367 lines
9.5 KiB
367 lines
9.5 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors calendar calendar.format classes combinators
combinators.short-circuit concurrency.promises continuations
destructors ftp io io.directories io.encodings
io.encodings.8-bit.latin1 io.encodings.binary io.encodings.utf8
io.files io.files.info io.files.types io.pathnames
io.servers io.sockets io.streams.string io.timeouts
kernel logging math math.bitwise math.parser namespaces
sequences simple-tokenizer splitting strings threads
tools.files unicode ;
IN: ftp.server
SYMBOL: server
SYMBOL: client
TUPLE: ftp-server < threaded-server { serving-directory string } ;
TUPLE: ftp-client user password extra-connection ;
TUPLE: ftp-command raw tokenized ;
: <ftp-command> ( str -- obj )
dup \ <ftp-command> DEBUG log-message
ftp-command new
over >>raw
swap tokenize >>tokenized ;
TUPLE: ftp-get path ;
C: <ftp-get> ftp-get
TUPLE: ftp-put path ;
C: <ftp-put> ftp-put
TUPLE: ftp-list ;
C: <ftp-list> ftp-list
TUPLE: ftp-disconnect ;
C: <ftp-disconnect> ftp-disconnect
: (send-response) ( n string separator -- )
[ number>string write ] 2dip write ftp-send ;
: send-response ( ftp-response -- )
[ n>> ] [ strings>> ] bi
[ but-last-slice [ "-" (send-response) ] with each ]
[ first " " (send-response) ] 2bi ;
: make-path-relative? ( path -- ? )
[ absolute-path? ]
[ drop server get serving-directory>> ]
} 1&& ;
: fixup-relative-path ( string -- string' )
dup make-path-relative? [
[ server get serving-directory>> ] dip append-relative-path
] when ;
: server-response ( string n -- )
2dup number>string swap ":" glue \ server-response DEBUG log-message
swap >>n
swap add-response-line
send-response ;
: serving? ( path -- ? )
resolve-symlinks server get serving-directory>> head? ;
: can-serve-directory? ( path -- ? )
{ [ exists? ] [ file-info directory? ] [ serving? ] } 1&& ;
: can-serve-file? ( path -- ? )
[ exists? ]
[ file-info regular-file? ]
[ serving? ]
} 1&& ;
: ftp-error ( string -- ) 500 server-response ;
: ftp-unimplemented ( string -- ) 502 server-response ;
: send-banner ( -- )
"Welcome to " host-name append 220 server-response ;
: anonymous-only ( -- )
"This FTP server is anonymous only." 530 server-response ;
: handle-QUIT ( obj -- )
drop "Goodbye." 221 server-response ;
: handle-USER ( ftp-command -- )
tokenized>> second client get user<<
"Please specify the password." 331 server-response
] [
2drop "bad USER" ftp-error
] recover ;
: handle-PASS ( ftp-command -- )
tokenized>> second client get password<<
"Login successful" 230 server-response
] [
2drop "PASS error" ftp-error
] recover ;
ERROR: type-error type ;
: parse-type ( string -- string' )
>upper {
{ "IMAGE" [ "Binary" ] }
{ "I" [ "Binary" ] }
[ type-error ]
} case ;
: handle-TYPE ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second parse-type
"Switching to " " mode" surround 200 server-response
] [
2drop "TYPE is binary only" ftp-error
] recover ;
: random-local-server ( -- server )
remote-address get class-of new binary <server> ;
: port>bytes ( port -- hi lo )
[ -8 shift ] keep [ 8 bits ] bi@ ;
: display-directory ( -- string )
current-directory get server get serving-directory>> swap ?head drop
[ "/" ] when-empty ;
: handle-PWD ( obj -- )
display-directory "\"" dup surround 257 server-response ;
: handle-SYST ( obj -- )
"UNIX Type: L8" 215 server-response ;
: start-directory ( -- )
"Here comes the directory listing." 150 server-response ;
: transfer-outgoing-file ( path -- )
[ "Opening BINARY mode data connection for " ] dip
[ file-name ] [
file-info size>> number>string
"(" " bytes)." surround
] bi " " glue append 150 server-response ;
: transfer-incoming-file ( path -- )
"Opening BINARY mode data connection for " prepend
150 server-response ;
: finish-file-transfer ( -- )
"File send OK." 226 server-response ;
GENERIC: handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
: passive-loop ( server -- )
30 seconds over set-timeout
accept drop &dispose
client get extra-connection>>
30 seconds ?promise-timeout
[ client get f >>extra-connection drop ]
[ drop ] cleanup
] with-destructors ;
: finish-directory ( -- )
"Directory send OK." 226 server-response ;
M: ftp-list handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
start-directory [
utf8 encode-output [
"." directory.
