
500 lines
16 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2016 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs combinators combinators.short-circuit
continuations fry io.encodings.utf8 io.files kernel locals make
math math.order modern.paths modern.slices sequences
sequences.extras sets splitting strings unicode vocabs.loader ;
IN: modern
ERROR: string-expected-got-eof n string ;
ERROR: long-opening-mismatch tag open n string ch ;
! (( )) [[ ]] {{ }}
MACRO:: read-double-matched ( open-ch -- quot: ( n string tag ch -- n' string seq ) )
open-ch dup matching-delimiter {
[ drop 2 swap <string> ]
[ drop 1string ]
[ nip 2 swap <string> ]
} 2cleave :> ( openstr2 openstr1 closestr2 )
[| n string tag! ch |
ch {
{ CHAR: = [
tag 1 cut-slice* drop tag! ! tag of (=( is ( here, fix it
n string openstr1 slice-til-separator-inclusive [ -1 modify-from ] dip :> ( n' string' opening ch )
ch open-ch = [ tag openstr2 n string ch long-opening-mismatch ] unless
opening matching-delimiter-string :> needle
n' string' needle slice-til-string :> ( n'' string'' payload closing )
n'' string
tag opening payload closing 4array
] }
{ open-ch [
tag 1 cut-slice* swap tag! 1 modify-to :> opening
n 1 + string closestr2 slice-til-string :> ( n' string' payload closing )
n' string
tag opening payload closing 4array
] }
[ [ tag openstr2 n string ] dip long-opening-mismatch ]
} case
] ;
: read-double-matched-paren ( n string tag ch -- n' string seq ) CHAR: ( read-double-matched ;
: read-double-matched-bracket ( n string tag ch -- n' string seq ) CHAR: [ read-double-matched ;
: read-double-matched-brace ( n string tag ch -- n' string seq ) CHAR: { read-double-matched ;
DEFER: lex-factor-top
DEFER: lex-factor
ERROR: lex-expected-but-got-eof n string expected ;
! For implementing [ { (
: lex-until ( n string tag-sequence -- n' string payload )
3dup '[
lex-factor-top dup f like [ , ] when* [
dup [
! } gets a chance, but then also full seq { } after recursion...
[ _ ] dip '[ _ sequence= ] any? not
] [
drop t ! loop again?
] if
] [
_ _ _ lex-expected-but-got-eof
] if*
] loop
] { } make ;
DEFER: section-close?
DEFER: upper-colon?
DEFER: lex-factor-nested
: lex-colon-until ( n string tag-sequence -- n' string payload )
lex-factor-nested dup f like [ , ] when* [
dup [
! This is for ending COLON: forms like ``A: PRIVATE>``
dup section-close? [
drop f
] [
! } gets a chance, but then also full seq { } after recursion...
[ _ ] dip '[ _ sequence= ] any? not
] if
] [
drop t ! loop again?
] if
] [
] if*
] loop
] { } make ;
: split-double-dash ( seq -- seqs )
dup [ { [ "--" sequence= ] } 1&& ] split-when
dup length 1 > [ nip ] [ drop ] if ;
MACRO:: read-matched ( ch -- quot: ( n string tag -- n' string slice' ) )
ch dup matching-delimiter {
[ drop "=" swap prefix ]
[ nip 1string ]
} 2cleave :> ( openstreq closestr1 ) ! [= ]
[| n string tag |
n string tag
2over nth-check-eof {
{ [ dup openstreq member? ] [ ch read-double-matched ] } ! (=( or ((
{ [ dup blank? ] [
drop dup '[ _ matching-delimiter-string closestr1 2array members lex-until ] dip
swap unclip-last 3array ] } ! ( foo )
[ drop [ slice-til-whitespace drop ] dip span-slices ] ! (foo)
} cond
] ;
: read-bracket ( n string slice -- n' string slice' ) CHAR: [ read-matched ;
: read-brace ( n string slice -- n' string slice' ) CHAR: { read-matched ;
: read-paren ( n string slice -- n' string slice' ) CHAR: ( read-matched ;
: read-string-payload ( n string -- n' string )
over [
{ CHAR: \\ CHAR: \" } slice-til-separator-inclusive {
{ f [ drop ] }
{ CHAR: \" [ drop ] }
{ CHAR: \\ [ drop next-char-from drop read-string-payload ] }
} case
] [
] if ;
:: read-string ( n string tag -- n' string seq )
n string read-string-payload drop :> n'
n' string
n' [ n string string-expected-got-eof ] unless
n n' 1 - string <slice>
n' 1 - n' string <slice>
tag -rot 3array ;
: take-comment ( n string slice -- n' string comment )
2over ?nth CHAR: [ = [
[ 1 + ] 2dip 2over ?nth read-double-matched-bracket
] [
[ slice-til-eol drop ] dip swap 2array
] if ;
: terminator? ( slice -- ? )
[ ";" sequence= ]
[ "]" sequence= ]
[ "}" sequence= ]
[ ")" sequence= ]
} 1|| ;
ERROR: expected-length-tokens n string length seq ;
: ensure-no-false ( n string seq -- n string seq )
dup [ length 0 > ] all? [ [ length ] keep expected-length-tokens ] unless ;
ERROR: token-expected n string obj ;
ERROR: unexpected-terminator n string slice ;
: read-lowercase-colon ( n string slice -- n' string lowercase-colon )
dup [ CHAR: : = ] count-tail
_ [ lex-factor ] replicate ensure-no-false dup [ token-expected ] unless
dup terminator? [ unexpected-terminator ] when
] dip swap 2array ;
: (strict-upper?) ( string -- ? )
! All chars must...
