/* Inline functions */ INLINE CELL array_size(CELL size) { return sizeof(F_ARRAY) + size * CELLS; } INLINE CELL string_capacity(F_STRING* str) { return untag_fixnum_fast(str->length); } INLINE CELL string_size(CELL size) { return sizeof(F_STRING) + size; } DEFINE_UNTAG(F_BYTE_ARRAY,BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE,byte_array) INLINE CELL byte_array_capacity(F_BYTE_ARRAY *array) { return untag_fixnum_fast(array->capacity); } INLINE CELL byte_array_size(CELL size) { return sizeof(F_BYTE_ARRAY) + size; } INLINE CELL callstack_size(CELL size) { return sizeof(F_CALLSTACK) + size; } DEFINE_UNTAG(F_CALLSTACK,CALLSTACK_TYPE,callstack) INLINE CELL tag_boolean(CELL untagged) { return (untagged == false ? F : T); } DEFINE_UNTAG(F_ARRAY,ARRAY_TYPE,array) #define AREF(array,index) ((CELL)(array) + sizeof(F_ARRAY) + (index) * CELLS) #define UNAREF(array,ptr) (((CELL)(ptr)-(CELL)(array)-sizeof(F_ARRAY)) / CELLS) INLINE CELL array_nth(F_ARRAY *array, CELL slot) { return get(AREF(array,slot)); } INLINE void set_array_nth(F_ARRAY *array, CELL slot, CELL value) { put(AREF(array,slot),value); write_barrier((CELL)array); } INLINE CELL array_capacity(F_ARRAY* array) { return array->capacity >> TAG_BITS; } #define BREF(byte_array,index) ((CELL)byte_array + sizeof(F_BYTE_ARRAY) + (index)) #define SREF(string,index) ((CELL)string + sizeof(F_STRING) + (index)) INLINE F_STRING* untag_string(CELL tagged) { type_check(STRING_TYPE,tagged); return untag_object(tagged); } DEFINE_UNTAG(F_QUOTATION,QUOTATION_TYPE,quotation) DEFINE_UNTAG(F_WORD,WORD_TYPE,word) INLINE CELL tag_tuple(F_TUPLE *tuple) { return RETAG(tuple,TUPLE_TYPE); } INLINE F_TUPLE *untag_tuple(CELL object) { type_check(TUPLE_TYPE,object); return untag_object(object); } INLINE CELL tuple_size(F_TUPLE_LAYOUT *layout) { CELL size = untag_fixnum_fast(layout->size); return sizeof(F_TUPLE) + size * CELLS; } INLINE CELL tuple_nth(F_TUPLE *tuple, CELL slot) { return get(AREF(tuple,slot)); } INLINE void set_tuple_nth(F_TUPLE *tuple, CELL slot, CELL value) { put(AREF(tuple,slot),value); write_barrier((CELL)tuple); } /* Prototypes */ DLLEXPORT void box_boolean(bool value); DLLEXPORT bool to_boolean(CELL value); F_ARRAY *allot_array_internal(CELL type, CELL capacity); F_ARRAY *allot_array(CELL type, CELL capacity, CELL fill); F_BYTE_ARRAY *allot_byte_array(CELL size); CELL allot_array_1(CELL obj); CELL allot_array_2(CELL v1, CELL v2); CELL allot_array_4(CELL v1, CELL v2, CELL v3, CELL v4); void primitive_array(void); void primitive_tuple(void); void primitive_tuple_boa(void); void primitive_tuple_layout(void); void primitive_byte_array(void); void primitive_clone(void); F_ARRAY *reallot_array(F_ARRAY* array, CELL capacity, CELL fill); F_BYTE_ARRAY *reallot_byte_array(F_BYTE_ARRAY *array, CELL capacity); void primitive_resize_array(void); void primitive_resize_byte_array(void); F_STRING* allot_string_internal(CELL capacity); F_STRING* allot_string(CELL capacity, CELL fill); void primitive_string(void); F_STRING *reallot_string(F_STRING *string, CELL capacity, CELL fill); void primitive_resize_string(void); F_STRING *memory_to_char_string(const char *string, CELL length); F_STRING *from_char_string(const char *c_string); DLLEXPORT void box_char_string(const char *c_string); F_STRING *memory_to_u16_string(const u16 *string, CELL length); F_STRING *from_u16_string(const u16 *c_string); DLLEXPORT void box_u16_string(const u16 *c_string); void char_string_to_memory(F_STRING *s, char *string); F_BYTE_ARRAY *string_to_char_alien(F_STRING *s, bool check); char* to_char_string(F_STRING *s, bool check); DLLEXPORT char *unbox_char_string(void); void u16_string_to_memory(F_STRING *s, u16 *string); F_BYTE_ARRAY *string_to_u16_alien(F_STRING *s, bool check); u16* to_u16_string(F_STRING *s, bool check); DLLEXPORT u16 *unbox_u16_string(void); /* String getters and setters */ CELL string_nth(F_STRING* string, CELL index); void set_string_nth(F_STRING* string, CELL index, CELL value); void primitive_string_nth(void); void primitive_set_string_nth(void); F_WORD *allot_word(CELL vocab, CELL name); void primitive_word(void); void primitive_word_xt(void); void primitive_wrapper(void); /* Macros to simulate a vector in C */ #define GROWABLE_ARRAY(result) \ CELL result##_count = 0; \ CELL result = tag_object(allot_array(ARRAY_TYPE,100,F)) F_ARRAY *growable_array_add(F_ARRAY *result, CELL elt, CELL *result_count); #define GROWABLE_ARRAY_ADD(result,elt) \ result = tag_object(growable_array_add(untag_object(result),elt,&result##_count)) F_ARRAY *growable_array_append(F_ARRAY *result, F_ARRAY *elts, CELL *result_count); #define GROWABLE_ARRAY_APPEND(result,elts) \ result = tag_object(growable_array_append(untag_object(result),elts,&result##_count)) #define GROWABLE_ARRAY_TRIM(result) \ result = tag_object(reallot_array(untag_object(result),result##_count,F)) /* Macros to simulate a byte vector in C */ #define GROWABLE_BYTE_ARRAY(result) \ CELL result##_count = 0; \ CELL result = tag_object(allot_byte_array(100)) F_ARRAY *growable_byte_array_append(F_BYTE_ARRAY *result, void *elts, CELL len, CELL *result_count); #define GROWABLE_BYTE_ARRAY_APPEND(result,elts,len) \ result = tag_object(growable_byte_array_append(untag_object(result),elts,len,&result##_count)) #define GROWABLE_BYTE_ARRAY_TRIM(result) \ result = tag_object(reallot_byte_array(untag_object(result),result##_count))