] with-string-writer string-lines
harvest [ ftp-send ] each
] with-output-stream finish-directory ;
M: ftp-get handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
[ transfer-outgoing-file ]
[ binary <file-reader> swap stream-copy ] bi
] [
3drop "File transfer failed" ftp-error
] recover ;
M: ftp-put handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
[ transfer-incoming-file ]
[ binary <file-writer> stream-copy ] bi
] [
3drop "File transfer failed" ftp-error
] recover ;
M: ftp-disconnect handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
drop dispose ;
: fulfill-client ( obj -- )
client get extra-connection>> [
] [
"Establish an active or passive connection first" ftp-error
] if* ;
: handle-STOR ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second
dup can-serve-file? [
<ftp-put> fulfill-client
] [
<ftp-disconnect> fulfill-client
] if ;
: handle-LIST ( obj -- )
drop current-directory get
can-serve-directory? [
<ftp-list> fulfill-client
] [
<ftp-disconnect> fulfill-client
] if ;
: not-a-plain-file ( path -- )
": not a plain file." append ftp-error ;
: handle-RETR ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second
dup can-serve-file? [
<ftp-get> fulfill-client
] [
<ftp-disconnect> fulfill-client
] if ;
: handle-SIZE ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second
dup can-serve-file? [
file-info size>> number>string 213 server-response
] [
] if ;
: expect-connection ( -- port )
<promise> client get extra-connection<<
[ [ passive-loop ] curry in-thread ]
[ addr>> port>> ] bi ;
: handle-PASV ( obj -- )
expect-connection port>bytes [ number>string ] bi@ "," glue
"Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1," ")" surround
221 server-response ;
: handle-EPSV ( obj -- )
client get f >>extra-connection drop
expect-connection number>string
"Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||" "|)" surround
229 server-response ;
: handle-MDTM ( obj -- )
tokenized>> ?second [
dup file-info dup directory? [
drop not-a-plain-file
] [
modified>> timestamp>mdtm
213 server-response
] if
] [
"" not-a-plain-file
] if* ;
: directory-change-success ( -- )
"Directory successully changed." 250 server-response ;
: directory-change-failed ( -- )
"Failed to change directory." 553 server-response ;
: handle-CWD ( obj -- )
tokenized>> ?second [
dup can-serve-directory? [
] [
] if
] [
] if* ;
: unrecognized-command ( obj -- )
raw>> "Unrecognized command: " prepend ftp-error ;
: client-loop-dispatch ( str/f -- ? )
dup tokenized>> first >upper {
{ "QUIT" [ handle-QUIT f ] }
{ "USER" [ handle-USER t ] }
{ "PASS" [ handle-PASS t ] }
{ "SYST" [ handle-SYST t ] }
{ "ACCT" [ drop "ACCT unimplemented" ftp-unimplemented t ] }
{ "PWD" [ handle-PWD t ] }
{ "TYPE" [ handle-TYPE t ] }
{ "CWD" [ handle-CWD t ] }
{ "PASV" [ handle-PASV t ] }
{ "EPSV" [ handle-EPSV t ] }
{ "LIST" [ handle-LIST t ] }
{ "STOR" [ handle-STOR t ] }
{ "RETR" [ handle-RETR t ] }
{ "SIZE" [ handle-SIZE t ] }
{ "MDTM" [ handle-MDTM t ] }
[ drop unrecognized-command t ]
} case ;
: read-command ( -- ftp-command/f )
readln [ f ] [ <ftp-command> ] if-empty ;
: handle-client-loop ( -- )
read-command [
[ handle-client-loop ] when
] when* ;
: serve-directory ( server -- )
serving-directory>> [
] with-directory ;
M: ftp-server handle-client* ( server -- )
"New client" \ handle-client* DEBUG log-message
ftp-client new client set
[ server set ] [ serve-directory ] bi
] with-destructors ;
: <ftp-server> ( directory port -- server )
latin1 ftp-server new-threaded-server
swap >>insecure
swap resolve-symlinks >>serving-directory
"ftp.server" >>name
5 minutes >>timeout ;
: ftpd ( directory port -- server )
<ftp-server> start-server ;
! sudo tcpdump -i en1 -A -s 10000 tcp port 21
! [2010-09-04T22:07:58-05:00] DEBUG server-response: 500:Unrecognized command: EPRT |2|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1|59359|