320 lines
7.7 KiB
320 lines
7.7 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2011 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs calendar combinators concurrency.flags
debugger destructors environment fry init io io.backend
io.encodings io.encodings.utf8 io.pipes io.pipes.private
io.ports io.streams.duplex io.timeouts kernel math math.order
namespaces prettyprint sequences strings system threads vocabs ;
IN: io.launcher
TUPLE: process < identity-tuple
handle status
pipe ;
SYMBOL: +closed+
SYMBOL: +stdout+
TUPLE: appender path ;
C: <appender> appender
SYMBOL: +prepend-environment+
SYMBOL: +replace-environment+
SYMBOL: +append-environment+
SYMBOL: +lowest-priority+
SYMBOL: +low-priority+
SYMBOL: +normal-priority+
SYMBOL: +high-priority+
SYMBOL: +highest-priority+
SYMBOL: +realtime-priority+
SYMBOL: +same-group+
SYMBOL: +new-group+
SYMBOL: +new-session+
: <process> ( -- process )
process new
H{ } clone >>environment
+append-environment+ >>environment-mode
+same-group+ >>group ;
: process-started? ( process -- ? )
[ handle>> ] [ status>> ] bi or ;
: process-running? ( process -- ? )
handle>> >boolean ;
! Non-blocking process exit notification facility
SYMBOL: processes
HOOK: (wait-for-processes) io-backend ( -- ? )
SYMBOL: wait-flag
SYMBOL: wait-delay
: wait-loop ( -- )
processes get assoc-empty? [
5 wait-delay set-global
wait-flag get-global lower-flag
] [
(wait-for-processes) [
wait-delay [
[ milliseconds sleep ] [ 5 + 100 max ] bi
] change-global
] when
] if ;
: start-wait-thread ( -- )
<flag> wait-flag set-global
5 wait-delay set-global
[ wait-loop t ] "Process wait" spawn-server drop ;
H{ } clone processes set-global
] "io.launcher" add-startup-hook
: process-started ( process handle -- )
V{ } clone swap processes get set-at
wait-flag get-global raise-flag ;
: notify-exit ( process status -- )
[ processes get delete-at* drop [ resume ] each ] keep
f >>handle drop ;
: pass-environment? ( process -- ? )
dup environment>> assoc-empty? not
swap environment-mode>> +replace-environment+ eq? or ;
: get-environment ( process -- env )
[ environment>> ] [ environment-mode>> ] bi {
{ +prepend-environment+ [ os-envs assoc-union ] }
{ +append-environment+ [ os-envs swap assoc-union ] }
{ +replace-environment+ [ ] }
} case ;
GENERIC: >process ( obj -- process )
ERROR: process-already-started process ;
M: process-already-started error.
"Process has already been started" print nl
"Launch descriptor:" print nl
process>> . ;
M: process >process
dup process-started? [ process-already-started ] when
clone ;
M: object >process <process> swap >>command ;
HOOK: (current-process) io-backend ( -- handle )
ERROR: process-was-killed process ;
M: process-was-killed error.
"Process was killed as a result of a call to" print
"kill-process, or a timeout" print
"Launch descriptor:" print nl
process>> . ;
: (wait-for-process) ( process -- status )
dup handle>>
[ self over processes get at push "process" suspend drop ] when
dup killed>> [ process-was-killed ] [ status>> ] if ;
: wait-for-process ( process -- status )
[ (wait-for-process) ] with-timeout ;
HOOK: (run-process) io-backend ( process -- handle )
: run-detached ( desc -- process )
>process [ dup (run-process) process-started ] keep ;
: run-process ( desc -- process )
dup detached>> [ dup wait-for-process drop ] unless ;
ERROR: process-failed process ;
M: process-failed error.
"Process exited with error code " write process>> status>> . nl
"Launch descriptor:" print nl
] [ process>> . ] bi ;
: check-success ( process status -- )
0 = [ drop ] [ process-failed ] if ;
: wait-for-success ( process -- )
dup wait-for-process check-success ;
: try-process ( desc -- )
run-process wait-for-success ;
HOOK: (kill-process) io-backend ( process -- )
: kill-process ( process -- )
t >>killed
[ pipe>> [ dispose ] when* ]
[ dup handle>> [ (kill-process) ] [ drop ] if ] bi ;
M: process timeout timeout>> ;
M: process set-timeout timeout<< ;
M: process cancel-operation kill-process ;
M: object run-pipeline-element
swap >>stdout
swap >>stdin
] [
drop [ [ &dispose drop ] when* ] bi@
] with-destructors
] 3bi wait-for-process ;
: <process-with-pipe> ( desc -- process pipe )
>process (pipe) |dispose [ >>pipe ] keep ;
: (process-reader) ( desc encoding -- stream process )
<process-with-pipe> {
[ '[ _ out>> or ] change-stdout ]
[ drop run-detached ]
[ out>> dispose ]
[ in>> <input-port> ]
} cleave
] dip <decoder> swap
] with-destructors ;
: <process-reader> ( desc encoding -- stream )
(process-reader) drop ; inline
: with-process-reader* ( desc encoding quot -- process status )
[ (process-reader) ] dip '[
[ _ with-input-stream ] dip dup (wait-for-process)
] with-timeout ; inline
: with-process-reader ( desc encoding quot -- )
with-process-reader* check-success ; inline
: process-lines ( desc -- lines )
utf8 <process-reader> stream-lines ;
: (process-writer) ( desc encoding -- stream process )
<process-with-pipe> {
[ '[ _ in>> or ] change-stdin ]
[ drop run-detached ]
[ in>> dispose ]
[ out>> <output-port> ]
} cleave
] dip <encoder> swap
] with-destructors ;
: <process-writer> ( desc encoding -- stream )
(process-writer) drop ; inline
: with-process-writer* ( desc encoding quot -- process status )
[ (process-writer) ] dip '[
[ _ with-output-stream ] dip dup (wait-for-process)
] with-timeout ; inline
: with-process-writer ( desc encoding quot -- )
with-process-writer* check-success ; inline
: (process-stream) ( desc encoding -- stream process )
(pipe) |dispose
(pipe) |dispose {
rot >process t >>hidden
[ swap in>> or ] change-stdin
[ swap out>> or ] change-stdout
[ [ out>> &dispose drop ] [ in>> &dispose drop ] bi* ]
[ [ in>> <input-port> ] [ out>> <output-port> ] bi* ]
} 2cleave
] dip <encoder-duplex> swap
] with-destructors ;
: <process-stream> ( desc encoding -- stream )
(process-stream) drop ; inline
: with-process-stream* ( desc encoding quot -- process status )
[ (process-stream) ] dip '[
[ _ with-stream ] dip dup (wait-for-process)
] with-timeout ; inline
: with-process-stream ( desc encoding quot -- )
with-process-stream* check-success ; inline
ERROR: output-process-error { output string } { process process } ;
M: output-process-error error.
[ "Process:" print process>> . nl ]
[ "Output:" print output>> print ]
bi ;
: try-output-process ( command -- )
+stdout+ >>stderr
[ +closed+ or ] change-stdin
utf8 (process-reader)
[ [ stream-contents ] [ dup (wait-for-process) ] bi* ] with-timeout
0 = [ 2drop ] [ output-process-error ] if ;
{ [ os unix? ] [ "io.launcher.unix" require ] }
{ [ os windows? ] [ "io.launcher.windows" require ] }
} cond