
293 lines
7.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators fry hashtables io
kernel locals make math math.matrices math.matrices.elimination
math.order math.parser math.vectors namespaces prettyprint
sequences sets shuffle sorting splitting ;
IN: koszul
! Utilities
: -1^ ( m -- n ) odd? -1 1 ? ;
: >alt ( obj -- vec )
{ [ dup not ] [ drop 0 >alt ] }
{ [ dup number? ] [ { } associate ] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ 1 swap associate ] }
{ [ dup hashtable? ] [ ] }
[ 1array >alt ]
} cond ;
: canonicalize ( assoc -- assoc' )
[ nip zero? ] assoc-reject ;
SYMBOL: terms
: with-terms ( quot -- hash )
H{ } clone terms namespaces:set call terms get canonicalize
] with-scope ; inline
! Printing elements
: num-alt. ( n -- str )
{ 1 [ " + " ] }
{ -1 [ " - " ] }
[ number>string " + " prepend ]
} case ;
: (alt.) ( basis n -- str )
over empty? [
nip number>string
] [
swap [ name>> ] map "." join
] if ;
: alt. ( assoc -- )
dup assoc-empty? [
drop 0 .
] [
[ (alt.) ] { } assoc>map concat " + " ?head drop print
] if ;
! Addition
: (alt+) ( x -- )
terms get [ [ swap +@ ] assoc-each ] with-variables ;
: alt+ ( x y -- x+y )
[ >alt ] bi@ [ (alt+) (alt+) ] with-terms ;
! Multiplication
: alt*n ( vec n -- vec )
dup zero? [
2drop H{ }
] [
[ * ] curry assoc-map
] if ;
: permutation ( seq -- perm )
[ natural-sort ] keep [ index ] curry map ;
: (inversions) ( n seq -- n )
[ > ] with count ;
: inversions ( seq -- n )
0 swap [ length <iota> ] keep [
[ nth ] 2keep swap 1 + tail-slice (inversions) +
] curry each ;
: (wedge) ( n basis1 basis2 -- n basis )
append dup all-unique? not [
2drop 0 { }
] [
dup permutation inversions -1^ rot *
swap natural-sort
] if ;
: wedge ( x y -- x.y )
[ >alt ] bi@ [
swap building get '[
2swap [
swapd * -rot (wedge) _ at+
] 2keep
] assoc-each 2drop
] curry assoc-each
] H{ } make canonicalize ;
! Differential
SYMBOL: boundaries
: d= ( value basis -- )
boundaries [ ?set-at ] change ;
: get-boundary ( basis -- value ) boundaries get at ;
: dx.y ( x y -- vec ) [ get-boundary ] dip wedge ;
DEFER: (d)
: x.dy ( x y -- vec ) (d) wedge -1 alt*n ;
: (d) ( product -- value )
[ H{ } ] [ unclip swap [ x.dy ] 2keep dx.y alt+ ] if-empty ;
: linear-op ( vec quot -- vec )
-rot [ swap call ] dip alt*n (alt+)
] curry assoc-each
] with-terms ; inline
: d ( x -- dx )
>alt [ (d) ] linear-op ;
! Interior product
: (interior) ( y basis-elt -- i_y[basis-elt] )
2dup index dup [
-rot remove associate
] [
3drop 0
] if ;
: interior ( x y -- i_y[x] )
! y is a generator
swap >alt [ dupd (interior) ] linear-op nip ;
! Computing a basis
: graded ( seq -- seq )
dup 0 [ length max ] reduce 1 + [ V{ } clone ] replicate
[ dup length pick nth push ] reduce ;
: nth-basis-elt ( generators n -- elt )
over length <iota> [
3dup bit? [ nth ] [ 2drop f ] if
] map sift 2nip ;
: basis ( generators -- seq )
natural-sort dup length 2^ <iota> [ nth-basis-elt ] with map ;
: (tensor) ( seq1 seq2 -- seq )
[ prepend natural-sort ] curry map
] with map concat ;
: tensor ( graded-basis1 graded-basis2 -- bigraded-basis )
[ [ swap (tensor) ] curry map ] with map ;
! Computing cohomology
: (op-matrix) ( range quot basis-elt -- row )
swap call [ at 0 or ] curry map ; inline
