#include "master.hpp"

namespace factor {

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_to_fixnum() {

void factor_vm::primitive_float_to_fixnum() {

/* does not allocate, even though from_signed_cell can allocate */
/* Division can only overflow when we are dividing the most negative fixnum
by -1. */
void factor_vm::primitive_fixnum_divint() {
  fixnum y = untag_fixnum(ctx->pop());
  fixnum x = untag_fixnum(ctx->peek());
  fixnum result = x / y;
  if (result == -fixnum_min)
    /* Does not allocate */

/* does not allocate, even though from_signed_cell can allocate */
void factor_vm::primitive_fixnum_divmod() {
  cell* s0 = (cell*)(ctx->datastack);
  cell* s1 = (cell*)(ctx->datastack - sizeof(cell));
  fixnum y = untag_fixnum(*s0);
  fixnum x = untag_fixnum(*s1);
  if (y == -1 && x == fixnum_min) {
    /* Does not allocate */
    *s1 = from_signed_cell(-fixnum_min);
    *s0 = tag_fixnum(0);
  } else {
    *s1 = tag_fixnum(x / y);
    *s0 = tag_fixnum(x % y);

 * If we're shifting right by n bits, we won't overflow as long as none of the
 * high WORD_SIZE-TAG_BITS-n bits are set.
inline fixnum factor_vm::sign_mask(fixnum x) { return x >> (WORD_SIZE - 1); }

inline fixnum factor_vm::branchless_max(fixnum x, fixnum y) {
  return (x - ((x - y) & sign_mask(x - y)));

inline fixnum factor_vm::branchless_abs(fixnum x) {
  return (x ^ sign_mask(x)) - sign_mask(x);

void factor_vm::primitive_fixnum_shift() {
  fixnum y = untag_fixnum(ctx->pop());
  fixnum x = untag_fixnum(ctx->peek());

  if (x == 0)
  else if (y < 0) {
    y = branchless_max(y, -WORD_SIZE + 1);
    ctx->replace(tag_fixnum(x >> -y));
  } else if (y < WORD_SIZE - TAG_BITS) {
    fixnum mask = -((fixnum)1 << (WORD_SIZE - 1 - TAG_BITS - y));
    if (!(branchless_abs(x) & mask)) {
      ctx->replace(tag_fixnum(x << y));

  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_arithmetic_shift(fixnum_to_bignum(x), y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_fixnum_to_bignum() {

void factor_vm::primitive_float_to_bignum() {

#define POP_BIGNUMS(x, y)                \
  bignum* y = untag<bignum>(ctx->pop()); \
  bignum* x = untag<bignum>(ctx->peek());

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_eq() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(bignum_equal_p(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_add() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_add(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_subtract() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_subtract(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_multiply() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_multiply(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_divint() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_quotient(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_divmod() {
  cell* s0 = (cell*)(ctx->datastack);
  cell* s1 = (cell*)(ctx->datastack - sizeof(cell));
  bignum* y = untag<bignum>(*s0);
  bignum* x = untag<bignum>(*s1);
  bignum* q, *r;
  bignum_divide(x, y, &q, &r);
  *s1 = tag<bignum>(q);
  *s0 = tag<bignum>(r);

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_mod() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_remainder(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_gcd() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_gcd(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_and() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_bitwise_and(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_or() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_bitwise_ior(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_xor() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_bitwise_xor(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_shift() {
  fixnum y = untag_fixnum(ctx->pop());
  bignum* x = untag<bignum>(ctx->peek());
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_arithmetic_shift(x, y)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_less() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(bignum_compare(x, y) == bignum_comparison_less));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_lesseq() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(bignum_compare(x, y) != bignum_comparison_greater));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_greater() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(bignum_compare(x, y) == bignum_comparison_greater));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_greatereq() {
  POP_BIGNUMS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(bignum_compare(x, y) != bignum_comparison_less));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_not() {

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_bitp() {
  int bit = (int)to_fixnum(ctx->pop());
  bignum* x = untag<bignum>(ctx->peek());
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(bignum_logbitp(bit, x)));

void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_log2() {

/* Allocates memory */
cell factor_vm::unbox_array_size_slow() {
  if (tagged<object>(ctx->peek()).type() == BIGNUM_TYPE) {
    bignum* zero = untag<bignum>(bignum_zero);
    bignum* max = cell_to_bignum(array_size_max);
    bignum* n = untag<bignum>(ctx->peek());
    if (bignum_compare(n, zero) != bignum_comparison_less &&
        bignum_compare(n, max) == bignum_comparison_less) {
      return bignum_to_cell(n);

  general_error(ERROR_ARRAY_SIZE, ctx->pop(), tag_fixnum(array_size_max));
  return 0; /* can't happen */

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_fixnum_to_float() {

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_format_float() {
  byte_array* array = allot_byte_array(100);
  char* format = alien_offset(ctx->pop());
  double value = untag_float_check(ctx->peek());
  SNPRINTF(array->data<char>(), 99, format, value);