{ [ CHAR: A CHAR: Z between? ] [ "':-\\#" member? ] } 1||
] all?
! At least one char must...
[ [ { [ CHAR: A CHAR: Z between? ] [ CHAR: ' = ] } 1|| ] any? ]
} 1&& ;
: strict-upper? ( string -- ? )
{ [ ":" sequence= ] [ (strict-upper?) ] } 1|| ;
! <A <A: but not <A>
: section-open? ( string -- ? )
[ "<" head? ]
[ length 2 >= ]
[ rest strict-upper? ]
[ ">" tail? not ]
} 1&& ;
: html-self-close? ( string -- ? )
[ "<" head? ]
[ length 2 >= ]
[ rest strict-upper? not ]
[ [ blank? ] any? not ]
[ "/>" tail? ]
} 1&& ;
: html-full-open? ( string -- ? )
[ "<" head? ]
[ length 2 >= ]
[ second CHAR: / = not ]
[ rest strict-upper? not ]
[ [ blank? ] any? not ]
[ ">" tail? ]
} 1&& ;
: html-half-open? ( string -- ? )
[ "<" head? ]
[ length 2 >= ]
[ second CHAR: / = not ]
[ rest strict-upper? not ]
[ [ blank? ] any? not ]
[ ">" tail? not ]
} 1&& ;
: html-close? ( string -- ? )
[ "</" head? ]
[ length 2 >= ]
[ rest strict-upper? not ]
[ [ blank? ] any? not ]
[ ">" tail? ]
} 1&& ;
: special-acute? ( string -- ? )
[ section-open? ]
[ html-self-close? ]
[ html-full-open? ]
[ html-half-open? ]
[ html-close? ]
} 1|| ;
: upper-colon? ( string -- ? )
dup { [ length 0 > ] [ [ CHAR: : = ] all? ] } 1&& [
drop t
] [
[ length 2 >= ]
[ "\\" head? not ] ! XXX: good?
[ ":" tail? ]
[ dup [ CHAR: : = ] find drop head strict-upper? ]
} 1&&
] if ;
: section-close? ( string -- ? )
[ length 2 >= ]
[ "\\" head? not ] ! XXX: good?
[ ">" tail? ]
[ but-last strict-upper? ]
[ { [ ";" head? ] [ rest but-last strict-upper? ] } 1&& ]
} 1||
} 1&& ;
: read-til-semicolon ( n string slice -- n' string semi )
dup '[ but-last ";" append ";" 2array { "--" ")" } append lex-colon-until ] dip
! What ended the FOO: .. ; form?
