
505 lines
14 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2015 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs assocs.extras calendar
calendar.format checksums checksums.sha combinators
combinators.smart compression.zlib constructors fry grouping io
io.binary io.directories io.directories.search
io.encodings.binary io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8
io.files io.files.info io.pathnames io.streams.byte-array
io.streams.peek kernel math math.bitwise math.parser
math.statistics memoize namespaces random sequences
sequences.extras splitting strings ;
IN: git
ERROR: byte-expected offset ;
: read1* ( -- n )
read1 [ tell-input byte-expected ] unless* ;
ERROR: separator-expected expected-one-of got ;
: read-until* ( separators -- data )
dup read-until [ nip ] [ separator-expected ] if ;
: find-git-directory ( path -- path' )
[ ".git" tail? ] find-up-to-root ; inline
ERROR: not-a-git-directory path ;
: current-git-directory ( -- path )
current-directory get find-git-directory [
current-directory get not-a-git-directory
] unless* ;
: make-git-path ( str -- path )
current-git-directory prepend-path ;
: make-refs-path ( str -- path )
[ "refs/" make-git-path ] dip append-path ;
: make-object-path ( str -- path )
[ "objects/" make-git-path ] dip 2 cut append-path append-path ;
: make-idx-path ( sha -- path )
"objects/pack/pack-" ".idx" surround make-git-path ;
: make-pack-path ( sha -- path )
"objects/pack/pack-" ".pack" surround make-git-path ;
: git-binary-contents ( str -- contents )
make-git-path binary file-contents ;
: git-utf8-contents ( str -- contents )
make-git-path utf8 file-contents ;
: git-lines ( str -- contents )
make-git-path utf8 file-lines ;
ERROR: expected-one-line lines ;
: git-line ( str -- contents )
git-lines dup length 1 =
[ first ] [ expected-one-line ] if ;
: git-unpacked-object-exists? ( hash -- ? )
make-object-path exists? ;
TUPLE: index-entry ctime mtime dev ino mode uid gid size sha1 flags name ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <index-entry> index-entry ( ctime mtime dev ino mode uid gid size sha1 flags name -- obj ) ;
: read-index-entry-v2 ( -- seq )
4 read be> 4 read be> 2array
4 read be> 4 read be> 2array
4 read be>
4 read be>
4 read be>
4 read be>
4 read be>
4 read be>
20 read bytes>hex-string
2 read be> { 0 } read-until drop [ utf8 decode ] [ length ] bi
7 + 8 mod dup zero? [ 8 swap - ] unless read drop
<index-entry> ;
TUPLE: git-index magic version entries checksum ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <git-index> git-index ( magic version entries checksum -- obj ) ;
ERROR: unhandled-git-version n ;
ERROR: unhandled-git-index-trailing-bytes bytes ;
: git-index-contents ( -- git-index )
"index" make-git-path binary [
4 read utf8 decode
4 read be>
4 read be> over {
{ 2 [ [ read-index-entry-v2 ] replicate ] }
[ unhandled-git-version ]
} case
20 read bytes>hex-string
] with-file-reader ;
: make-git-object ( str -- obj )
[ "blob " ] dip [ length number>string "\0" ] [ ] bi
] B{ } append-outputs-as ;
: path>git-object ( path -- bytes )
binary file-contents make-git-object sha1 checksum-bytes ;
: git-hash-object ( str -- hash )
make-git-object sha1 checksum-bytes ;
: changed-index-by-sha1 ( -- seq )
git-index-contents entries>>
[ [ sha1>> ] [ name>> path>git-object bytes>hex-string ] bi = not ] filter ;
: changed-index-by-mtime ( -- seq )
git-index-contents entries>>
[ mtime>> first ]
[ name>> file-info modified>> timestamp>unix-time >integer ] bi = not
] filter ;
TUPLE: commit hash tree parents author committer message ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <commit> commit ( tree parents author committer -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: tree hash tree parents author committer message ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <tree> tree ( -- obj ) ;
: last2 ( seq -- penultimate ultimate ) 2 tail* first2 ;
: gmt-offset>duration ( string -- duration )
3 cut [ string>number ] bi@
[ hours ] [ minutes ] bi* time+ ;
: date>string ( seq -- string )
[ string>number unix-time>timestamp ]
[ gmt-offset>duration [ time+ ] [ >>gmt-offset ] bi ] bi*
timestamp>git-time ;
: commit. ( commit -- )
[ hash>> "commit " prepend print ]
[ author>> "Author: " prepend " " split 2 head* " " join print ]
[ author>> " " split date>string "Date: " prepend print ]
[ message>> "\n" split [ " " prepend ] map "\n" join nl print nl ]
} cleave ;
ERROR: unknown-commit-line line name ;
ERROR: eof-too-early ;
ERROR: unknown-field field ;
: parse-commit-field ( obj parameter -- obj )
[ "\r\n" read-until [ eof-too-early ] unless ] dip {
{ "tree" [ >>tree ] }
{ "parent" [ >>parents ] }
{ "author" [ >>author ] }
{ "committer" [ >>committer ] }
[ unknown-field ]
} case ;
ERROR: unexpected-text text ;
: parse-commit-lines ( obj -- obj )
