260 lines
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260 lines
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;;; fuel-connection.el -- asynchronous comms with the fuel listener
;; Copyright (C) 2018 Björn Lindqvist
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
;; See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
;; Author: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org>
;; Keywords: languages, fuel, factor
;; Start date: Thu Dec 11, 2008 03:10
;;; Comentary:
;; Handling communications via a comint buffer running a factor
;; listener.
;;; Code:
(require 'fuel-log)
(require 'fuel-base)
(require 'comint)
(require 'advice)
;;; Default connection:
(defvar-local fuel-con--connection nil)
(defun fuel-con--get-connection (buffer/proc)
(if (processp buffer/proc)
(fuel-con--get-connection (process-buffer buffer/proc))
(with-current-buffer buffer/proc fuel-con--connection)))
;;; Request and connection datatypes:
;;; TODO Replace with a defstruct
(defun fuel-con--connection-queue-request (c r)
(let ((reqs (assoc :requests c)))
(setcdr reqs (append (cdr reqs) (list r)))))
(defun fuel-con--make-request (str cont &optional sender-buffer)
(list :fuel-connection-request
(cons :id (+ 10000 (random 89999)))
(cons :string str)
(cons :continuation cont)
(cons :buffer (or sender-buffer (current-buffer)))))
(defsubst fuel-con--request-p (req)
(and (listp req) (eq (car req) :fuel-connection-request)))
(defsubst fuel-con--request-deactivate (req)
(setcdr (assoc :continuation req) nil))
(defsubst fuel-con--request-deactivated-p (req)
(null (alist-get :continuation req)))
;;; TODO Replace with a defstruct
(defsubst fuel-con--make-connection (buffer)
(list :fuel-connection
(cons :requests (list))
(cons :current nil)
(cons :completed (make-hash-table :weakness 'value))
(cons :buffer buffer)
(cons :timer nil)))
(defsubst fuel-con--connection-p (c)
(and (listp c) (eq (car c) :fuel-connection)))
(defun fuel-con--connection-clean-current-request (c)
(let* ((cell (assoc :current c))
(req (cdr cell)))
(when req
(puthash (alist-get :id req) req (alist-get :completed c))
(setcdr cell nil))))
(defsubst fuel-con--connection-completed-p (c id)
(gethash id (alist-get :completed c)))
(defun fuel-con--connection-pop-request (c)
(let ((reqs (assoc :requests c))
(current (assoc :current c)))
(setcdr current (prog1 (cadr reqs) (setcdr reqs (cddr reqs))))
(if (and (cdr current)
(fuel-con--request-deactivated-p (cdr current)))
(fuel-con--connection-pop-request c)
(cdr current))))
(defun fuel-con--connection-start-timer (c)
(let ((cell (assoc :timer c)))
(when (cdr cell) (cancel-timer (cdr cell)))
(setcdr cell (run-at-time t 0.5 'fuel-con--process-next c))))
(defun fuel-con--connection-cancel-timer (c)
(let ((cell (assoc :timer c)))
(when (cdr cell) (cancel-timer (cdr cell)))))
;;; Connection setup:
(defun fuel-con--cleanup-connection (c)
(fuel-con--connection-cancel-timer c))
(defun fuel-con--setup-connection (buffer)
(set-buffer buffer)
(fuel-con--cleanup-connection fuel-con--connection)
(setq fuel-con--connection nil)
(let ((conn (fuel-con--make-connection buffer)))
(fuel-con--establish-connection conn buffer)))
(defconst fuel-con--prompt-regex "^IN: [^ ]+\\( auto-use\\)? ")
(defconst fuel-con--eot-marker "<~FUEL~>")
(defconst fuel-con--init-stanza "USE: fuel fuel-retort")
(defconst fuel-con--comint-finished-regex-connected
(format "^%s$" fuel-con--eot-marker))
(defvar fuel-con--comint-finished-regex fuel-con--prompt-regex)
(defun fuel-con--setup-comint ()
(setq-local comint-redirect-insert-matching-regexp t)
(add-hook 'comint-redirect-filter-functions
'fuel-con--comint-preoutput-filter nil t)
(add-hook 'comint-redirect-hook
'fuel-con--comint-redirect-hook nil t))
(defadvice comint-redirect-setup
(after fuel-con--advice (output-buffer comint-buffer finished-regexp &optional echo))
(with-current-buffer comint-buffer
(when fuel-con--connection
(setq comint-redirect-finished-regexp fuel-con--comint-finished-regex))))
(ad-activate 'comint-redirect-setup)
(defun fuel-con--comint-preoutput-filter (str)
(when (string-match fuel-con--comint-finished-regex str)
(setq comint-redirect-finished-regexp fuel-con--prompt-regex))
(defun fuel-con--establish-connection (conn buffer)
(with-current-buffer (fuel-con--comint-buffer) (erase-buffer))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq fuel-con--connection conn)
(setq fuel-con--comint-finished-regex fuel-con--prompt-regex)
(fuel-con--send-string/wait buffer
(defun fuel-con--establish-connection-cont (ignore)
(let ((str (with-current-buffer (fuel-con--comint-buffer) (buffer-string))))
(if (string-match fuel-con--eot-marker str)
(setq fuel-con--comint-finished-regex
(fuel-con--connection-start-timer fuel-con--connection)
(message "FUEL listener up and running!"))
