#include "master.hpp" CELL bignum_zero; CELL bignum_pos_one; CELL bignum_neg_one; /* Fixnums */ F_FIXNUM to_fixnum(CELL tagged) { switch(TAG(tagged)) { case FIXNUM_TYPE: return untag_fixnum_fast(tagged); case BIGNUM_TYPE: return bignum_to_fixnum(untag_bignum_fast(tagged)); default: type_error(FIXNUM_TYPE,tagged); return -1; /* can't happen */ } } CELL to_cell(CELL tagged) { return (CELL)to_fixnum(tagged); } void primitive_bignum_to_fixnum(void) { drepl(tag_fixnum(bignum_to_fixnum(untag_bignum_fast(dpeek())))); } void primitive_float_to_fixnum(void) { drepl(tag_fixnum(float_to_fixnum(dpeek()))); } /* The fixnum+, fixnum- and fixnum* primitives are defined in cpu_*.S. On overflow, they call these functions. */ F_FASTCALL void overflow_fixnum_add(F_FIXNUM x, F_FIXNUM y) { drepl(tag_bignum(fixnum_to_bignum( untag_fixnum_fast(x) + untag_fixnum_fast(y)))); } F_FASTCALL void overflow_fixnum_subtract(F_FIXNUM x, F_FIXNUM y) { drepl(tag_bignum(fixnum_to_bignum( untag_fixnum_fast(x) - untag_fixnum_fast(y)))); } F_FASTCALL void overflow_fixnum_multiply(F_FIXNUM x, F_FIXNUM y) { F_BIGNUM *bx = fixnum_to_bignum(x); REGISTER_BIGNUM(bx); F_BIGNUM *by = fixnum_to_bignum(y); UNREGISTER_BIGNUM(bx); drepl(tag_bignum(bignum_multiply(bx,by))); } /* Division can only overflow when we are dividing the most negative fixnum by -1. */ void primitive_fixnum_divint(void) { F_FIXNUM y = untag_fixnum_fast(dpop()); \ F_FIXNUM x = untag_fixnum_fast(dpeek()); F_FIXNUM result = x / y; if(result == -FIXNUM_MIN) drepl(allot_integer(-FIXNUM_MIN)); else drepl(tag_fixnum(result)); } void primitive_fixnum_divmod(void) { CELL y = get(ds); CELL x = get(ds - CELLS); if(y == tag_fixnum(-1) && x == tag_fixnum(FIXNUM_MIN)) { put(ds - CELLS,allot_integer(-FIXNUM_MIN)); put(ds,tag_fixnum(0)); } else { put(ds - CELLS,tag_fixnum(untag_fixnum_fast(x) / untag_fixnum_fast(y))); put(ds,(F_FIXNUM)x % (F_FIXNUM)y); } } /* * If we're shifting right by n bits, we won't overflow as long as none of the * high WORD_SIZE-TAG_BITS-n bits are set. */ #define SIGN_MASK(x) ((x) >> (WORD_SIZE - 1)) #define BRANCHLESS_MAX(x,y) ((x) - (((x) - (y)) & SIGN_MASK((x) - (y)))) #define BRANCHLESS_ABS(x) ((x ^ SIGN_MASK(x)) - SIGN_MASK(x)) void primitive_fixnum_shift(void) { F_FIXNUM y = untag_fixnum_fast(dpop()); \ F_FIXNUM x = untag_fixnum_fast(dpeek()); if(x == 0) return; else if(y < 0) { y = BRANCHLESS_MAX(y,-WORD_SIZE + 1); drepl(tag_fixnum(x >> -y)); return; } else if(y < WORD_SIZE - TAG_BITS) { F_FIXNUM mask = -((F_FIXNUM)1 << (WORD_SIZE - 1 - TAG_BITS - y)); if(!(BRANCHLESS_ABS(x) & mask)) { drepl(tag_fixnum(x << y)); return; } } drepl(tag_bignum(bignum_arithmetic_shift( fixnum_to_bignum(x),y))); } /* Bignums */ void primitive_fixnum_to_bignum(void) { drepl(tag_bignum(fixnum_to_bignum(untag_fixnum_fast(dpeek())))); } void primitive_float_to_bignum(void) { drepl(tag_bignum(float_to_bignum(dpeek()))); } #define POP_BIGNUMS(x,y) \ F_BIGNUM * y = untag_bignum_fast(dpop()); \ F_BIGNUM * x = untag_bignum_fast(dpop()); void primitive_bignum_eq(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); box_boolean(bignum_equal_p(x,y)); } void primitive_bignum_add(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_add(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_subtract(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_subtract(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_multiply(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_multiply(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_divint(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_quotient(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_divmod(void) { F_BIGNUM *q, *r; POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); bignum_divide(x,y,&q,&r); dpush(tag_bignum(q)); dpush(tag_bignum(r)); } void primitive_bignum_mod(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_remainder(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_and(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_bitwise_and(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_or(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_bitwise_ior(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_xor(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_bitwise_xor(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_shift(void) { F_FIXNUM y = untag_fixnum_fast(dpop()); F_BIGNUM* x = untag_bignum_fast(dpop()); dpush(tag_bignum(bignum_arithmetic_shift(x,y))); } void primitive_bignum_less(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); box_boolean(bignum_compare(x,y) == bignum_comparison_less); } void primitive_bignum_lesseq(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); box_boolean(bignum_compare(x,y) != bignum_comparison_greater); } void primitive_bignum_greater(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); box_boolean(bignum_compare(x,y) == bignum_comparison_greater); } void