" \n" read-until {
{ CHAR: \s [ parse-commit-field parse-commit-lines ] }
{ CHAR: \n [ drop contents >>message ] }
[ unexpected-text ]
} case ;
: parse-commit ( bytes -- commit )
" " split1 [ "commit" assert= ] [ string>number read ] bi*
utf8 [
commit new parse-commit-lines
] with-byte-reader ;
: parse-tree-field ( obj parameter -- obj )
[ "\r\n" read-until* ] dip {
{ "tree" [ >>tree ] }
{ "parent" [ >>parents ] }
{ "author" [ >>author ] }
{ "committer" [ >>committer ] }
[ unknown-field ]
} case ;
: parse-tree-lines ( obj -- obj )
"\s\n" read-until {
{ CHAR: \s [ parse-tree-field parse-tree-lines ] }
{ CHAR: \n [ drop contents >>message ] }
[ unexpected-text ]
} case ;
ERROR: key-already-set value key assoc ;
: set-at-once ( value key assoc -- )
2dup key? [ key-already-set ] [ set-at ] if ;
: parse-object-line>assoc ( hashtable -- hashtable )
"\s\n" read-until {
{ CHAR: \s [ [ "\r\n" read-until* ] dip pick over "parent" = [ push-at ] [ set-at-once ] if parse-object-line>assoc ] }
{ CHAR: \n [ drop contents "message" pick set-at ] }
} case ;
: assoc>commit ( assoc -- commit )
[ commit new ] dip {
[ "tree" of >>tree ]
[ "parent" of >>parents ]
[ "author" of >>author ]
[ "committer" of >>committer ]
[ "message" of >>message ]
} cleave ;
ERROR: unknown-git-object obj ;
: assoc>git-object ( assoc -- git-object )
{ [ "committer" over key? ] [ assoc>commit ] }
[ unknown-git-object ]
} cond ;
: parse-object-bytes>assoc ( obj -- hashtable )
utf8 [
H{ } clone parse-object-line>assoc assoc>git-object
] with-byte-reader ;
: parse-tree ( bytes -- commit )
[ tree new ] dip
utf8 [
] with-byte-reader ;
: parse-object ( bytes -- git-obj )
utf8 [
{ 0 } read-until 0 = drop dup " " split1 drop {
{ "blob" [ "unimplemented blob parsing" throw ] }
{ "commit" [ parse-commit ] }
{ "tree" [ parse-tree ] }
[ unknown-git-object ]
} case
] with-byte-reader ;
ERROR: idx-v1-unsupported ;
TUPLE: idx version table triples packfile-sha1 idx-sha1 ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <idx> idx ( version table triples packfile-sha1 idx-sha1 -- obj ) ;
! sha1, crc32, offset
: parse-idx-v2 ( -- idx )
4 read be>
256 4 * read 4 group [ be> ] map
dup last
[ [ 20 read bytes>hex-string ] replicate ]
[ [ 4 read ] replicate ]
[ [ 4 read be> ] replicate ] tri 3array flip
20 read bytes>hex-string
20 read bytes>hex-string <idx> ;
: parse-idx ( path -- idx )
binary [
4 read be> {
{ 0xff744f63 [ parse-idx-v2 ] }
[ idx-v1-unsupported ]
} case
] with-file-reader ;
SYMBOL: #bits
: read-type-length ( -- pair )
0 #bits [
[ -4 shift 3 bits ] [ 4 bits ] [ ] tri
0x80 mask? [
#bits [ 4 + ] change
read1* [
7 bits #bits get shift bitor
#bits [ 7 + ] change
] [ 0x80 mask? ] bi
] loop
] when 2array
] with-variable ;
: read-be-length ( -- length )
read1* dup 0x80 mask? [
7 bits [
[ [ 1 + 7 shift ] [ 7 bits ] bi* bitor ]
[ 0x80 mask? ] bi
] loop
] when ;
: read-le-length ( -- length )
read1* dup 0x80 mask? [
7 bits [
[ 7 bits 7 shift bitor ]
[ 0x80 mask? ] bi
] loop
] when ;
DEFER: git-object-from-pack
TUPLE: insert bytes ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <insert> insert ( bytes -- insert ) ;
TUPLE: copy offset size ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <copy> copy ( offset size -- copy ) ;
: parse-delta ( -- delta/f )
read1 [
dup 0x80 mask? not [
7 bits read <insert>
] [
[ 0 0 ] dip
dup 0x01 mask? [
[ read1* bitor ] 2dip
] when
dup 0x02 mask? [
[ read1* 8 shift bitor ] 2dip
] when
dup 0x04 mask? [
[ read1* 16 shift bitor ] 2dip
] when
dup 0x08 mask? [
[ read1* 24 shift bitor ] 2dip
] when
dup 0x10 mask? [
[ read1* bitor ] dip
] when
dup 0x20 mask? [
[ read1* 8 shift bitor ] dip
] when
dup 0x40 mask? [
[ read1* 16 shift bitor ] dip
] when
drop [ 65536 ] when-zero
] if
] [
] if* ;
: parse-deltas ( bytes -- deltas )
binary [
[ parse-delta ] loop>array 3array
] with-byte-reader ;
ERROR: unknown-delta-operation op ;
: apply-delta ( delta -- )
{ [ dup insert? ] [ bytes>> write ] }
{ [ dup copy? ] [ [ offset>> seek-absolute seek-input ] [ size>> read write ] bi ] }
[ unknown-delta-operation ]
} cond ;
: do-deltas ( bytes delta-bytes -- bytes' )
[ binary ] 2dip '[
_ binary [
_ parse-deltas third [ apply-delta ] each
] with-byte-reader
] with-byte-writer ;
ERROR: unsupported-packed-raw-type type ;
: read-packed-raw ( -- string )
read-type-length first2 swap {
{ 1 [ 256 + read uncompress ] }
[ unsupported-packed-raw-type ]
} case ;
SYMBOL: initial-offset
: read-offset-delta ( size -- obj )
[ read-be-length neg initial-offset get + ] dip 256 + read uncompress
[ seek-absolute seek-input read-packed-raw ] dip 2array ;
: read-sha1-delta ( size -- obj )
[ 20 read bytes>hex-string git-object-from-pack ] dip read uncompress 2array ;
! XXX: actual length is stored in the gzip header
! We add 256 instead of using it for now.
