56 lines
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56 lines
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! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.033
! http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=33
! -----------
! The fraction 49/98 is a curious fraction, as an inexperienced mathematician
! in attempting to simplify it may incorrectly believe that 49/98 = 4/8, which
! is correct, is obtained by cancelling the 9s.
! We shall consider fractions like, 30/50 = 3/5, to be trivial examples.
! There are exactly four non-trivial examples of this type of fraction, less
! than one in value, and containing two digits in the numerator and
! denominator.
! If the product of these four fractions is given in its lowest common terms,
! find the value of the denominator.
! --------
! Through analysis, you only need to check fractions fitting the pattern ax/xb
: source-033 ( -- seq )
10 99 [a,b] dup cartesian-product concat [ first2 < ] filter ;
: safe? ( ax xb -- ? )
[ 10 /mod ] bi@ [ = ] dip zero? not and nip ;
: ax/xb ( ax xb -- z/f )
2dup safe? [ [ 10 /mod ] bi@ 2nip / ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: curious? ( m n -- ? )
2dup / [ ax/xb ] dip = ;
: curious-fractions ( seq -- seq )
[ first2 curious? ] filter [ first2 / ] map ;
: euler033 ( -- answer )
source-033 curious-fractions product denominator ;
! [ euler033 ] 100 ave-time
! 7 ms ave run time - 1.31 SD (100 trials)
SOLUTION: euler033