! Remove the ; from the payload if present
! XXX: probably can remove this, T: is dumb
! Also in stack effects ( T: int -- ) can be ended by -- and )
dup ?last {
{ [ dup ";" sequence= ] [ drop unclip-last 3array ] }
{ [ dup ";" tail? ] [ drop unclip-last 3array ] }
{ [ dup "--" sequence= ] [ drop unclip-last -rot 2array [ rewind-slice ] dip ] }
{ [ dup "]" sequence= ] [ drop unclip-last -rot 2array [ rewind-slice ] dip ] }
{ [ dup "}" sequence= ] [ drop unclip-last -rot 2array [ rewind-slice ] dip ] }
{ [ dup ")" sequence= ] [ drop unclip-last -rot 2array [ rewind-slice ] dip ] } ! (n*quot) breaks
{ [ dup section-close? ] [ drop unclip-last -rot 2array [ rewind-slice ] dip ] }
{ [ dup upper-colon? ] [ drop unclip-last -rot 2array [ rewind-slice ] dip ] }
[ drop 2array ]
} cond ;
ERROR: colon-word-must-be-all-uppercase-or-lowercase n string word ;
: read-colon ( n string slice -- n' string colon )
{ [ dup strict-upper? ] [ read-til-semicolon ] }
{ [ dup ":" tail? ] [ dup ":" head? [ read-lowercase-colon ] unless ] } ! :foo: vs foo:
[ ]
} cond ;
: read-acute-html ( n string slice -- n' string acute )
! <FOO <FOO:
{ [ dup section-open? ] [
matching-section-delimiter 1array lex-until
] keep swap unclip-last 3array
] }
! <foo/>
{ [ dup html-self-close? ] [
! do nothing special
] }
! <foo>
{ [ dup html-full-open? ] [
dup [
dup ">" tail? [ but-last-slice ] when
"</" ">" surround 1array lex-until unclip-last
] dip -rot 3array
] }
! <foo
{ [ dup html-half-open? ] [
! n seq slice
[ { ">" "/>" } lex-until ] dip
! n seq slice2 slice
over ">" sequence= [
"</" ">" surround array '[ _ lex-until ] dip unclip-last
-rot roll unclip-last [ 3array ] 2dip 3array
] [
! self-contained
swap unclip-last 3array
] if
] }
! </foo>
{ [ dup html-close? ] [
! Do nothing
] }
[ [ slice-til-whitespace drop ] dip span-slices ]
} cond ;
: read-acute ( n string slice -- n' string acute )
[ matching-section-delimiter 1array lex-until ] keep swap unclip-last 3array ;
! Words like append! and suffix! are allowed for now.
: read-exclamation ( n string slice -- n' string obj )
dup { [ "!" sequence= ] [ "#!" sequence= ] } 1||
[ take-comment ] [ merge-slice-til-whitespace ] if ;
ERROR: no-backslash-payload n string slice ;
: (read-backslash) ( n string slice -- n' string obj )
merge-slice-til-whitespace dup "\\" tail? [
! \ foo, M\ foo
dup [ CHAR: \\ = ] count-tail
_ [ skip-blank-from slice-til-whitespace drop ] replicate
dup [ no-backslash-payload ] unless
] dip swap 2array
] when ;
DEFER: lex-factor-top*
: read-backslash ( n string slice -- n' string obj )
! foo\ so far, could be foo\bar{
! remove the \ and continue til delimiter/eof
[ "\"!:[{(<>\s\r\n" slice-til-either ] dip swap [ span-slices ] dip
over "\\" head? [
! \ foo
dup [ CHAR: \\ = ] all? [ (read-backslash) ] [ merge-slice-til-whitespace ] if
] [
! foo\ or foo\bar (?)
over "\\" tail? [ drop (read-backslash) ] [ lex-factor-top* ] if
] if ;
! If the slice is 0 width, we stopped on whitespace.
! Advance the index and read again!
: read-token-or-whitespace-top ( n string slice -- n' string slice/f )
dup length 0 = [ [ 1 + ] 2dip drop lex-factor-top ] when ;
: read-token-or-whitespace-nested ( n string slice -- n' string slice/f )
dup length 0 = [ [ 1 + ] 2dip drop lex-factor-nested ] when ;
: lex-factor-fallthrough ( n/f string slice/f ch/f -- n'/f string literal )
{ CHAR: \ [ read-backslash ] }
{ CHAR: [ [ read-bracket ] }
{ CHAR: { [ read-brace ] }
{ CHAR: ( [ read-paren ] }
{ CHAR: ] [ ] }
{ CHAR: } [ ] }
{ CHAR: ) [ ] }
{ CHAR: " [ read-string ] }
{ CHAR: ! [ read-exclamation ] }
{ CHAR: > [
[ [ CHAR: > = not ] slice-until ] dip merge-slices
dup section-close? [
[ slice-til-whitespace drop ] dip ?span-slices
] unless
] }
{ f [ ] }
} case ;
! Inside a FOO: or a <FOO FOO>
: lex-factor-nested* ( n/f string slice/f ch/f -- n'/f string literal )
! Nested ``A: a B: b`` so rewind and let the parser get it top-level
{ CHAR: : [
! A: B: then interrupt the current parser
! A: b: then keep going
dup { [ upper-colon? ] [ ":" = ] } 1||
! dup upper-colon?
