390 lines
9.8 KiB
390 lines
9.8 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays ascii assocs boxes calendar classes columns
combinators combinators.short-circuit deques fry kernel make math
math.order math.parser math.vectors namespaces sequences sets system
timers ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private words locals ;
IN: ui.gestures
: get-gesture-handler ( gesture gadget -- quot )
class-of superclasses-of [ "gestures" word-prop ] map assoc-stack ;
GENERIC: handle-gesture ( gesture gadget -- ? )
M: object handle-gesture
[ nip ]
[ get-gesture-handler ] 2bi
dup [ call( gadget -- ) f ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
GENERIC: handles-gesture? ( gesture gadget -- ? )
M: object handles-gesture?
get-gesture-handler >boolean ;
: parents-handle-gesture? ( gesture gadget -- ? )
[ handles-gesture? not ] with each-parent not ;
: set-gestures ( class hash -- ) "gestures" set-word-prop ;
: gesture-queue ( -- deque ) \ gesture-queue get ;
GENERIC: send-queued-gesture ( request -- )
TUPLE: send-gesture-tuple gesture gadget ;
M: send-gesture-tuple send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ gadget>> ] bi handle-gesture drop ;
: queue-gesture ( ... class -- )
boa gesture-queue push-front notify-ui-thread ; inline
: send-gesture ( gesture gadget -- )
\ send-gesture-tuple queue-gesture ;
: each-gesture ( gesture seq -- ) [ send-gesture ] with each ;
TUPLE: propagate-gesture-tuple gesture gadget ;
: resend-gesture ( gesture gadget -- ? )
[ handle-gesture ] with each-parent ;
M: propagate-gesture-tuple send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ gadget>> ] bi resend-gesture drop ;
: propagate-gesture ( gesture gadget -- )
\ propagate-gesture-tuple queue-gesture ;
TUPLE: propagate-key-gesture-tuple gesture world ;
: world-focus ( world -- gadget )
dup focus>> [ world-focus ] [ ] ?if ;
M: propagate-key-gesture-tuple send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ world>> world-focus ] bi
[ handle-gesture ] with each-parent drop ;
:: propagate-key-gesture ( gesture world -- )
world world-focus preedit? [
gesture world \ propagate-key-gesture-tuple queue-gesture
] unless ;
TUPLE: user-input-tuple string world ;
M: user-input-tuple send-queued-gesture
[ string>> ] [ world>> world-focus ] bi
[ user-input* ] with each-parent drop ;
: user-input ( string world -- )
'[ _ \ user-input-tuple queue-gesture ] unless-empty ;
! Gesture objects
TUPLE: drag # ; C: <drag> drag
TUPLE: button-up mods # ; C: <button-up> button-up
TUPLE: button-down mods # ; C: <button-down> button-down
TUPLE: file-drop mods ; C: <file-drop> file-drop
SYMBOL: dropped-files
mouse-enter mouse-leave
lose-focus gain-focus ;
! Higher-level actions
undo-action redo-action
cut-action copy-action paste-action
delete-action select-all-action
left-action right-action up-action down-action
zoom-in-action zoom-out-action
new-action open-action save-action save-as-action
revert-action close-action ;
UNION: action
undo-action redo-action
cut-action copy-action paste-action
delete-action select-all-action
left-action right-action up-action down-action
zoom-in-action zoom-out-action
new-action open-action save-action save-as-action
revert-action close-action ;
CONSTANT: action-gestures
{ "z" undo-action }
{ "y" redo-action }
{ "x" cut-action }
{ "c" copy-action }
{ "v" paste-action }
{ "a" select-all-action }
{ "n" new-action }
{ "o" open-action }
{ "s" save-action }
{ "S" save-as-action }
{ "w" close-action }
! Modifiers
SYMBOLS: C+ A+ M+ S+ ;
TUPLE: key-gesture mods sym ;
TUPLE: key-down < key-gesture ;
: new-key-gesture ( mods sym action? class -- key-gesture )
[ [ [ S+ swap remove f like ] dip ] unless ] dip boa ; inline
: <key-down> ( mods sym action? -- key-down )
key-down new-key-gesture ;
TUPLE: key-up < key-gesture ;
: <key-up> ( mods sym action? -- key-up )
key-up new-key-gesture ;
! Hand state
! Note that these are only really useful inside an event
! handler, and that the locations hand-loc and hand-click-loc
! are in the co-ordinate system of the world which contains
! the gadget in question.