primitive_bignum_greatereq(void) { POP_BIGNUMS(x,y); box_boolean(bignum_compare(x,y) != bignum_comparison_less); } void primitive_bignum_not(void) { drepl(tag_bignum(bignum_bitwise_not(untag_bignum_fast(dpeek())))); } void primitive_bignum_bitp(void) { F_FIXNUM bit = to_fixnum(dpop()); F_BIGNUM *x = untag_bignum_fast(dpop()); box_boolean(bignum_logbitp(bit,x)); } void primitive_bignum_log2(void) { drepl(tag_bignum(bignum_integer_length(untag_bignum_fast(dpeek())))); } unsigned int bignum_producer(unsigned int digit) { unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)alien_offset(dpeek()); return *(ptr + digit); } void primitive_byte_array_to_bignum(void) { CELL n_digits = array_capacity(untag_byte_array(dpeek())); F_BIGNUM * bignum = digit_stream_to_bignum(n_digits,bignum_producer,0x100,0); drepl(tag_bignum(bignum)); } void box_signed_1(s8 n) { dpush(tag_fixnum(n)); } void box_unsigned_1(u8 n) { dpush(tag_fixnum(n)); } void box_signed_2(s16 n) { dpush(tag_fixnum(n)); } void box_unsigned_2(u16 n) { dpush(tag_fixnum(n)); } void box_signed_4(s32 n) { dpush(allot_integer(n)); } void box_unsigned_4(u32 n) { dpush(allot_cell(n)); } void box_signed_cell(F_FIXNUM integer) { dpush(allot_integer(integer)); } void box_unsigned_cell(CELL cell) { dpush(allot_cell(cell)); } void box_signed_8(s64 n) { if(n < FIXNUM_MIN || n > FIXNUM_MAX) dpush(tag_bignum(long_long_to_bignum(n))); else dpush(tag_fixnum(n)); } s64 to_signed_8(CELL obj) { switch(type_of(obj)) { case FIXNUM_TYPE: return untag_fixnum_fast(obj); case BIGNUM_TYPE: return bignum_to_long_long(untag_bignum_fast(obj)); default: type_error(BIGNUM_TYPE,obj); return -1; } } void box_unsigned_8(u64 n) { if(n > FIXNUM_MAX) dpush(tag_bignum(ulong_long_to_bignum(n))); else dpush(tag_fixnum(n)); } u64 to_unsigned_8(CELL obj) { switch(type_of(obj)) { case FIXNUM_TYPE: return untag_fixnum_fast(obj); case BIGNUM_TYPE: return bignum_to_ulong_long(untag_bignum_fast(obj)); default: type_error(BIGNUM_TYPE,obj); return -1; } } CELL unbox_array_size(void) { switch(type_of(dpeek())) { case FIXNUM_TYPE: { F_FIXNUM n = untag_fixnum_fast(dpeek()); if(n >= 0 && n < (F_FIXNUM)ARRAY_SIZE_MAX) { dpop(); return n; } break; } case BIGNUM_TYPE: { F_BIGNUM * zero = untag_bignum_fast(bignum_zero); F_BIGNUM * max = cell_to_bignum(ARRAY_SIZE_MAX); F_BIGNUM * n = untag_bignum_fast(dpeek()); if(bignum_compare(n,zero) != bignum_comparison_less && bignum_compare(n,max) == bignum_comparison_less) { dpop(); return bignum_to_cell(n); } break; } } general_error(ERROR_ARRAY_SIZE,dpop(),tag_fixnum(ARRAY_SIZE_MAX),NULL); return 0; /* can't happen */ } /* Floats */ void primitive_fixnum_to_float(void) { drepl(allot_float(fixnum_to_float(dpeek()))); } void primitive_bignum_to_float(void) { drepl(allot_float(bignum_to_float(dpeek()))); } void primitive_str_to_float(void) { F_BYTE_ARRAY *bytes = untag_byte_array(dpeek()); CELL capacity = array_capacity(bytes); char *c_str = (char *)(bytes + 1); char *end = c_str; double f = strtod(c_str,&end); if(end == c_str + capacity - 1) drepl(allot_float(f)); else drepl(F); } void primitive_float_to_str(void) { F_BYTE_ARRAY *array = allot_byte_array(33); snprintf((char *)(array + 1),32,"%.16g",untag_float(dpop())); dpush(tag_object(array)); } #define POP_FLOATS(x,y) \ double y = untag_float_fast(dpop()); \ double x = untag_float_fast(dpop()); void primitive_float_eq(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_boolean(x == y); } void primitive_float_add(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_double(x + y); } void primitive_float_subtract(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_double(x - y); } void primitive_float_multiply(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_double(x * y); } void primitive_float_divfloat(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_double(x / y); } void primitive_float_mod(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_double(fmod(x,y)); } void primitive_float_less(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_boolean(x < y); } void primitive_float_lesseq(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_boolean(x <= y); } void primitive_float_greater(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_boolean(x > y); } void primitive_float_greatereq(void) { POP_FLOATS(x,y); box_boolean(x >= y); } void primitive_float_bits(void) { box_unsigned_4(float_bits(untag_float(dpop()))); } void primitive_bits_float(void) { box_float(bits_float(to_cell(dpop()))); } void primitive_double_bits(void) { box_unsigned_8(double_bits(untag_float(dpop()))); } void primitive_bits_double(void) { box_double(bits_double(to_unsigned_8(dpop()))); } float to_float(CELL value) { return untag_float(value); } double to_double(CELL value) { return untag_float(value); } void box_float(float flo) { dpush(allot_float(flo)); } void box_double(double flo) { dpush(allot_float(flo)); }