#include "master.hpp" namespace factor { /* Allocates memory (allot) */ callstack* factor_vm::allot_callstack(cell size) { callstack* stack = allot(callstack_object_size(size)); stack->length = tag_fixnum(size); return stack; } /* We ignore the two topmost frames, the 'callstack' primitive frame itself, and the frame calling the 'callstack' primitive, so that set-callstack doesn't get stuck in an infinite loop. This means that if 'callstack' is called in tail position, we will have popped a necessary frame... however this word is only called by continuation implementation, and user code shouldn't be calling it at all, so we leave it as it is for now. */ cell factor_vm::second_from_top_stack_frame(context* ctx) { cell frame_top = ctx->callstack_top; for (cell i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { cell pred = code->frame_predecessor(frame_top); if (pred >= ctx->callstack_bottom) return frame_top; frame_top = pred; } return frame_top; } /* Allocates memory (allot_callstack) */ cell factor_vm::capture_callstack(context* ctx) { cell top = second_from_top_stack_frame(ctx); cell bottom = ctx->callstack_bottom; fixnum size = std::max((cell)0, bottom - top); callstack* stack = allot_callstack(size); memcpy(stack->top(), (void *)top, size); return tag(stack); } /* Allocates memory (capture_callstack) */ void factor_vm::primitive_callstack_for() { context* other_ctx = (context*)pinned_alien_offset(ctx->peek()); ctx->replace(capture_callstack(other_ctx)); } struct stack_frame_in_array { cell cells[3]; }; /* Allocates memory (frames.trim()), iterate_callstack_object() */ void factor_vm::primitive_callstack_to_array() { data_root callstack(ctx->peek(), this); /* Allocates memory here. */ growable_array frames(this); auto stack_frame_accumulator = [&](cell frame_top, cell size, code_block* owner, cell addr) { data_root executing_quot(owner->owner_quot(), this); data_root executing(owner->owner, this); data_root scan(owner->scan(this, addr), this); frames.add(executing.value()); frames.add(executing_quot.value()); frames.add(scan.value()); }; iterate_callstack_object(callstack.untagged(), stack_frame_accumulator); /* The callstack iterator visits frames in reverse order (top to bottom) */ std::reverse((stack_frame_in_array*)frames.elements->data(), (stack_frame_in_array*)(frames.elements->data() + frames.count)); frames.trim(); ctx->replace(frames.elements.value()); } /* Some primitives implementing a limited form of callstack mutation. Used by the single stepper. */ void factor_vm::primitive_innermost_stack_frame_executing() { callstack* stack = untag_check(ctx->peek()); void* frame = stack->top(); cell addr = *(cell*)frame; ctx->replace(code->code_block_for_address(addr)->owner_quot()); } void factor_vm::primitive_innermost_stack_frame_scan() { callstack* stack = untag_check(ctx->peek()); void* frame = stack->top(); cell addr = *(cell*)frame; ctx->replace(code->code_block_for_address(addr)->scan(this, addr)); } /* Allocates memory (jit_compile_quotation) */ void factor_vm::primitive_set_innermost_stack_frame_quotation() { data_root stack(ctx->pop(), this); data_root quot(ctx->pop(), this); check_tagged(stack); check_tagged(quot); jit_compile_quotation(quot.value(), true); void* inner = stack->top(); cell addr = *(cell*)inner; code_block* block = code->code_block_for_address(addr); cell offset = block->offset(addr); *(cell*)inner = quot->entry_point + offset; } /* Allocates memory (allot_alien) */ void factor_vm::primitive_callstack_bounds() { ctx->push(allot_alien(ctx->callstack_seg->start)); ctx->push(allot_alien(ctx->callstack_seg->end)); } }