SYMBOL: hand-gadget
SYMBOL: hand-world
SYMBOL: hand-loc
{ 0 0 } hand-loc set-global
SYMBOL: hand-clicked
SYMBOL: hand-click-loc
SYMBOL: hand-click#
SYMBOL: hand-last-button
SYMBOL: hand-last-time
0 hand-last-button set-global
0 hand-last-time set-global
SYMBOL: hand-buttons
V{ } clone hand-buttons set-global
SYMBOL: scroll-direction
{ 0 0 } scroll-direction set-global
SYMBOL: double-click-timeout
300 milliseconds double-click-timeout set-global
: hand-moved? ( -- ? )
hand-loc get-global hand-click-loc get-global = not ;
: button-gesture ( gesture -- )
hand-clicked get-global propagate-gesture ;
: drag-gesture ( -- )
hand-buttons get-global
[ first <drag> button-gesture ] unless-empty ;
SYMBOL: drag-timer
<box> drag-timer set-global
: start-drag-timer ( -- )
hand-buttons get-global empty? [
[ drag-gesture ]
300 milliseconds
100 milliseconds
[ drag-timer get-global >box ]
[ start-timer ] bi
] when ;
: stop-drag-timer ( -- )
hand-buttons get-global empty? [
drag-timer get-global ?box
[ stop-timer ] [ drop ] if
] when ;
: fire-motion ( -- )
hand-buttons get-global empty? [
motion hand-gadget get-global propagate-gesture
] [
] if ;
: hand-gestures ( new old -- )
drop-prefix <reversed>
mouse-leave swap each-gesture
mouse-enter swap each-gesture ;
: forget-rollover ( -- )
f hand-world set-global
hand-gadget get-global
[ f hand-gadget set-global f ] dip
parents hand-gestures ;
: send-lose-focus ( gadget -- )
lose-focus swap send-gesture ;
: send-gain-focus ( gadget -- )
gain-focus swap send-gesture ;
: focus-child ( child gadget ? -- )
dup focus>> [
dup send-lose-focus
f swap t focus-child
] when*
dupd focus<< [
] when*
] [
] if ;
: modifier ( mod modifiers -- seq )
[ second swap bitand 0 > ] with filter
0 <column> members [ f ] [ >array ] if-empty ;
: drag-loc ( -- loc )
hand-loc get-global hand-click-loc get-global v- ;
: hand-rel ( gadget -- loc )
hand-loc get-global swap screen-loc v- ;
: hand-click-rel ( gadget -- loc )
hand-click-loc get-global swap screen-loc v- ;
: multi-click-timeout? ( -- ? )
nano-count hand-last-time get - nanoseconds
double-click-timeout get before=? ;
: multi-click-button? ( button -- button ? )
dup hand-last-button get = ;
: multi-click-position? ( -- ? )
hand-loc get-global hand-click-loc get-global distance 10 <= ;
: multi-click? ( button -- ? )
[ multi-click-timeout? ]
[ multi-click-button? ]
[ multi-click-position? ]
} 0&& nip ;
: update-click# ( button -- )
dup multi-click? [
hand-click# inc
] [
1 hand-click# namespaces:set
] if
hand-last-button namespaces:set
nano-count hand-last-time namespaces:set
] with-global ;
: update-clicked ( -- )
hand-gadget get-global hand-clicked set-global
hand-loc get-global hand-click-loc set-global ;
: under-hand ( -- seq )
hand-gadget get-global parents <reversed> ;
: move-hand ( loc world -- )
dup hand-world set-global
under-hand [
over hand-loc set-global
pick-up hand-gadget set-global
] dip hand-gestures ;
: send-button-down ( gesture loc world -- )
dup #>>
dup update-click# hand-buttons get-global push
button-gesture ;
: send-button-up ( gesture loc world -- )
dup #>> hand-buttons get-global remove! drop
button-gesture ;
: send-scroll ( direction loc world -- )
scroll-direction set-global
mouse-scroll hand-gadget get-global propagate-gesture ;
: send-action ( world gesture -- )
swap world-focus propagate-gesture ;
GENERIC: gesture>string ( gesture -- string/f )
HOOK: modifiers>string os ( modifiers -- string )
M: macosx modifiers>string
{ A+ [ "\u002318" ] }
{ M+ [ "\u002325" ] }
{ S+ [ "\u0021e7" ] }
{ C+ [ "\u002303" ] }
} case
] map "" concat-as ;
M: object modifiers>string
[ name>> ] map "" concat-as ;
HOOK: keysym>string os ( keysym -- string )
M: macosx keysym>string >upper ;
M: object keysym>string dup length 1 = [ >lower ] when ;
M: key-down gesture>string
[ mods>> ] [ sym>> ] bi
{ [ dup { [ length 1 = ] [ first LETTER? ] } 1&& ] [ [ S+ prefix ] dip ] }
{ [ dup " " = ] [ drop "SPACE" ] }
[ ]
} cond
[ modifiers>string ] [ keysym>string ] bi* append ;
M: button-up gesture>string
dup mods>> modifiers>string %
"Click Button" %
#>> [ " " % # ] when*
] "" make ;
M: button-down gesture>string
dup mods>> modifiers>string %
"Press Button" %
#>> [ " " % # ] when*
] "" make ;
M: file-drop gesture>string drop "Drop files" ;
M: left-action gesture>string drop "Swipe left" ;
M: right-action gesture>string drop "Swipe right" ;
M: up-action gesture>string drop "Swipe up" ;
M: down-action gesture>string drop "Swipe down" ;
M: zoom-in-action gesture>string drop "Zoom in" ;
M: zoom-out-action gesture>string drop "Zoom out (pinch)" ;
HOOK: action-modifier os ( -- mod )
M: object action-modifier C+ ;
M: macosx action-modifier A+ ;
M: action gesture>string
action-gestures value-at
action-modifier 1array
swap f <key-down> gesture>string ;
M: object gesture>string drop f ;