(fuel-con--connection-clean-current-request fuel-con--connection)
(setq fuel-con--connection nil)
(message "An error occurred initialising FUEL's Factor library!")
(pop-to-buffer (fuel-con--comint-buffer)))))
;;; Requests handling:
(defsubst fuel-con--comint-buffer ()
(get-buffer-create " *fuel connection retort*"))
(defun fuel-con--comint-buffer-form ()
"Parse the text in the comint buffer into a
sexp. fuel-con-error is thrown if the sexp is malformed."
(with-current-buffer (fuel-con--comint-buffer)
(goto-char (point-min))
(condition-case cerr
(let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
(if (listp form) form
(list 'fuel-con-error (buffer-string))))
(error (list 'fuel-con-error (format "%s" cerr))))))
(defun fuel-con--process-next (con)
(when (not (alist-get :current con))
(let* ((buffer (alist-get :buffer con))
(req (fuel-con--connection-pop-request con))
(str (and req (alist-get :string req)))
(cbuf (with-current-buffer (fuel-con--comint-buffer)
(if (not (buffer-live-p buffer))
(fuel-con--connection-cancel-timer con)
(when (and buffer req str)
(set-buffer buffer)
(fuel-log--info "<%s>: %s" (alist-get :id req) str)
(comint-redirect-send-command (format "%s" str) cbuf nil t))))))
(defun fuel-con--process-completed-request (req)
(let ((cont (alist-get :continuation req))
(id (alist-get :id req))
(rstr (alist-get :string req))
(buffer (alist-get :buffer req)))
(if (not cont)
(fuel-log--warn "<%s> Dropping result for request %S (%s)"
id rstr req)
(condition-case cerr
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
(funcall cont (fuel-con--comint-buffer-form))
(fuel-log--info "<%s>: processed" id))
(error (fuel-log--error
"<%s>: continuation failed %S \n\t%s" id rstr cerr))))))
(defun fuel-con--comint-redirect-hook ()
(if (not fuel-con--connection)
(fuel-log--error "No connection in buffer")
(let ((req (alist-get :current fuel-con--connection)))
(if (not req) (fuel-log--error "No current request")
(fuel-con--process-completed-request req)
(fuel-con--connection-clean-current-request fuel-con--connection)))))
;;; Message sending interface:
(defconst fuel-con--error-message "FUEL connection not active")
(defun fuel-con--send-string (buffer/proc str cont &optional sender-buffer)
(let ((con (fuel-con--get-connection buffer/proc)))
(unless con (error fuel-con--error-message))
(let ((req (fuel-con--make-request str cont sender-buffer)))
(fuel-con--connection-queue-request con req)
(fuel-con--process-next con)
(defvar fuel-connection-timeout 30000
"Time limit, in msecs, blocking on synchronous evaluation requests")
(defun fuel-con--send-string/wait (buffer/proc str cont &optional timeout sbuf)
(let ((con (fuel-con--get-connection buffer/proc)))
(unless con (error fuel-con--error-message))
(let* ((req (fuel-con--send-string buffer/proc str cont sbuf))
(id (and req (alist-get :id req)))
(time (or timeout fuel-connection-timeout))
(step 100)
(waitsecs (/ step 1000.0)))
(when id
(condition-case nil
(while (and (> time 0)
(not (fuel-con--connection-completed-p con id)))
(accept-process-output nil waitsecs)
(setq time (- time step)))
(error (setq time 0)))
(or (> time 0)
(fuel-con--request-deactivate req)
(provide 'fuel-connection)
;;; fuel-connection.el ends here