101 lines
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101 lines
3.6 KiB
! Copyright (c) 2012 Anonymous
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: continuations kernel io io.streams.string locals unicode ;
IN: rosetta-code.odd-word
! http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Odd_word_problem
! Write a program that solves the odd word problem with the
! restrictions given below.
! Description: You are promised an input stream consisting of
! English letters and punctuations. It is guaranteed that
! * the words (sequence of consecutive letters) are delimited by
! one and only one punctuation; that
! * the stream will begin with a word; that
! * the words will be at least one letter long; and that
! * a full stop (.) appears after, and only after, the last word.
! For example, what,is,the;meaning,of:life. is such a stream
! with six words. Your task is to reverse the letters in every
! other word while leaving punctuations intact, producing e.g.
! "what,si,the;gninaem,of:efil.", while observing the following
! restrictions:
! Only I/O allowed is reading or writing one character at a
! time, which means: no reading in a string, no peeking ahead, no
! pushing characters back into the stream, and no storing
! characters in a global variable for later use;
! You are not to explicitly save characters in a collection data
! structure, such as arrays, strings, hash tables, etc, for later
! reversal;
! You are allowed to use recursions, closures, continuations,
! threads, coroutines, etc., even if their use implies the storage
! of multiple characters.
! Test case: work on both the "life" example given above, and
! the text we,are;not,in,kansas;any,more.
! Save current continuation.
: savecc ( -- continuation/f )
[ ] callcc1 ; inline
! Jump back to continuation, where savecc will return f.
: jump-back ( continuation -- )
f swap continue-with ; inline
:: read-odd-word ( -- )
f :> first-continuation!
f :> last-continuation!
f :> reverse!
! Read characters. Loop until end of stream.
[ read1 dup ] [
dup Letter? [
! This character is a letter.
reverse [
! Odd word: Write letters in reverse order.
last-continuation savecc dup [
2drop ! Drop letter and previous continuation.
] [
! After jump: print letters in reverse.
drop ! Drop f.
swap write1 ! Write letter.
jump-back ! Follow chain of continuations.
] if
] [
! Even word: Write letters immediately.
] if
] [
! This character is punctuation.
reverse [
! End odd word. Fix trampoline, follow chain of continuations
! (to print letters in reverse), then bounce off trampoline.
savecc dup [
last-continuation jump-back
] [ drop ] if
write1 ! Write punctuation.
f reverse! ! Begin even word.
] [
write1 ! Write punctuation.
t reverse! ! Begin odd word.
! Create trampoline to bounce to (future) first-continuation.
savecc dup [
] [ drop first-continuation jump-back ] if
] if
] if
] while
! Drop f from read1. Then print a cosmetic newline.
drop nl ;
: odd-word ( string -- )
[ read-odd-word ] with-string-reader ;