! Copyright (C) 2010 John Benediktsson ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license USING: accessors arrays calendar combinators destructors fry formatting kernel io io.sockets math pack random sequences ; IN: ntp time+ ; : (leap) ( leap -- string/f ) { { 0 [ "no warning" ] } { 1 [ "last minute has 61 seconds" ] } { 2 [ "last minute has 59 seconds" ] } { 3 [ "alarm condition (clock not synchronized)" ] } [ drop f ] } case ; : (mode) ( mode -- string ) { { 0 [ "unspecified" ] } { 1 [ "symmetric active" ] } { 2 [ "symmetric passive" ] } { 3 [ "client" ] } { 4 [ "server" ] } { 5 [ "broadcast" ] } { 6 [ "reserved for NTP control message" ] } { 7 [ "reserved for private use" ] } [ drop f ] } case ; : (stratum) ( stratum -- string ) { { 0 [ "unspecified or unavailable" ] } { 1 [ "primary reference (e.g., radio clock)" ] } [ [ 1 > ] [ 255 < ] bi and [ "secondary reference (via NTP or SNTP)" ] [ "invalid stratum" throw ] if ] } case ; : (ref-id) ( ref-id stratum -- string ) [ { [ -24 shift 0xff bitand ] [ -16 shift 0xff bitand ] [ -8 shift 0xff bitand ] [ 0xff bitand ] } cleave ] dip { { 0 [ "%c%c%c%c" sprintf ] } { 1 [ "%c%c%c%c" sprintf ] } [ [ 1 > ] [ 255 < ] bi and [ "%d.%d.%d.%d" sprintf ] [ "invalid stratum" throw ] if ] } case ; TUPLE: ntp leap version mode stratum poll precision root-delay root-dispersion ref-id ref-timestamp orig-timestamp recv-timestamp tx-timestamp ; : (ntp) ( payload -- ntp ) "CCCcIIIIIIIIIII" unpack-be { [ first -6 shift 0x3 bitand ] ! leap [ first -3 shift 0x7 bitand ] ! version [ first 0x7 bitand ] ! mode [ second ] ! stratum [ third ] ! poll [ [ 3 ] dip nth ] ! precision [ [ 4 ] dip nth 16 2^ / ] ! root-delay [ [ 5 ] dip nth 16 2^ / ] ! root-dispersion [ [ 6 ] dip nth ] ! ref-id [ [ { 7 8 } ] dip nths (time) ] ! ref-timestamp [ [ { 9 10 } ] dip nths (time) ] ! orig-timestamp [ [ { 11 12 } ] dip nths (time) ] ! recv-timestamp [ [ { 13 14 } ] dip nths (time) ] ! tx-timestamp } cleave ntp boa dup stratum>> '[ _ (ref-id) ] change-ref-id [ dup (leap) 2array ] change-leap [ dup (mode) 2array ] change-mode [ dup (stratum) 2array ] change-stratum ; PRIVATE> ! TODO: ! - socket timeout? ! - format request properly? ! - strftime should format millis? ! - why does resolve-host not work? : ( host -- ntp ) 123 resolve-host [ inet4? ] filter random [ [ REQUEST ] 2dip [ send ] [ receive drop ] bi (ntp) ] with-any-port-local-datagram ; : default-ntp ( -- ntp ) "pool.ntp.org" ; : local-ntp ( -- ntp ) "localhost" ;