#!/usr/bin/env bash # Programs returning != 0 will not cause script to exit set +e # Case insensitive string comparison shopt -s nocaseglob #shopt -s nocasematch ECHO=echo OS= ARCH= WORD= NO_UI=${NO_UI-} GIT_PROTOCOL=${GIT_PROTOCOL:="git"} GIT_URL=${GIT_URL:=$GIT_PROTOCOL"://factorcode.org/git/factor.git"} SCRIPT_ARGS="$*" # return 1 on found test_program_installed() { if ! [[ -n `type -p $1` ]] ; then return 0; fi return 1; } # return 1 on found test_programs_installed() { installed=0; $ECHO -n "Checking for all($*)..." for i in $* ; do test_program_installed $i if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then installed=$(( $installed + 1 )) fi done if [[ $installed -eq $# ]] ; then $ECHO "found!" return 1 else $ECHO "all not found." return 0 fi } exit_script() { if [[ $FIND_MAKE_TARGET = true ]] ; then # Must be echo not $ECHO echo $MAKE_TARGET; fi exit $1 } ensure_program_installed() { installed=0; $ECHO -n "Checking for any($*)..." for i in $* ; do test_program_installed $i if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then $ECHO "found $i!" installed=$(( $installed + 1 )) return fi done $ECHO "none found." $ECHO -n "Install " if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] ; then $ECHO -n $1 else $ECHO -n "any of [ $* ]" fi $ECHO " and try again." if [[ $OS == macosx ]] ; then $ECHO "If you have Xcode 4.3 or higher installed, you must install the" $ECHO "Command Line Tools from Xcode Preferences > Downloads in order" $ECHO "to build Factor." fi exit_script 1; } check_ret() { RET=$? if [[ $RET -ne 0 ]] ; then $ECHO $1 failed exit_script 2 fi } set_downloader() { test_program_installed wget if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then DOWNLOADER=wget return fi test_program_installed curl if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then DOWNLOADER="curl -f -O" return fi $ECHO "error: wget or curl required" exit_script 11 } set_md5sum() { test_program_installed md5sum if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then MD5SUM=md5sum else MD5SUM="md5 -r" fi } semver_into() { RE_SEMVER="^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)-?(.*)?$" # 3.3.3-5 CLANG_RE_OLD="^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)-?(.*)?$" # 3.3-5 if [[ $1 =~ $RE_SEMVER ]] ; then export "$2=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" export "$3=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" export "$4=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" export "$5=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" elif [[ $1 =~ $CLANG_RE_OLD ]] ; then export "$2=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" export "$3=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" export "$4=0" export "$5=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" else echo "unsupported version number, please report a bug: $1" exit 123 fi } # issue 1440 gcc_version_ok() { GCC_VERSION=`gcc -dumpversion` local GCC_MAJOR local GCC_MINOR local GCC_PATCH local GCC_SPECIAL semver_into $GCC_VERSION GCC_MAJOR GCC_MINOR GCC_PATCH GCC_SPECIAL if [[ $GCC_MAJOR -lt 4 || ( $GCC_MAJOR -eq 4 && $GCC_MINOR -lt 7 ) || ( $GCC_MAJOR -eq 4 && $GCC_MINOR -eq 7 && $GCC_PATCH -lt 3 ) || ( $GCC_MAJOR -eq 4 && $GCC_MINOR -eq 8 && $GCC_PATCH -eq 0 ) ]] ; then echo "gcc version required >= 4.7.3, != 4.8.0, >= 4.8.1, got $GCC_VERSION" return 1 fi return 0 } clang_version_ok() { CLANG_VERSION=`clang --version | head -n1` CLANG_VERSION_RE='^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]* version (.