#include "master.h" F_STRING *get_error_message(void) { DWORD id = GetLastError(); F_CHAR *msg = error_message(id); F_STRING *string = from_u16_string(msg); LocalFree(msg); return string; } /* You must LocalFree() the return value! */ F_CHAR *error_message(DWORD id) { F_CHAR *buffer; int index; DWORD ret = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, id, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)(void *) &buffer, 0, NULL); if(ret == 0) return error_message(GetLastError()); /* strip whitespace from end */ index = wcslen(buffer) - 1; while(index >= 0 && isspace(buffer[index])) buffer[index--] = 0; return buffer; } HMODULE hFactorDll; void init_ffi(void) { hFactorDll = GetModuleHandle(FACTOR_DLL); if(!hFactorDll) fatal_error("GetModuleHandle(\"" FACTOR_DLL_NAME "\") failed", 0); } void ffi_dlopen(F_DLL *dll) { dll->dll = LoadLibraryEx(alien_offset(dll->path), NULL, 0); } void *ffi_dlsym(F_DLL *dll, F_SYMBOL *symbol) { return GetProcAddress(dll ? (HMODULE)dll->dll : hFactorDll, symbol); } void ffi_dlclose(F_DLL *dll) { FreeLibrary((HMODULE)dll->dll); dll->dll = NULL; } /* You must free() this yourself. */ const F_CHAR *default_image_path(void) { F_CHAR full_path[MAX_UNICODE_PATH]; F_CHAR *ptr; F_CHAR path_temp[MAX_UNICODE_PATH]; if(!GetModuleFileName(NULL, full_path, MAX_UNICODE_PATH)) fatal_error("GetModuleFileName() failed", 0); if((ptr = wcsrchr(full_path, '.'))) *ptr = 0; snwprintf(path_temp, sizeof(path_temp)-1, L"%s.image", full_path); path_temp[sizeof(path_temp) - 1] = 0; return safe_strdup(path_temp); } /* You must free() this yourself. */ const F_CHAR *vm_executable_path(void) { F_CHAR full_path[MAX_UNICODE_PATH]; if(!GetModuleFileName(NULL, full_path, MAX_UNICODE_PATH)) fatal_error("GetModuleFileName() failed", 0); return safe_strdup(full_path); } DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(existsp) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION bhfi; F_CHAR *path = unbox_u16_string(); //wprintf(L"path = %s\n", path); HANDLE h = CreateFileW(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if(h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // FindFirstFile is the only call that can stat c:\pagefile.sys WIN32_FIND_DATA st; HANDLE h; if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (h = FindFirstFile(path, &st))) dpush(F); else { FindClose(h); dpush(T); } return; } box_boolean(GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &bhfi)); CloseHandle(h); } F_SEGMENT *alloc_segment(CELL size) { char *mem; DWORD ignore; if((mem = (char *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, getpagesize() * 2 + size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) == 0) out_of_memory(); if (!VirtualProtect(mem, getpagesize(), PAGE_NOACCESS, &ignore)) fatal_error("Cannot allocate low guard page", (CELL)mem); if (!VirtualProtect(mem + size + getpagesize(), getpagesize(), PAGE_NOACCESS, &ignore)) fatal_error("Cannot allocate high guard page", (CELL)mem); F_SEGMENT *block = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_SEGMENT)); block->start = (CELL)mem + getpagesize(); block->size = size; block->end = block->start + size; return block; } void dealloc_segment(F_SEGMENT *block) { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); if(!VirtualFree((void*)(block->start - si.dwPageSize), 0, MEM_RELEASE)) fatal_error("dealloc_segment failed",0); free(block); } long getpagesize(void) { static long g_pagesize = 0; if (! g_pagesize) { SYSTEM_INFO system_info; GetSystemInfo (&system_info); g_pagesize = system_info.dwPageSize; } return g_pagesize; } void sleep_millis(DWORD msec) { Sleep(msec); }