USING: tools.test macros math kernel arrays vectors io.streams.string prettyprint parser eval see stack-checker compiler.units definitions vocabs ; IN: macros.tests MACRO: see-test ( a b -- quot ) + ; { t } [ \ see-test macro? ] unit-test { "USING: macros math ;\nIN: macros.tests\nMACRO: see-test ( a b -- quot ) + ;\n" } [ [ \ see-test see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test { t } [ \ see-test macro? ] unit-test { t } [ "USING: math ;\nIN: macros.tests\n: see-test ( a b -- c ) - ;\n" dup eval( -- ) [ \ see-test see ] with-string-writer = ] unit-test { f } [ \ see-test macro? ] unit-test { } [ "USING: macros stack-checker kernel ; IN: hanging-macro MACRO: c ( quot -- quot ) infer drop [ ] ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test { } [ "USING: macros kernel ; IN: hanging-macro : a ( -- ) [ a ] c ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test { } [ [ "hanging-macro" forget-vocab ] with-compilation-unit ] unit-test { } [ "IN: macros.tests USE: macros MACRO: foo ( -- x ) [ ] ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test [ "IN: macros.tests USE: macros MACRO: foo ( -- x ) [ ] ; inline" eval( -- ) ] must-fail ! The macro expander code should infer MACRO: bad-macro ( a -- b ) 1 2 3 [ ] ; ! Must fail twice, and not memoize a bad result [ [ 0 bad-macro ] call ] must-fail [ [ 0 bad-macro ] call ] must-fail [ [ 0 bad-macro ] infer ] must-fail { } [ [ \ bad-macro forget ] with-compilation-unit ] unit-test