*)$' # 3.3-5 if [[ $CLANG_VERSION =~ $CLANG_VERSION_RE ]] ; then export "CLANG_VERSION=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" local CLANG_MAJOR local CLANG_MINOR local CLANG_PATCH local CLANG_SPECIAL semver_into "$CLANG_VERSION" CLANG_MAJOR CLANG_MINOR CLANG_PATCH CLANG_SPECIAL if [[ $CLANG_MAJOR -lt 3 || ( $CLANG_MAJOR -eq 3 && $CLANG_MINOR -le 1 ) ]] ; then echo "clang version required >= 3.1, got $CLANG_VERSION" return 1 fi else return 1 fi return 0 } set_cc() { test_programs_installed clang clang++ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && clang_version_ok ; then [ -z "$CC" ] && CC=clang [ -z "$CXX" ] && CXX=clang++ return fi test_programs_installed gcc g++ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && gcc_version_ok ; then [ -z "$CC" ] && CC=gcc [ -z "$CXX" ] && CXX=g++ return fi $ECHO "error: high enough version of either (clang/clang++) or (gcc/g++) required!" exit_script 10 } set_make() { MAKE='make' } check_git_branch() { BRANCH=`git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\),\1,'` if [ "$BRANCH" != "master" ] ; then $ECHO "git branch is $BRANCH, not master" exit_script 3 fi } check_installed_programs() { ensure_program_installed chmod ensure_program_installed uname ensure_program_installed git ensure_program_installed wget curl ensure_program_installed clang gcc ensure_program_installed clang++ g++ cl ensure_program_installed make gmake ensure_program_installed md5sum md5 ensure_program_installed cut } check_library_exists() { GCC_TEST=factor-library-test.c GCC_OUT=factor-library-test.out $ECHO -n "Checking for library $1..." $ECHO "int main(){return 0;}" > $GCC_TEST $CC $GCC_TEST -o $GCC_OUT -l $1 2>&- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then $ECHO "not found." $ECHO "***Factor will compile NO_UI=1" NO_UI=1 else $ECHO "found." fi $DELETE -f $GCC_TEST check_ret $DELETE $DELETE -f $GCC_OUT check_ret $DELETE } check_X11_libraries() { if [ -z "$NO_UI" ]; then check_library_exists GL check_library_exists X11 check_library_exists pango-1.0 fi } check_gtk_libraries() { if [ -z "$NO_UI" ]; then check_library_exists gobject-2.0 check_library_exists gtk-x11-2.0 check_library_exists gdk-x11-2.0 check_library_exists gdk_pixbuf-2.0 check_library_exists gtkglext-x11-1.0 check_library_exists atk-1.0 check_library_exists gio-2.0 check_library_exists gdkglext-x11-1.0 check_library_exists pango-1.0 fi } check_libraries() { case $OS in linux) check_X11_libraries check_gtk_libraries;; unix) check_gtk_libraries;; esac } check_factor_exists() { if [[ -d "factor" ]] ; then $ECHO "A directory called 'factor' already exists." $ECHO "Rename or delete it and try again." exit_script 4 fi } find_os() { if [[ -n $OS ]] ; then return; fi $ECHO "Finding OS..." uname_s=`uname -s` check_ret uname case $uname_s in CYGWIN_NT-5.2-WOW64) OS=windows;; *CYGWIN_NT*) OS=windows;; *CYGWIN*) OS=windows;; MINGW32*) OS=windows;; *darwin*) OS=macosx;; *Darwin*) OS=macosx;; *linux*) OS=linux;; *Linux*) OS=linux;; esac } find_architecture() { if [[ -n $ARCH ]] ; then return; fi $ECHO "Finding ARCH..." uname_m=`uname -m` check_ret uname case $uname_m in i386) ARCH=x86;; i686) ARCH=x86;; i86pc) ARCH=x86;; amd64) ARCH=x86;; ppc64) ARCH=ppc;; *86) ARCH=x86;; *86_64) ARCH=x86;; "Power