
52 lines
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! Copyright (c) 2012 Anonymous
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors timers calendar fonts kernel models sequences ui
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.labels ui.gestures ;
FROM: models => change-model ;
IN: rosetta-code.animation
! http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Animation
! Animation is the foundation of a great many parts of graphical
! user interfaces, including both the fancy effects when things
! change used in window managers, and of course games. The core of
! any animation system is a scheme for periodically changing the
! display while still remaining responsive to the user. This task
! demonstrates this.
! Create a window containing the string "Hello World! " (the
! trailing space is significant). Make the text appear to be
! rotating right by periodically removing one letter from the end
! of the string and attaching it to the front. When the user
! clicks on the text, it should reverse its direction.
CONSTANT: sentence "Hello World! "
TUPLE: animated-label < label-control reversed alarm ;
: <animated-label> ( model -- <animated-model> )
sentence animated-label new-label swap >>model
monospace-font >>font ;
: update-string ( str reverse -- str )
[ unclip-last prefix ] [ unclip suffix ] if ;
: update-model ( model reversed? -- )
[ update-string ] curry change-model ;
{ T{ button-down } [ [ not ] change-reversed drop ] }
} set-gestures
M: animated-label graft*
[ [ [ model>> ] [ reversed>> ] bi update-model ] curry 400 milliseconds every ] keep
alarm<< ;
M: animated-label ungraft*
alarm>> stop-timer ;
MAIN-WINDOW: animated-main
{ { title "Rosetta" } }
sentence <model> <animated-label> >>gadgets ;