[ rewind-slice f ]
[ read-colon ] if
] }
{ CHAR: < [
! FOO: a b <BAR: ;BAR>
! FOO: a b <BAR BAR>
! FOO: a b <asdf>
! FOO: a b <asdf asdf>
! if we are in a FOO: and we hit a <BAR or <BAR:
! then end the FOO:
! Don't rewind for a <foo/> or <foo></foo>
[ slice-til-whitespace drop ] dip span-slices
dup section-open? [ rewind-slice f ] when
] }
{ CHAR: \s [ read-token-or-whitespace-nested ] }
{ CHAR: \r [ read-token-or-whitespace-nested ] }
{ CHAR: \n [ read-token-or-whitespace-nested ] }
[ lex-factor-fallthrough ]
} case ;
: lex-factor-nested ( n/f string -- n'/f string literal )
! skip-whitespace
"\"\\!:[{(]})<>\s\r\n" slice-til-either
lex-factor-nested* ; inline
: lex-factor-top* ( n/f string slice/f ch/f -- n'/f string literal )
{ CHAR: : [ merge-slice-til-whitespace read-colon ] }
{ CHAR: < [
! FOO: a b <BAR: ;BAR>
! FOO: a b <BAR BAR>
! FOO: a b <asdf>
! FOO: a b <asdf asdf>
! if we are in a FOO: and we hit a <BAR or <BAR:
! then end the FOO:
[ slice-til-whitespace drop ] dip span-slices
! read-acute-html
dup section-open? [ read-acute ] when
] }
{ CHAR: \s [ read-token-or-whitespace-top ] }
{ CHAR: \r [ read-token-or-whitespace-top ] }
{ CHAR: \n [ read-token-or-whitespace-top ] }
[ lex-factor-fallthrough ]
} case ;
: lex-factor-top ( n/f string -- n'/f string literal )
! skip-whitespace
"\"\\!:[{(]})<>\s\r\n" slice-til-either
lex-factor-top* ; inline
ERROR: compound-syntax-disallowed n seq obj ;
: check-for-compound-syntax ( n/f seq obj -- n/f seq obj )
dup length 1 > [ compound-syntax-disallowed ] when ;
: check-compound-loop ( n/f string -- n/f string ? )
[ ] [ peek-from ] [ previous-from ] 2tri
[ blank? ] bi@ or not ! no blanks between tokens
pick and ; ! and a valid index
: lex-factor ( n/f string/f -- n'/f string literal/f )
! Compound syntax loop
lex-factor-top f like [ , ] when*
! concatenated syntax ( a )[ a 1 + ]( b )
] loop
] { } make
! concat ! "ALIAS: n*quot (n*quot)" string>literals ... breaks here
?first f like ;
: string>literals ( string -- sequence )
[ 0 ] dip [
[ lex-factor [ , ] when* over ] loop
] { } make 2nip ;
: vocab>literals ( vocab -- sequence )
".private" ?tail drop
vocab-source-path utf8 file-contents string>literals ;
: path>literals ( path -- sequence )
utf8 file-contents string>literals ;
: lex-paths ( vocabs -- assoc )
[ [ path>literals ] [ nip ] recover ] map-zip ;
: lex-vocabs ( vocabs -- assoc )
[ [ vocab>literals ] [ nip ] recover ] map-zip ;
: failed-lexing ( assoc -- assoc' ) [ nip array? ] assoc-reject ;
: lex-core ( -- assoc ) core-vocabs lex-vocabs ;
: lex-basis ( -- assoc ) basis-vocabs lex-vocabs ;
: lex-extra ( -- assoc ) extra-vocabs lex-vocabs ;
: lex-roots ( -- assoc ) lex-core lex-basis lex-extra 3append ;
: lex-docs ( -- assoc ) all-docs-paths lex-paths ;
: lex-tests ( -- assoc ) all-tests-paths lex-paths ;
: lex-all ( -- assoc )
lex-roots lex-docs lex-tests 3append ;