); } /* returns pointer to top of stack */ CELL array_to_stack(F_ARRAY *array, CELL bottom) { CELL depth = array_capacity(array) * CELLS; memcpy((void*)bottom,array + 1,depth); return bottom + depth - CELLS; } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(set_datastack) { ds = array_to_stack(untag_array(dpop()),ds_bot); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(set_retainstack) { rs = array_to_stack(untag_array(dpop()),rs_bot); } F_CALLSTACK *allot_callstack(CELL size) { F_CALLSTACK *callstack = allot_object( CALLSTACK_TYPE, callstack_size(size)); callstack->length = tag_fixnum(size); return callstack; } /* We ignore the topmost frame, the one calling 'callstack', so that set-callstack doesn't get stuck in an infinite loop. This means that if 'callstack' is called in tail position, we will have popped a necessary frame... however this word is only called by continuation implementation, and user code shouldn't be calling it at all, so we leave it as it is for now. */ F_STACK_FRAME *capture_start(void) { #ifdef CALLSTACK_UP_P F_STACK_FRAME *frame = stack_chain->callstack_bottom - 1; while(frame >= stack_chain->callstack_top && FRAME_SUCCESSOR(frame) >= stack_chain->callstack_top) { frame = FRAME_SUCCESSOR(frame); } return frame + 1; #else return FRAME_SUCCESSOR(stack_chain->callstack_top); #endif } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(callstack) { F_STACK_FRAME *top = capture_start(); F_STACK_FRAME *bottom = stack_chain->callstack_bottom; F_FIXNUM size = (CELL)bottom - (CELL)top; if(size < 0) size = 0; F_CALLSTACK *callstack = allot_callstack(size); callstack->bottom = (CELL)bottom; memcpy(FIRST_STACK_FRAME(callstack),top,size); dpush(tag_object(callstack)); } /* If a callstack object was captured at a different base stack height than we have now, we have to patch up the back-chain pointers. */ static F_FIXNUM delta; void adjust_stack_frame(F_STACK_FRAME *frame) { FRAME_SUCCESSOR(frame) = REBASE_FRAME_SUCCESSOR(frame,delta); } void adjust_callstack(F_CALLSTACK *stack, CELL bottom) { delta = (bottom - stack->bottom); iterate_callstack_object(stack,adjust_stack_frame); stack->bottom = bottom; } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(set_callstack) { F_CALLSTACK *stack = untag_callstack(dpop()); CELL bottom = (CELL)stack_chain->callstack_bottom; if(stack->bottom != bottom) adjust_callstack(stack,bottom); set_callstack(stack_chain->callstack_bottom, FIRST_STACK_FRAME(stack), untag_fixnum_fast(stack->length), memcpy); /* We cannot return here ... */ critical_error("Bug in set_callstack()",0); } /* C doesn't have closures... */ static CELL frame_count; static CELL frame_index; static F_ARRAY *array; void count_stack_frame(F_STACK_FRAME *frame) { frame_count += 2; } CELL frame_type(F_STACK_FRAME *frame) { return xt_to_compiled(frame->xt)->type; } CELL frame_executing(F_STACK_FRAME *frame) { F_COMPILED *compiled = xt_to_compiled(frame->xt); CELL code_start = (CELL)(compiled + 1); CELL literal_start = code_start + compiled->code_length + compiled->reloc_length; return get(literal_start); } void stack_frame_to_array(F_STACK_FRAME *frame) { CELL offset; if(frame_type(frame) == QUOTATION_TYPE) offset = tag_fixnum(UNAREF(UNTAG(frame->array),frame->scan)); else offset = F; #ifdef CALLSTACK_UP_P set_array_nth(array,frame_index++,frame_executing(frame)); set_array_nth(array,frame_index++,offset); #else set_array_nth(array,frame_index--,offset); set_array_nth(array,frame_index--,frame_executing(frame)); #endif } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(callstack_to_array) { F_CALLSTACK *stack = untag_callstack(dpop()); frame_count = 0; iterate_callstack_object(stack,count_stack_frame); REGISTER_UNTAGGED(stack); array = allot_array_internal(ARRAY_TYPE,frame_count); UNREGISTER_UNTAGGED(stack); /* frame_count is equal to the total length now */ #ifdef CALLSTACK_UP_P frame_index = 0; #else frame_index = frame_count - 1; #endif iterate_callstack_object(stack,stack_frame_to_array); dpush(tag_object(array)); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(array_to_callstack) { F_ARRAY *array = untag_array(dpop()); CELL count = array_capacity(array); if(count % 2 == 1) { /* malformed array? type checks below will catch it */ count--; } REGISTER_UNTAGGED(array); F_CALLSTACK *callstack = allot_callstack(count / 2 * sizeof(F_STACK_FRAME)); UNREGISTER_UNTAGGED(array); F_STACK_FRAME *next = NULL; F_STACK_FRAME *current = FIRST_STACK_FRAME(callstack); while(count > 0) { F_FIXNUM offset = to_fixnum(array_nth(array,--count)); F_QUOTATION *quot = untag_quotation(array_nth(array,--count)); current->array = quot->array; current->scan = AREF(UNTAG(quot->array),offset); current->xt = quot->xt; //current->return_address = quot_offset_to_pc(quot,offset); if(next) FRAME_SUCCESSOR(next) = current; next = current; current++; } if(next) FRAME_SUCCESSOR(next) = current; callstack->bottom = (CELL)current; dpush(tag_object(callstack)); }