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namespace factor {
// Copyright (C) 1989-1992 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
// Portions copyright (C) 2004-2009 Slava Pestov
// This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
// Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
// Computer Science. Permission to copy and modify this software, to
// redistribute either the original software or a modified version, and
// to use this software for any purpose is granted, subject to the
// following restrictions and understandings.
// 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
// in full.
// 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
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// to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
// 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
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#define BIGNUM_OUT_OF_BAND ((bignum*)0)
enum bignum_comparison {
cell bignum_maybe_to_fixnum(bignum* bn);
cell bignum_to_cell(bignum* bn);
fixnum bignum_to_fixnum(bignum* bn);
int64_t bignum_to_long_long(bignum* bn);
uint64_t bignum_to_ulong_long(bignum* bn);