#include "master.hpp" namespace factor { void factorvm::reset_datastack() { ds = ds_bot - sizeof(cell); } void factorvm::reset_retainstack() { rs = rs_bot - sizeof(cell); } static const cell stack_reserved = (64 * sizeof(cell)); void factorvm::fix_stacks() { if(ds + sizeof(cell) < ds_bot || ds + stack_reserved >= ds_top) reset_datastack(); if(rs + sizeof(cell) < rs_bot || rs + stack_reserved >= rs_top) reset_retainstack(); } /* called before entry into foreign C code. Note that ds and rs might be stored in registers, so callbacks must save and restore the correct values */ void factorvm::save_stacks() { if(stack_chain) { stack_chain->datastack = ds; stack_chain->retainstack = rs; } } context *factorvm::alloc_context() { context *new_context; if(unused_contexts) { new_context = unused_contexts; unused_contexts = unused_contexts->next; } else { new_context = (context *)safe_malloc(sizeof(context)); new_context->datastack_region = alloc_segment(ds_size); new_context->retainstack_region = alloc_segment(rs_size); } return new_context; } void factorvm::dealloc_context(context *old_context) { old_context->next = unused_contexts; unused_contexts = old_context; } /* called on entry into a compiled callback */ void factorvm::nest_stacks() { context *new_context = alloc_context(); new_context->callstack_bottom = (stack_frame *)-1; new_context->callstack_top = (stack_frame *)-1; /* note that these register values are not necessarily valid stack pointers. they are merely saved non-volatile registers, and are restored in unnest_stacks(). consider this scenario: - factor code calls C function - C function saves ds/cs registers (since they're non-volatile) - C function clobbers them - C function calls Factor callback - Factor callback returns - C function restores registers - C function returns to Factor code */ new_context->datastack_save = ds; new_context->retainstack_save = rs; /* save per-callback userenv */ new_context->current_callback_save = userenv[CURRENT_CALLBACK_ENV]; new_context->catchstack_save = userenv[CATCHSTACK_ENV]; new_context->next = stack_chain; stack_chain = new_context; reset_datastack(); reset_retainstack(); } void nest_stacks(factorvm *myvm) { ASSERTVM(); return VM_PTR->nest_stacks(); } /* called when leaving a compiled callback */ void factorvm::unnest_stacks() { ds = stack_chain->datastack_save; rs = stack_chain->retainstack_save; /* restore per-callback userenv */ userenv[CURRENT_CALLBACK_ENV] = stack_chain->current_callback_save; userenv[CATCHSTACK_ENV] = stack_chain->catchstack_save; context *old_stacks = stack_chain; stack_chain = old_stacks->next; dealloc_context(old_stacks); } void unnest_stacks(factorvm *myvm) { ASSERTVM(); return VM_PTR->unnest_stacks(); } /* called on startup */ void factorvm::init_stacks(cell ds_size_, cell rs_size_) { ds_size = ds_size_; rs_size = rs_size_; stack_chain = NULL; unused_contexts = NULL; } bool factorvm::stack_to_array(cell bottom, cell top) { fixnum depth = (fixnum)(top - bottom + sizeof(cell)); if(depth < 0) return false; else { array *a = allot_array_internal(depth / sizeof(cell)); memcpy(a + 1,(void*)bottom,depth); dpush(tag(a)); return true; } } inline void factorvm::vmprim_datastack() { if(!stack_to_array(ds_bot,ds)) general_error(ERROR_DS_UNDERFLOW,F,F,NULL); } PRIMITIVE(datastack) { PRIMITIVE_GETVM()->vmprim_datastack(); } inline void factorvm::vmprim_retainstack() { if(!stack_to_array(rs_bot,rs)) general_error(ERROR_RS_UNDERFLOW,F,F,NULL); } PRIMITIVE(retainstack) { PRIMITIVE_GETVM()->vmprim_retainstack(); } /* returns pointer to top of stack */ cell factorvm::array_to_stack(array *array, cell bottom) { cell depth = array_capacity(array) * sizeof(cell); memcpy((void*)bottom,array + 1,depth); return bottom + depth - sizeof(cell); } inline void factorvm::vmprim_set_datastack() { ds = array_to_stack(untag_check(dpop()),ds_bot); } PRIMITIVE(set_datastack) { PRIMITIVE_GETVM()->vmprim_set_datastack(); } inline void factorvm::vmprim_set_retainstack() { rs = array_to_stack(untag_check(dpop()),rs_bot); } PRIMITIVE(set_retainstack) { PRIMITIVE_GETVM()->vmprim_set_retainstack(); } /* Used to implement call( */ inline void factorvm::vmprim_check_datastack() { fixnum out = to_fixnum(dpop()); fixnum in = to_fixnum(dpop()); fixnum height = out - in; array *saved_datastack = untag_check(dpop()); fixnum saved_height = array_capacity(saved_datastack); fixnum current_height = (ds - ds_bot + sizeof(cell)) / sizeof(cell); if(current_height - height != saved_height) dpush(F); else { fixnum i; for(i = 0; i < saved_height - in; i++) { if(((cell *)ds_bot)[i] != array_nth(saved_datastack,i)) { dpush(F); return; } } dpush(T); } } PRIMITIVE(check_datastack) { PRIMITIVE_GETVM()->vmprim_check_datastack(); } }