Macintosh") ARCH=ppc;; esac } write_test_program() { #! Must be 'echo' echo "#include " > $C_WORD.c echo "int main(){printf(\"%ld\", (long)(8*sizeof(void*))); return 0; }" >> $C_WORD.c } c_find_word_size() { $ECHO "Finding WORD..." C_WORD=factor-word-size write_test_program $CC -o $C_WORD $C_WORD.c WORD=$(./$C_WORD) check_ret $C_WORD $DELETE -f $C_WORD* } intel_macosx_word_size() { ensure_program_installed sysctl $ECHO -n "Testing if your Intel Mac supports 64bit binaries..." sysctl machdep.cpu.extfeatures | grep EM64T >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then WORD=64 $ECHO "yes!" else WORD=32 $ECHO "no." fi } find_word_size() { if [[ -n $WORD ]] ; then return; fi if [[ $OS == macosx && $ARCH == x86 ]] ; then intel_macosx_word_size else c_find_word_size fi } set_factor_binary() { case $OS in windows) FACTOR_BINARY=factor.com;; *) FACTOR_BINARY=factor;; esac } set_factor_library() { case $OS in windows) FACTOR_LIBRARY=factor.dll;; macosx) FACTOR_LIBRARY=libfactor.dylib;; *) FACTOR_LIBRARY=libfactor.a;; esac } set_factor_image() { FACTOR_IMAGE=factor.image FACTOR_IMAGE_FRESH=factor.image.fresh } echo_build_info() { $ECHO OS=$OS $ECHO ARCH=$ARCH $ECHO WORD=$WORD $ECHO DEBUG=$DEBUG $ECHO FACTOR_BINARY=$FACTOR_BINARY $ECHO FACTOR_LIBRARY=$FACTOR_LIBRARY $ECHO FACTOR_IMAGE=$FACTOR_IMAGE $ECHO MAKE_TARGET=$MAKE_TARGET $ECHO BOOT_IMAGE=$BOOT_IMAGE $ECHO MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=$MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET $ECHO GIT_PROTOCOL=$GIT_PROTOCOL $ECHO GIT_URL=$GIT_URL $ECHO DOWNLOADER=$DOWNLOADER $ECHO CC=$CC $ECHO CXX=$CXX $ECHO MAKE=$MAKE $ECHO COPY=$COPY $ECHO DELETE=$DELETE } check_os_arch_word() { if ! [[ -n $OS && -n $ARCH && -n $WORD ]] ; then $ECHO "OS: $OS" $ECHO "ARCH: $ARCH" $ECHO "WORD: $WORD" $ECHO "OS, ARCH, or WORD is empty. Please report this." $ECHO $MAKE_TARGET exit_script 5 fi } set_build_info() { check_os_arch_word if [[ $OS == linux && $ARCH == ppc ]] ; then MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=linux-ppc.32 MAKE_TARGET=linux-ppc-32 elif [[ $OS == windows && $ARCH == x86 && $WORD == 64 ]] ; then MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=windows-x86.64 MAKE_TARGET=windows-x86-64 elif [[ $OS == windows && $ARCH == x86 && $WORD == 32 ]] ; then MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=windows-x86.32 MAKE_TARGET=windows-x86-32 elif [[ $ARCH == x86 && $WORD == 64 ]] ; then MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=unix-x86.64 MAKE_TARGET=$OS-x86-64 elif [[ $ARCH == x86 && $WORD == 32 ]] ; then MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=unix-x86.32 MAKE_TARGET=$OS-x86-32 else MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET=$ARCH.$WORD MAKE_TARGET=$OS-$ARCH-$WORD fi BOOT_IMAGE=boot.$MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET.image } parse_build_info() { ensure_program_installed cut $ECHO "Parsing make target from command line: $1" OS=`echo $1 | cut -d '-' -f 1` ARCH=`echo $1 | cut -d '-' -f 2` WORD=`echo $1 | cut -d '-' -f 3` if [[ $OS == linux && $ARCH == ppc ]] ; then WORD=32; fi if [[ $OS == linux && $ARCH == arm ]] ; then WORD=32; fi if [[ $OS == macosx && $ARCH == ppc ]] ; then WORD=32; fi $ECHO "OS=$OS" $ECHO "ARCH=$ARCH" $ECHO "WORD=$WORD" } find_build_info() { find_os find_architecture set_cc find_word_size set_factor_binary set_factor_library set_factor_image set_build_info set_downloader set_make echo_build_info } invoke_git() { git $* check_ret git } git_clone() { $ECHO "Downloading the git repository from factorcode.org..." invoke_git clone $GIT_URL } update_script_name() { $ECHO `dirname $0`/_update.sh } update_script() { update_script=`update_script_name` bash_path=`which bash` $ECHO "#!