281 lines
7.7 KiB
281 lines
7.7 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2011 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien arrays assocs byte-arrays classes
classes.algebra classes.algebra.private classes.maybe
combinators generic generic.standard hashtables kernel
kernel.private make math quotations sequences sequences.private
slots.private strings words ;
IN: slots
PRIMITIVE: set-slot ( value obj n -- )
PRIMITIVE: slot ( obj m -- value )
TUPLE: slot-spec name offset class initial read-only ;
PREDICATE: reader < word "reader" word-prop ;
PREDICATE: reader-method < method "reading" word-prop >boolean ;
PREDICATE: writer < word "writer" word-prop ;
PREDICATE: writer-method < method "writing" word-prop >boolean ;
: <slot-spec> ( -- slot-spec )
slot-spec new
object bootstrap-word >>class ;
: define-typecheck ( class generic quot props -- )
[ create-method ] 2dip
[ [ props>> ] [ drop ] [ ] tri* assoc-union! drop ]
[ drop define ]
[ 2drop make-inline ]
3tri ;
GENERIC#: reader-quot 1 ( class slot-spec -- quot )
M: object reader-quot
nip [
dup offset>> ,
\ slot ,
dup class>> object bootstrap-word eq?
[ drop ] [ class>> 1array , \ declare , ] if
] [ ] make ;
: reader-word ( name -- word )
">>" append "accessors" create-word
dup t "reader" set-word-prop ;
: reader-props ( slot-spec -- assoc )
"reading" associate ;
: define-reader-generic ( name -- )
reader-word ( object -- value ) define-simple-generic ;
: define-reader ( class slot-spec -- )
[ nip name>> define-reader-generic ]
[ drop ]
[ nip name>> reader-word ]
[ reader-quot ]
[ nip reader-props ]
} 2cleave define-typecheck
] 2bi ;
: writer-word ( name -- word )
"<<" append "accessors" create-word
dup t "writer" set-word-prop ;
ERROR: bad-slot-value value class ;
GENERIC: instance-check-quot ( obj -- quot )
M: class instance-check-quot ( class -- quot )
{ [ dup object bootstrap-word eq? ] [ drop [ ] ] }
{ [ dup "coercer" word-prop ] [ "coercer" word-prop ] }
[ call-next-method ]
} cond ;
M: object instance-check-quot
\ dup ,
[ predicate-def % ]
[ [ bad-slot-value ] curry , ] bi
\ unless ,
] [ ] make ;
GENERIC#: writer-quot 1 ( class slot-spec -- quot )
M: object writer-quot
[ class>> instance-check-quot dup empty? [ [ dip ] curry ] unless ]
[ offset>> [ set-slot ] curry ]
bi append ;
: writer-props ( slot-spec -- assoc )
"writing" associate ;
: define-writer-generic ( name -- )
writer-word ( value object -- ) define-simple-generic ;
: define-writer ( class slot-spec -- )
[ nip name>> define-writer-generic ] [
[ drop ]
[ nip name>> writer-word ]
[ writer-quot ]
[ nip writer-props ]
} 2cleave define-typecheck
] 2bi ;
: setter-word ( name -- word )
">>" prepend "accessors" create-word ;
: define-setter ( name -- )
dup setter-word dup deferred? [
[ \ over , swap writer-word , ] [ ] make
( object value -- object ) define-inline
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: changer-word ( name -- word )
"change-" prepend "accessors" create-word ;
: define-changer ( name -- )
dup changer-word dup deferred? [
\ over ,
over reader-word 1quotation
[ dip call ] curry [ ] like [ dip swap ] curry %
swap setter-word ,
] [ ] make ( object quot -- object ) define-inline
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: define-slot-methods ( class slot-spec -- )
[ define-reader ]
dup read-only>> [ 2drop ] [
[ name>> define-setter drop ]
[ name>> define-changer drop ]
[ define-writer ]
] if
] 2bi ;
: define-accessors ( class specs -- )
[ define-slot-methods ] with each ;
: define-protocol-slot ( name -- )
[ define-reader-generic ]
[ define-writer-generic ]
[ define-setter ]
[ define-changer ]
} cleave ;
DEFER: initial-value
GENERIC: initial-value* ( class -- object ? )
M: class initial-value* drop f f ;
M: maybe initial-value* drop f t ;
! Default initial value is f, 0, or the default initial value of
! the smallest class. Special case 0 because float is ostensibly
! smaller than integer in union{ integer float } because of
! alphabetical sorting.
M: anonymous-union initial-value*
{ [ f over instance? ] [ drop f t ] }
{ [ 0 over instance? ] [ drop 0 t ] }
members>> sort-classes [ initial-value ] { } map>assoc
?last [ second t ] [ f f ] if*
} cond ;
! See if any of the initial values fit the intersection class,
! or else return that none do, and leave it up to the user to
! provide an initial: value.
M: anonymous-intersection initial-value*
{ [ f over instance? ] [ drop f t ] }
{ [ 0 over instance? ] [ drop 0 t ] }
[ ]
[ participants>> sort-classes [ initial-value ] { } map>assoc ]
[ ] tri
[ [ first2 nip ] dip instance? ] curry find swap [
nip second t
] [
2drop f f
] if
} cond ;
: initial-value ( class -- object ? )
{ [ dup only-classoid? ] [ dup initial-value* ] }
{ [ dup "initial-value" word-prop ] [ dup "initial-value" word-prop t ] }
{ [ \ f bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ f t ] }
{ [ \ array-capacity bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ 0 t ] }
{ [ \ integer-array-capacity bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ 0 t ] }
{ [ bignum bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ 0 >bignum t ] }
{ [ float bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ 0.0 t ] }
{ [ string bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ "" t ] }
{ [ array bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ { } t ] }
{ [ byte-array bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ B{ } t ] }
{ [ pinned-alien bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ <bad-alien> t ] }
{ [ quotation bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ [ ] t ] }
[ dup initial-value* ]
} cond nipd ;
GENERIC: make-slot ( desc -- slot-spec )
M: string make-slot
swap >>name ;
: peel-off-name ( slot-spec array -- slot-spec array )
[ first >>name ] [ rest ] bi ; inline
: init-slot-class ( slot-spec class -- slot-spec )
[ >>class ] [ initial-value [ >>initial ] [ drop ] if ] bi ;
: peel-off-class ( slot-spec array -- slot-spec array )
dup empty? [
dup first classoid? [
[ first init-slot-class ] [ rest ] bi
] when
] unless ;
ERROR: bad-slot-attribute key ;
: peel-off-attributes ( slot-spec array -- slot-spec array )
dup empty? [
unclip {
{ initial: [ [ first >>initial ] [ rest ] bi ] }
{ read-only [ [ t >>read-only ] dip ] }
[ bad-slot-attribute ]
} case
] unless ;
ERROR: bad-initial-value name initial-value class ;
: check-initial-value ( slot-spec -- slot-spec )
[ ] [
[ ] [ initial>> ] [ class>> ] tri
2dup instance? [
] [
[ name>> ] 2dip bad-initial-value
] if
] if-bootstrapping ;
M: array make-slot
[ dup empty? ] [ peel-off-attributes ] until drop
check-initial-value ;
M: slot-spec make-slot
check-initial-value ;
: make-slots ( slots -- specs )
[ make-slot ] map ;
: finalize-slots ( specs base -- specs )
over length <iota> [ + ] with map [ >>offset ] 2map ;
: slot-named* ( name specs -- offset spec/f )
[ name>> = ] with find ;
: slot-named ( name specs -- spec/f )
slot-named* nip ;