133 lines
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133 lines
4.0 KiB
USING: accessors arrays byte-arrays combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry hints images kernel locals math
math.affine-transforms math.functions math.order math.polynomials
math.vectors random random.mersenne-twister sequences
sequences.private sequences.product ;
IN: noise
: <perlin-noise-table> ( -- table )
256 iota >byte-array randomize dup append ; inline
: with-seed ( seed quot -- )
[ <mersenne-twister> ] dip with-random ; inline
: (fade) ( x y z -- x' y' z' )
[ { 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 -15.0 6.0 } polyval* ] tri@ ;
HINTS: (fade) { float float float } ;
: fade ( point -- point' )
first3 (fade) 3array ; inline
:: grad ( hash x y z -- gradient )
hash 8 bitand zero? [ x ] [ y ] if
:> u
hash 12 bitand zero?
[ y ] [ hash 13 bitand 12 = [ x ] [ z ] if ] if
:> v
hash 1 bitand zero? [ u ] [ u neg ] if
hash 2 bitand zero? [ v ] [ v neg ] if + ;
HINTS: grad { fixnum float float float } ;
: unit-cube ( point -- cube )
[ floor 256 rem ] map ;
:: hashes ( table x y z -- aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb )
x table nth-unsafe y + :> a
x 1 + table nth-unsafe y + :> b
a table nth-unsafe z + :> aa
b table nth-unsafe z + :> ba
a 1 + table nth-unsafe z + :> ab
b 1 + table nth-unsafe z + :> bb
aa table nth-unsafe
ba table nth-unsafe
ab table nth-unsafe
bb table nth-unsafe
aa 1 + table nth-unsafe
ba 1 + table nth-unsafe
ab 1 + table nth-unsafe
bb 1 + table nth-unsafe ; inline
HINTS: hashes { byte-array fixnum fixnum fixnum } ;
: >byte-map ( floats -- bytes )
[ 255.0 * >fixnum ] B{ } map-as ;
: >image ( bytes dim -- image )
image new
swap >>dim
swap >>bitmap
L >>component-order
ubyte-components >>component-type ;
:: perlin-noise-unsafe ( table point -- value )
point unit-cube :> cube
point dup vfloor v- :> gradients
gradients fade :> faded
table cube first3 hashes {
[ gradients first3 grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ 1.0 - ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
} spread
faded trilerp ;
ERROR: invalid-perlin-noise-table table ;
: validate-table ( table -- table )
dup { [ byte-array? ] [ length 512 >= ] } 1&&
[ invalid-perlin-noise-table ] unless ;
: perlin-noise ( table point -- value )
[ validate-table ] dip perlin-noise-unsafe ; inline
: normalize-0-1 ( sequence -- sequence' )
[ supremum ] [ infimum [ - ] keep ] [ ] tri
[ swap - ] with map [ swap / ] with map ;
: clamp-0-1 ( sequence -- sequence' )
[ 0.0 max 1.0 min ] map ;
: perlin-noise-map ( table transform dim -- map )
[ validate-table ] 2dip
[ iota ] map [ a.v 0.0 suffix perlin-noise-unsafe ] with with product-map ;
: perlin-noise-byte-map ( table transform dim -- map )
perlin-noise-map normalize-0-1 >byte-map ;
: perlin-noise-image ( table transform dim -- image )
[ perlin-noise-byte-map ] [ >image ] bi ;
: uniform-noise-map ( seed dim -- map )
[ product [ 0.0 1.0 uniform-random-float ] replicate ]
curry with-seed ;
: uniform-noise-byte-map ( seed dim -- map )
uniform-noise-map >byte-map ;
: uniform-noise-image ( seed dim -- image )
[ uniform-noise-byte-map ] [ >image ] bi ;
: normal-noise-map ( seed sigma dim -- map )
swap '[ _ product [ 0.5 _ normal-random-float ] replicate ]
with-seed ;
: normal-noise-byte-map ( seed sigma dim -- map )
normal-noise-map clamp-0-1 >byte-map ;
: normal-noise-image ( seed sigma dim -- image )
[ normal-noise-byte-map ] [ >image ] bi ;