160 lines
4.2 KiB
160 lines
4.2 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2011-2012 John Benediktsson
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license
USING: accessors assocs colors.constants combinators fonts fry
io io.styles kernel math math.order pdf.text pdf.wrap sequences
ui.text ;
IN: pdf.canvas
TUPLE: margin left right top bottom ;
C: <margin> margin
TUPLE: canvas x y width height margin col-width font stream
foreground background page-color inset line-height metrics ;
: <canvas> ( -- canvas )
canvas new
0 >>x
0 >>y
612 >>width
792 >>height
54 54 54 54 <margin> >>margin
612 >>col-width
sans-serif-font 12 >>size >>font
SBUF" " >>stream
0 >>line-height
{ 0 0 } >>inset
dup font>> font-metrics >>metrics ;
: set-style ( canvas style -- canvas )
font-name of "sans-serif" or {
{ "sans-serif" [ "Helvetica" ] }
{ "serif" [ "Times" ] }
{ "monospace" [ "Courier" ] }
[ " is unsupported" append throw ]
} case [ dup font>> ] dip >>name drop
font-size of 12 or
[ dup font>> ] dip >>size drop
font-style of [ dup font>> ] dip {
{ bold [ t f ] }
{ italic [ f t ] }
{ bold-italic [ t t ] }
[ drop f f ]
} case [ >>bold? ] [ >>italic? ] bi* drop
[ foreground of COLOR: black or >>foreground ]
[ background of f or >>background ]
[ page-color of f or >>page-color ]
[ inset of { 0 0 } or >>inset ]
} cleave
dup font>> font-metrics
[ >>metrics ] [ height>> '[ _ max ] change-line-height ] bi ;
! introduce positioning of elements versus canvas?
: margin-x ( canvas -- n )
margin>> [ left>> ] [ right>> ] bi + ;
: margin-y ( canvas -- n )
margin>> [ top>> ] [ bottom>> ] bi + ;
: (width) ( canvas -- n )
[ width>> ] [ margin>> [ left>> ] [ right>> ] bi + ] bi - ;
: width ( canvas -- n )
[ (width) ] [ col-width>> ] bi min ;
: height ( canvas -- n )
[ height>> ] [ margin>> [ top>> ] [ bottom>> ] bi + ] bi - ;
: x ( canvas -- n )
[ margin>> left>> ] [ x>> ] bi + ;
: y ( canvas -- n )
[ height>> ] [ margin>> top>> ] [ y>> ] tri + - ;
: inc-x ( canvas n -- )
'[ _ + ] change-x drop ;
: inc-y ( canvas n -- )
'[ _ + ] change-y drop ;
: line-height ( canvas -- n )
[ line-height>> ] [ inset>> first 2 * ] bi + ;
: line-break ( canvas -- )
[ line-height>> ] keep [ + ] change-y 0 >>x
dup metrics>> height>> >>line-height drop ;
: ?line-break ( canvas -- )
dup x>> 0 > [ line-break ] [ drop ] if ;
: ?break ( canvas -- )
dup x>> 0 > [ ?line-break ] [
[ 7 + ] change-y 0 >>x drop
] if ;
: inc-lines ( canvas n -- )
[ 0 >>x ] dip [ dup line-break ] times drop ;
: avail-width ( canvas -- n )
[ width ] [ x>> ] bi [-] ;
: avail-height ( canvas -- n )
[ height ] [ y>> ] bi [-] ;
: avail-lines ( canvas -- n )
[ avail-height ] [ line-height>> ] bi /i ; ! FIXME: 1 +
: text-fits? ( canvas string -- ? )
[ dup font>> ] [ word-split1 drop ] bi*
text-width swap avail-width <= ;
: draw-page-color ( canvas -- ) ! FIXME:
dup page-color>> [
"0.0 G" print
[ 0 0 ] dip [ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi
rectangle fill
] [ drop ] if* ;
: draw-background ( canvas line -- )
over background>> [
"0.0 G" print
[ drop [ x ] [ y ] bi ]
[ [ font>> ] [ text-dim first2 neg ] bi* ] 2bi
rectangle fill
] [ 2drop ] if* ;
: draw-text1 ( canvas line -- canvas )
[ draw-background ] [
over font>> text-size
over foreground>> [ foreground-color ] when*
over [ x ] [ y ] [ metrics>> ascent>> - ] tri text-location
over dup font>> pick text-width inc-x
] 2bi ;
: draw-text ( canvas lines -- )
[ drop ] [
[ [ draw-text1 dup line-break ] each ]
[ [ draw-text1 ] when* ] bi* drop
] if-empty ;
: draw-line ( canvas width -- )
swap [ x ] [ y ] [ line-height>> 2 / - ] tri
[ line-move ] [ [ + ] [ line-line ] bi* ] 2bi
stroke ;