#include "master.hpp" namespace factor { cell factor_vm::search_lookup_alist(cell table, cell klass) { array *elements = untag(table); fixnum index = array_capacity(elements) - 2; while(index >= 0) { if(array_nth(elements,index) == klass) return array_nth(elements,index + 1); else index -= 2; } return false_object; } cell factor_vm::search_lookup_hash(cell table, cell klass, cell hashcode) { array *buckets = untag(table); cell bucket = array_nth(buckets,hashcode & (array_capacity(buckets) - 1)); if(tagged(bucket).type_p(WORD_TYPE) || !to_boolean(bucket)) return bucket; else return search_lookup_alist(bucket,klass); } cell factor_vm::nth_superclass(tuple_layout *layout, fixnum echelon) { cell *ptr = (cell *)(layout + 1); return ptr[echelon * 2]; } cell factor_vm::nth_hashcode(tuple_layout *layout, fixnum echelon) { cell *ptr = (cell *)(layout + 1); return ptr[echelon * 2 + 1]; } cell factor_vm::lookup_tuple_method(cell obj, cell methods) { tuple_layout *layout = untag(untag(obj)->layout); array *echelons = untag(methods); fixnum echelon = untag_fixnum(layout->echelon); fixnum max_echelon = array_capacity(echelons) - 1; if(echelon > max_echelon) echelon = max_echelon; while(echelon >= 0) { cell echelon_methods = array_nth(echelons,echelon); if(tagged(echelon_methods).type_p(WORD_TYPE)) return echelon_methods; else if(to_boolean(echelon_methods)) { cell klass = nth_superclass(layout,echelon); cell hashcode = untag_fixnum(nth_hashcode(layout,echelon)); cell result = search_lookup_hash(echelon_methods,klass,hashcode); if(to_boolean(result)) return result; } echelon--; } critical_error("Cannot find tuple method",methods); return false_object; } cell factor_vm::lookup_hi_tag_method(cell obj, cell methods) { array *hi_tag_methods = untag(methods); cell tag = untag(obj)->h.hi_tag() - HEADER_TYPE; #ifdef FACTOR_DEBUG assert(tag < TYPE_COUNT - HEADER_TYPE); #endif return array_nth(hi_tag_methods,tag); } cell factor_vm::lookup_hairy_method(cell obj, cell methods) { cell method = array_nth(untag(methods),TAG(obj)); if(tagged(method).type_p(WORD_TYPE)) return method; else { switch(TAG(obj)) { case TUPLE_TYPE: return lookup_tuple_method(obj,method); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: return lookup_hi_tag_method(obj,method); break; default: critical_error("Bad methods array",methods); return 0; } } } cell factor_vm::lookup_method(cell obj, cell methods) { cell tag = TAG(obj); if(tag == TUPLE_TYPE || tag == OBJECT_TYPE) return lookup_hairy_method(obj,methods); else return array_nth(untag(methods),TAG(obj)); } void factor_vm::primitive_lookup_method() { cell methods = dpop(); cell obj = dpop(); dpush(lookup_method(obj,methods)); } cell factor_vm::object_class(cell obj) { switch(TAG(obj)) { case TUPLE_TYPE: return untag(obj)->layout; case OBJECT_TYPE: return untag(obj)->h.value; default: return tag_fixnum(TAG(obj)); } } cell factor_vm::method_cache_hashcode(cell klass, array *array) { cell capacity = (array_capacity(array) >> 1) - 1; return ((klass >> TAG_BITS) & capacity) << 1; } void factor_vm::update_method_cache(cell cache, cell klass, cell method) { array *cache_elements = untag(cache); cell hashcode = method_cache_hashcode(klass,cache_elements); set_array_nth(cache_elements,hashcode,klass); set_array_nth(cache_elements,hashcode + 1,method); } void factor_vm::primitive_mega_cache_miss() { megamorphic_cache_misses++; cell cache = dpop(); fixnum index = untag_fixnum(dpop()); cell methods = dpop(); cell object = ((cell *)ds)[-index]; cell klass = object_class(object); cell method = lookup_method(object,methods); update_method_cache(cache,klass,method); dpush(method); } void factor_vm::primitive_reset_dispatch_stats() { megamorphic_cache_hits = megamorphic_cache_misses = 0; } void factor_vm::primitive_dispatch_stats() { growable_array stats(this); stats.add(allot_cell(megamorphic_cache_hits)); stats.add(allot_cell(megamorphic_cache_misses)); stats.trim(); dpush(stats.elements.value()); } void quotation_jit::emit_mega_cache_lookup(cell methods_, fixnum index, cell cache_) { gc_root methods(methods_,parent); gc_root cache(cache_,parent); /* Generate machine code to determine the object's class. */ emit_class_lookup(index,PIC_HI_TAG_TUPLE); /* Do a cache lookup. */ emit_with(parent->special_objects[MEGA_LOOKUP],cache.value()); /* If we end up here, the cache missed. */ emit(parent->special_objects[JIT_PROLOG]); /* Push index, method table and cache on the stack. */ push(methods.value()); push(tag_fixnum(index)); push(cache.value()); word_call(parent->special_objects[MEGA_MISS_WORD]); /* Now the new method has been stored into the cache, and its on the stack. */ emit(parent->special_objects[JIT_EPILOG]); emit(parent->special_objects[JIT_EXECUTE_JUMP]); } }