#include "master.h" /* Allocates memory */ F_COMPILED *compile_profiling_stub(F_WORD *word) { CELL literals = allot_array_1(tag_object(word)); REGISTER_ROOT(literals); F_ARRAY *quadruple = untag_object(userenv[JIT_PROFILING]); CELL code = array_nth(quadruple,0); REGISTER_ROOT(code); CELL rel_type = allot_cell(to_fixnum(array_nth(quadruple,2)) | (to_fixnum(array_nth(quadruple,1)) << 8)); CELL rel_offset = array_nth(quadruple,3) * compiled_code_format(); CELL relocation = allot_array_2(rel_type,rel_offset); UNREGISTER_ROOT(code); UNREGISTER_ROOT(literals); return add_compiled_block( WORD_TYPE, untag_object(code), NULL, /* no labels */ untag_object(relocation), untag_object(literals)); } /* Allocates memory */ void update_word_xt(F_WORD *word) { /* If we just enabled the profiler, reset call count */ if(profiling_p) { word->counter = tag_fixnum(0); if(!word->profiling) { REGISTER_UNTAGGED(word); F_COMPILED *profiling = compile_profiling_stub(word); UNREGISTER_UNTAGGED(word); word->profiling = profiling; } word->xt = (XT)(word->profiling + 1); } else word->xt = (XT)(word->code + 1); } void set_profiling(bool profiling) { if(profiling == profiling_p) return; profiling_p = profiling; /* Push everything to tenured space so that we can heap scan, also code GC so that we can allocate profiling blocks if necessary */ code_gc(); /* Update word XTs and saved callstack objects */ begin_scan(); CELL obj; while((obj = next_object()) != F) { if(type_of(obj) == WORD_TYPE) update_word_xt(untag_object(obj)); } gc_off = false; /* end heap scan */ /* Update XTs in code heap */ iterate_code_heap(relocate_code_block); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(profiling) { set_profiling(to_boolean(dpop())); }