$bash_path" >"$update_script" $ECHO "git pull \"$GIT_URL\" master" >>"$update_script" $ECHO "if [[ \$? -eq 0 ]]; then exec \"$0\" $SCRIPT_ARGS; else echo \"git pull failed\"; exit 2; fi" \ >>"$update_script" $ECHO "exit 0" >>"$update_script" chmod 755 "$update_script" exec "$update_script" } update_script_changed() { invoke_git diff --stat `invoke_git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD` FETCH_HEAD | grep 'build\.sh' >/dev/null } git_fetch_factorcode() { $ECHO "Fetching the git repository from factorcode.org..." rm -f `update_script_name` invoke_git fetch "$GIT_URL" master if update_script_changed; then $ECHO "Updating and restarting the build.sh script..." update_script else $ECHO "Updating the working tree..." invoke_git pull "$GIT_URL" master fi } cd_factor() { cd factor check_ret cd } set_copy() { case $OS in windows) COPY=cp;; *) COPY=cp;; esac } set_delete() { case $OS in windows) DELETE=rm;; *) DELETE=rm;; esac } backup_factor() { $ECHO "Backing up factor..." $COPY $FACTOR_BINARY $FACTOR_BINARY.bak $COPY $FACTOR_LIBRARY $FACTOR_LIBRARY.bak $COPY $BOOT_IMAGE $BOOT_IMAGE.bak $COPY $FACTOR_IMAGE $FACTOR_IMAGE.bak $ECHO "Done with backup." } check_makefile_exists() { if [[ ! -e "GNUmakefile" ]] ; then $ECHO "" $ECHO "***GNUmakefile not found***" $ECHO "You are likely in the wrong directory." $ECHO "Run this script from your factor directory:" $ECHO " ./build.sh" exit_script 6 fi } invoke_make() { check_makefile_exists $MAKE $MAKE_OPTS $* check_ret $MAKE } make_clean() { invoke_make clean } make_factor() { invoke_make CC=$CC CXX=$CXX NO_UI=$NO_UI $MAKE_TARGET -j5 } make_clean_factor() { make_clean make_factor } update_boot_images() { $ECHO "Deleting old images..." $DELETE checksums.txt* > /dev/null 2>&1 # delete boot images with one or two characters after the dot $DELETE $BOOT_IMAGE.{?,??} > /dev/null 2>&1 $DELETE temp/staging.*.image > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ -f $BOOT_IMAGE ]] ; then get_url http://downloads.factorcode.org/images/latest/checksums.txt factorcode_md5=`cat checksums.txt|grep $BOOT_IMAGE|cut -f2 -d' '` set_md5sum disk_md5=`$MD5SUM $BOOT_IMAGE|cut -f1 -d' '` $ECHO "Factorcode md5: $factorcode_md5"; $ECHO "Disk md5: $disk_md5"; if [[ "$factorcode_md5" == "$disk_md5" ]] ; then $ECHO "Your disk boot image matches the one on factorcode.org." else $DELETE $BOOT_IMAGE > /dev/null 2>&1 get_boot_image; fi else get_boot_image fi } get_boot_image() { $ECHO "Downloading boot image $BOOT_IMAGE." get_url http://downloads.factorcode.org/images/latest/$BOOT_IMAGE } get_url() { if [[ -z $DOWNLOADER ]] ; then set_downloader; fi $ECHO $DOWNLOADER $1 ; $DOWNLOADER $1 check_ret $DOWNLOADER } get_config_info() { find_build_info check_installed_programs check_libraries } copy_fresh_image() { $ECHO "Copying $FACTOR_IMAGE to $FACTOR_IMAGE_FRESH..." $COPY $FACTOR_IMAGE $FACTOR_IMAGE_FRESH } bootstrap() { ./$FACTOR_BINARY -i=$BOOT_IMAGE copy_fresh_image } install() { check_factor_exists get_config_info