: read-packed ( -- obj/f )
tell-input initial-offset [
read-type-length first2 swap {
{ 1 [ 256 + read uncompress parse-object ] }
{ 6 [ read-offset-delta first2 do-deltas parse-object-bytes>assoc ] }
! { 7 [ B read-sha1-delta ] }
[ number>string "unknown packed type: " prepend throw ]
} case
] with-variable ;
: parse-packed-object ( sha1 offset -- obj )
[ make-pack-path binary ] dip '[
input-stream [ <peek-stream> ] change
_ seek-absolute seek-input read-packed
] with-file-reader ;
! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18010820/git-the-meaning-of-object-size-returned-by-git-verify-pack
TUPLE: pack magic version count objects sha1 ;
: parse-pack ( path -- pack )
binary [
input-stream [ <peek-stream> ] change
4 read >string
4 read be>
4 read be> 3array
[ peek1 ] [ read-packed ] produce 2array
] with-file-reader ;
: git-read-idx ( sha -- obj )
make-idx-path parse-idx ;
! Broken for now
! : git-read-pack ( sha -- obj ) make-pack-path parse-pack ;
: parsed-idx>hash ( seq -- hash )
H{ } clone [
[ packfile-sha1>> ]
[ triples>> ] bi
[ first3 rot [ 3array ] dip _ set-at ] with each
] each
] keep ;
MEMO: git-parse-all-idx ( -- seq )
"objects/pack/" make-git-path qualified-directory-files
[ ".idx" tail? ] filter
[ parse-idx ] map
parsed-idx>hash ;
ERROR: no-pack-for sha1 ;
: find-pack-for ( sha1 -- triple )
git-parse-all-idx ?at [ no-pack-for ] unless ;
: git-object-from-pack ( sha1 -- pack )
[ find-pack-for [ first ] [ third ] bi parse-packed-object ] keep >>hash ;
: git-object-contents ( hash -- contents )
make-object-path binary file-contents uncompress ;
: git-read-object ( sha -- obj )
dup git-unpacked-object-exists? [
[ git-object-contents parse-object ] keep >>hash
] [
] if ;
! !: git-object-contents ( hash -- contents )
! make-object-path ! binary file-contents uncompress ;
! [ git-read-object ] [ git-object-from-pack ] if ;
: parsed-idx>hash2 ( seq -- hash )
[ triples>> [ [ drop f ] [ first ] bi ] [ set-at ] sequence>hashtable ]
[ packfile-sha1>> ] bi
] [ set-at ] sequence>hashtable ; inline
ERROR: expected-ref got ;
: parse-ref-line ( string -- string' )
" " split1 [
dup "ref:" = [ drop ] [ expected-ref ] if
] dip ;
: list-refs ( -- seq )
current-git-directory "refs/" append-path recursive-directory-files ;
: remote-refs-dirs ( -- seq )
"remotes" make-refs-path directory-files ;
: ref-contents ( str -- line ) make-refs-path git-line ;
: git-stash-ref-sha1 ( -- contents ) "stash" ref-contents ;
: git-ref ( ref -- sha1 ) git-line parse-ref-line ;
: git-head-ref ( -- sha1 ) "HEAD" git-ref ;
: git-log-for-ref ( ref -- log ) git-line git-read-object ;
: git-head-object ( -- commit ) git-head-ref git-log-for-ref ;
: git-config ( -- config )
"config" make-git-path ;
SYMBOL: parents
ERROR: repeated-parent-hash hash ;
: git-log ( -- log )
H{ } clone parents [
git-head-object [
parents>> dup string? [ random ] unless [
dup git-unpacked-object-exists?
[ git-read-object ] [ git-object-from-pack ] if
] [ f ] if*
] follow
] with-variable ;