#define POP_FLOATS(x, y)              \
  double y = untag_float(ctx->pop()); \
  double x = untag_float(ctx->peek());

void factor_vm::primitive_float_eq() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(x == y));

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_float_add() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(allot_float(x + y));

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_float_subtract() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(allot_float(x - y));

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_float_multiply() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(allot_float(x * y));

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_float_divfloat() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(allot_float(x / y));

void factor_vm::primitive_float_less() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(x < y));

void factor_vm::primitive_float_lesseq() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(x <= y));

void factor_vm::primitive_float_greater() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(x > y));

void factor_vm::primitive_float_greatereq() {
  POP_FLOATS(x, y);
  ctx->replace(tag_boolean(x >= y));

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_float_bits() {

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_bits_float() {

void factor_vm::primitive_double_bits() {

/* Allocates memory */
void factor_vm::primitive_bits_double() {

/* Cannot allocate */
fixnum factor_vm::to_fixnum(cell tagged) {
  switch (TAG(tagged)) {
    case FIXNUM_TYPE:
      return untag_fixnum(tagged);
    case BIGNUM_TYPE:
      return bignum_to_fixnum(untag<bignum>(tagged));
      type_error(FIXNUM_TYPE, tagged);
      return 0; /* can't happen */

VM_C_API fixnum to_fixnum(cell tagged, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->to_fixnum(tagged);

cell factor_vm::to_cell(cell tagged) { return (cell)to_fixnum(tagged); }

VM_C_API cell to_cell(cell tagged, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->to_cell(tagged);

/* Allocates memory */
VM_C_API cell from_signed_cell(fixnum integer, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->from_signed_cell(integer);

/* Allocates memory */
VM_C_API cell from_unsigned_cell(cell integer, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->from_unsigned_cell(integer);

/* Allocates memory */
cell factor_vm::from_signed_8(int64_t n) {
  if (n < fixnum_min || n > fixnum_max)
    return tag<bignum>(long_long_to_bignum(n));
    return tag_fixnum((fixnum)n);

VM_C_API cell from_signed_8(int64_t n, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->from_signed_8(n);

/* Cannot allocate */
int64_t factor_vm::to_signed_8(cell obj) {
  switch (tagged<object>(obj).type()) {
    case FIXNUM_TYPE:
      return untag_fixnum(obj);
    case BIGNUM_TYPE:
      return bignum_to_long_long(untag<bignum>(obj));
      type_error(BIGNUM_TYPE, obj);
      return 0;

VM_C_API int64_t to_signed_8(cell obj, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->to_signed_8(obj);

/* Allocates memory */
cell factor_vm::from_unsigned_8(uint64_t n) {
  if (n > (uint64_t)fixnum_max)
    return tag<bignum>(ulong_long_to_bignum(n));
    return tag_fixnum((fixnum)n);

VM_C_API cell from_unsigned_8(uint64_t n, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->from_unsigned_8(n);

/* Cannot allocate */
uint64_t factor_vm::to_unsigned_8(cell obj) {
  switch (tagged<object>(obj).type()) {
    case FIXNUM_TYPE:
      return untag_fixnum(obj);
    case BIGNUM_TYPE:
      return bignum_to_ulong_long(untag<bignum>(obj));
      type_error(BIGNUM_TYPE, obj);
      return 0;

VM_C_API uint64_t to_unsigned_8(cell obj, factor_vm* parent) {
  return parent->to_unsigned_8(obj);

/* Cannot allocate */
float factor_vm::to_float(cell value) {
  return (float)untag_float_check(value);

/* Cannot allocate */
double factor_vm::to_double(cell value) { return untag_float_check(value); }

/* The fixnum+, fixnum- and fixnum* primitives are defined in cpu_*.S. On
   overflow, they call these functions. */
/* Allocates memory */
inline void factor_vm::overflow_fixnum_add(fixnum x, fixnum y) {
      tag<bignum>(fixnum_to_bignum(untag_fixnum(x) + untag_fixnum(y))));

VM_C_API void overflow_fixnum_add(fixnum x, fixnum y, factor_vm* parent) {
  parent->overflow_fixnum_add(x, y);

/* Allocates memory */
inline void factor_vm::overflow_fixnum_subtract(fixnum x, fixnum y) {
      tag<bignum>(fixnum_to_bignum(untag_fixnum(x) - untag_fixnum(y))));

VM_C_API void overflow_fixnum_subtract(fixnum x, fixnum y, factor_vm* parent) {
  parent->overflow_fixnum_subtract(x, y);

/* Allocates memory */
inline void factor_vm::overflow_fixnum_multiply(fixnum x, fixnum y) {
  bignum* bx = fixnum_to_bignum(x);
  bignum* by = fixnum_to_bignum(y);
  ctx->replace(tag<bignum>(bignum_multiply(bx, by)));

VM_C_API void overflow_fixnum_multiply(fixnum x, fixnum y, factor_vm* parent) {
  parent->overflow_fixnum_multiply(x, y);
