
195 lines
4.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar.english combinators
combinators.smart io.encodings.utf8 io.files kernel math.parser
memoize namespaces sequences splitting unicode ;
IN: zoneinfo
CONSTANT: zoneinfo-paths
SYMBOL: last-zone
TUPLE: raw-zone name gmt-offset rules/save format until ;
TUPLE: raw-rule name from to type in on at-time save letters ;
TUPLE: raw-link from to ;
TUPLE: raw-leap year month day hms corr r/s ;
TUPLE: zone name ;
TUPLE: rule name from to at-time ;
: rule-to ( m string -- m n )
{ "only" [ dup ] }
{ "max" [ 1/0. ] }
[ string>number ]
} case ;
: parse-rule ( seq -- rule )
[ drop ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
} spread
] input<sequence raw-rule boa ;
: parse-zone ( seq -- zone )
[ second ]
[ third ]
[ fourth ]
[ 4 swap nth ]
[ 5 tail harvest ]
} cleave raw-zone boa ;
: parse-partial-zone ( seq -- zone )
[ last-zone get name>> ] dip
[ first ]
[ second ]
[ 2 swap nth ]
[ 3 tail harvest ]
} cleave raw-zone boa ;
: parse-link ( seq -- link )
[ drop ]
[ ]
[ ]
} spread
] input<sequence raw-link boa ;
: parse-leap ( seq -- link )
[ drop ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
} spread
] input<sequence raw-leap boa ;
: parse-line ( seq -- tuple )
dup first >lower
{ "zone" [ parse-zone dup last-zone set ] }
{ "rule" [ parse-rule ] }
{ "link" [ parse-link ] }
{ "leap" [ parse-leap ] }
[ drop harvest parse-partial-zone ]
} case ;
: parse-zoneinfo-file ( path -- seq )
utf8 file-lines
[ "#" split1 drop ] map harvest
[ "\t " split harvest ] map harvest
[ [ parse-line ] map ] with-scope ;
MEMO: zoneinfo-files ( -- seq )
zoneinfo-paths [ parse-zoneinfo-file ] map ;
MEMO: zoneinfo-array ( -- seq )
zoneinfo-files concat ;
: raw-rule-map ( -- assoc )
zoneinfo-array [ raw-rule? ] filter [ name>> ] collect-by ;
: raw-zone-map ( -- assoc )
zoneinfo-array [ raw-zone? ] filter [ name>> ] collect-by ;
GENERIC: zone-matches? ( string rule -- ? )
M: raw-rule zone-matches? name>> = ;
M: raw-zone zone-matches? name>> = ;
M: raw-link zone-matches? from>> = ;
M: raw-leap zone-matches? 2drop f ;
: find-rules ( string -- rules )
[ [ to>> "max" = ] filter ] assoc-map at ;
ERROR: zone-not-found name ;
: find-zone ( string -- rules )
[ last ] assoc-map ?at [ zone-not-found ] unless ;
: find-zone-rules ( string -- zone rules )
find-zone dup rules/save>> find-rules ;
: number>value ( n -- n' )
{ "only" [ f ] }
{ "min" [ f ] }
{ "max" [ t ] }
[ string>number ]
} case ;
: on>value ( n -- n' )
! "3", "Thu>=8" always >=, "lastFri"
{ [ dup 3 swap ?nth CHAR: > = ] [
3 cut 2 tail [ day-abbreviation3-predicate ] [ string>number ] bi* 2array
] }
{ [ dup "last" head? ] [ 4 tail day-abbreviation3-index ] }
[ string>number ]
} cond ;
: raw-rule>triple ( raw-rule -- quot )
[ from>> string>number ]
[ in>> month-abbreviation-index ]
[ on>> on>value ]
} cleave>array ;
! "Europe/Helsinki" find-zone-rules
! Rule
! name - string
! from - year or "min"
! name "France"
! from "1938" or "min"
! to "1945" or "max" or "only"
! type "-" always "-"
! in "Mar" -- 3-letter month name
! on "26" or "Mon>=15" or lastSun lastFri
! at "23:00s" "12:13:00s" "1:00s" "1:00u"
! save "-0:00:05" "1:00" "0:14:15"
! letters "S" or "-" or "AMT" "BDST"
! Zone
! name "Indian/Maldives"
! gmt-offset "4:54:00" "9:55:56" "-9:55:56"
! rules/save "-" "0:20" "0:30" "1:00" "AN" "W-Eur" "Winn" "Zion" "sol87" "sol88"
! format "LMT" "%s" "%sT" "A%sT" "AC%sT" "ACT"
! until { "1880" }
! { "1847" "Dec" "1" "0:00s" }
! { "1883" "Nov" "18" "12:12:57" }
! { "1989" "Sep" "lastSun" "2:00s" }
! Link
! T{ link { from "Asia/Riyadh88" } { to "Mideast/Riyadh88" } }