: op-matrix ( domain range quot -- matrix )
rot [ (op-matrix) ] 2with map ; inline
: d-matrix ( domain range -- matrix )
[ (d) ] op-matrix ;
: dim-im/ker-d ( domain range -- null/rank )
d-matrix null/rank 2array ;
! Graded by degree
: (graded-ker/im-d) ( n seq -- null/rank )
! d: C(n) ---> C(n+1)
[ ?nth ] [ [ 1 + ] dip ?nth ] 2bi
dim-im/ker-d ;
: graded-ker/im-d ( graded-basis -- seq )
[ length <iota> ] keep [ (graded-ker/im-d) ] curry map ;
: graded-betti ( generators -- seq )
basis graded graded-ker/im-d unzip but-last 0 prefix v- ;
! Bi-graded for two-step complexes
: (bigraded-ker/im-d) ( u-deg z-deg bigraded-basis -- null/rank )
! d: C(u,z) ---> C(u+2,z-1)
[ ?nth ?nth ] 3keep [ [ 2 + ] dip 1 - ] dip ?nth ?nth
dim-im/ker-d ;
:: bigraded-ker/im-d ( basis -- seq )
basis length <iota> [| z |
basis first length <iota> [| u |
u z basis (bigraded-ker/im-d)
] map
] map ;
: bigraded-betti ( u-generators z-generators -- seq )
[ basis graded ] bi@ tensor bigraded-ker/im-d
[ [ keys ] map ] keep
[ values 2 head* { 0 0 } prepend ] map
rest dup first length 0 <array> suffix
[ v- ] 2map ;
! Laplacian
: m.m' ( matrix -- matrix' ) dup flip m. ;
: m'.m ( matrix -- matrix' ) dup flip swap m. ;
: empty-matrix? ( matrix -- ? )
[ t ] [ first empty? ] if-empty ;
: ?m+ ( m1 m2 -- m3 )
over empty-matrix? [
] [
dup empty-matrix? [
] [
] if
] if ;
: laplacian-matrix ( basis1 basis2 basis3 -- matrix )
dupd d-matrix m.m' [ d-matrix m'.m ] dip ?m+ ;
: laplacian-betti ( basis1 basis2 basis3 -- n )
laplacian-matrix null/rank drop ;
:: laplacian-kernel ( basis1 basis2 basis3 -- basis )
basis1 basis2 basis3 laplacian-matrix :> lap
lap empty-matrix? [ f ] [
lap nullspace [| x |
basis2 x [ [ wedge (alt+) ] 2each ] with-terms
] map
] if ;
: graded-triple ( seq n -- triple )
3 [ 1 - + ] with map swap [ ?nth ] curry map ;
: graded-triples ( seq -- triples )
dup length [ graded-triple ] with map ;
: graded-laplacian ( generators quot -- seq )
[ basis graded graded-triples [ first3 ] ] dip compose map ; inline
: graded-laplacian-betti ( generators -- seq )
[ laplacian-betti ] graded-laplacian ;
: graded-laplacian-kernel ( generators -- seq )
[ laplacian-kernel ] graded-laplacian ;
: graded-basis. ( seq -- )
"=== Degree " write pprint
": dimension " write dup length .
[ alt. ] each
] each-index ;
: bigraded-triple ( u-deg z-deg bigraded-basis -- triple )
! d: C(u,z) ---> C(u+2,z-1)
[ [ 2 - ] [ 1 + ] [ ] tri* ?nth ?nth ]
[ ?nth ?nth ]
[ [ 2 + ] [ 1 - ] [ ] tri* ?nth ?nth ]
3array ;
:: bigraded-triples ( grid -- triples )
grid length <iota> [| z |
grid first length <iota> [| u |
u z grid bigraded-triple
] map
] map ;
: bigraded-laplacian ( u-generators z-generators quot -- seq )
[ [ basis graded ] bi@ tensor bigraded-triples ] dip
[ [ first3 ] prepose map ] curry map ; inline
: bigraded-laplacian-betti ( u-generators z-generators -- seq )
[ laplacian-betti ] bigraded-laplacian ;
: bigraded-laplacian-kernel ( u-generators z-generators -- seq )
[ laplacian-kernel ] bigraded-laplacian ;
: bigraded-basis. ( seq -- )
"=== U-degree " write .
" === Z-degree " write pprint
": dimension " write dup length .
[ " " write alt. ] each
] each-index
] each-index ;