git_clone cd_factor make_factor get_boot_image bootstrap } update() { get_config_info check_git_branch git_fetch_factorcode backup_factor make_clean_factor } download_and_bootstrap() { update_boot_images bootstrap } net_bootstrap_no_pull() { get_config_info make_clean_factor download_and_bootstrap } refresh_image() { ./$FACTOR_BINARY -script -e="USING: vocabs.loader vocabs.refresh system memory ; refresh-all save 0 exit" check_ret factor } make_boot_image() { ./$FACTOR_BINARY -script -e="\"$MAKE_IMAGE_TARGET\" USING: system bootstrap.image memory ; make-image save 0 exit" check_ret factor } install_deps_apt_get() { sudo apt-get --yes install libc6-dev libpango1.0-dev libx11-dev xorg-dev libgtk2.0-dev gtk2-engines-pixbuf libgtkglext1-dev wget git git-doc rlwrap clang gcc make screen tmux libssl-dev g++ check_ret sudo } install_deps_pacman() { sudo pacman --noconfirm -S gcc clang make rlwrap git wget pango glibc gtk2 gtk3 gtkglext gtk-engines gdk-pixbuf2 libx11 screen tmux check_ret sudo } install_deps_dnf() { sudo dnf --assumeyes install gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel binutils libX11-devel pango-devel gtk3-devel gdk-pixbuf2-devel gtkglext-devel tmux rlwrap wget check_ret sudo } install_deps_macosx() { test_program_installed git if [[ $? -ne 1 ]] ; then ensure_program_installed yes $ECHO "git not found." $ECHO "This script requires either git-core or port." $ECHO "If it fails, install git-core or port and try again." ensure_program_installed port $ECHO "Installing git-core with port...this will take awhile." yes | sudo port install git-core fi } usage() { $ECHO "usage: $0 command [optional-target]" $ECHO " install - git clone, compile, bootstrap" $ECHO " deps-apt-get - install required packages for Factor on Linux using apt-get" $ECHO " deps-pacman - install required packages for Factor on Linux using pacman" $ECHO " deps-dnf - install required packages for Factor on Linux using dnf" $ECHO " deps-macosx - install git on MacOSX using port" $ECHO " self-update - git pull, recompile, make local boot image, bootstrap" $ECHO " quick-update - git pull, refresh-all, save" $ECHO " update|latest - git pull, recompile, download a boot image, bootstrap" $ECHO " bootstrap - bootstrap with existing boot image" $ECHO " net-bootstrap - recompile, download a boot image, bootstrap" $ECHO " make-target - find and print the os-arch-cpu string" $ECHO " report - print the build variables" $ECHO "" $ECHO "If you are behind a firewall, invoke as:" $ECHO "env GIT_PROTOCOL=http $0 " $ECHO "" $ECHO "Example for overriding the default target:" $ECHO " $0 update macosx-x86-32" } MAKE_TARGET=unknown # -n is nonzero length, -z is zero length if [[ -n "$2" ]] ; then parse_build_info $2 fi set_copy set_delete case "$1" in install) install ;; deps-apt-get) install_deps_apt_get ;; deps-pacman) install_deps_pacman ;; deps-macosx) install_deps_macosx ;; deps-dnf) install_deps_dnf ;; self-update) update; make_boot_image; bootstrap;; quick-update) update; refresh_image ;; update) update; download_and_bootstrap ;; latest) update; download_and_bootstrap ;; bootstrap) get_config_info; bootstrap ;; net-bootstrap) net_bootstrap_no_pull ;; make-target) FIND_MAKE_TARGET=true; ECHO=false; find_build_info; exit_script ;; report) find_build_info ;; full-report) find_build_info; check_installed_programs; check_libraries ;; *) usage ;; esac