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! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer, Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays ascii assocs hashtables io.encodings.ascii io.files kernel math
math.parser namespaces make sequences sequences.private sorting
splitting grouping strings sets accessors project-euler.common ;
IN: project-euler.059
! http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=59
! -----------
! Each character on a computer is assigned a unique code and the preferred
! standard is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). For
! example, uppercase A = 65, asterisk (*) = 42, and lowercase k = 107.
! A modern encryption method is to take a text file, convert the bytes to
! ASCII, then XOR each byte with a given value, taken from a secret key. The
! advantage with the XOR function is that using the same encryption key on the
! cipher text, restores the plain text; for example, 65 XOR 42 = 107, then 107
! XOR 42 = 65.
! For unbreakable encryption, the key is the same length as the plain text
! message, and the key is made up of random bytes. The user would keep the
! encrypted message and the encryption key in different locations, and without
! both "halves", it is impossible to decrypt the message.
! Unfortunately, this method is impractical for most users, so the modified
! method is to use a password as a key. If the password is shorter than the
! message, which is likely, the key is repeated cyclically throughout the
! message. The balance for this method is using a sufficiently long password
! key for security, but short enough to be memorable.
! Your task has been made easy, as the encryption key consists of three lower
! case characters. Using cipher1.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target
! As...'), a file containing the encrypted ASCII codes, and the knowledge that
! the plain text must contain common English words, decrypt the message and
! find the sum of the ASCII values in the original text.
! --------
! Assume that the space character will be the most common, so XOR the input
! text with a space character then group the text into three "columns" since
! that's how long our key is. Then do frequency analysis on each column to
! find out what the most likely candidate is for the key.
! NOTE: This technique would probably not work well in all cases, but luckily
! it did for this particular problem.
: source-059 ( -- seq )
ascii file-contents [ blank? ] trim-tail "," split
[ string>number ] map ;
TUPLE: rollover seq n ;
C: <rollover> rollover
M: rollover length n>> ;
M: rollover nth-unsafe seq>> [ length mod ] keep nth-unsafe ;
INSTANCE: rollover immutable-sequence
: decrypt ( seq key -- seq )
over length <rollover> swap [ bitxor ] 2map ;
: frequency-analysis ( seq -- seq )
dup members [
[ 2dup [ = ] curry count 2array , ] each
] { } make nip ; inline
: most-frequent ( seq -- elt )
frequency-analysis sort-values keys last ;
: crack-key ( seq key-length -- key )
[ " " decrypt ] dip group but-last-slice
flip [ most-frequent ] map ;
: euler059 ( -- answer )
source-059 dup 3 crack-key decrypt sum ;
! [ euler059 ] 100 ave-time
! 8 ms ave run time - 1.4 SD (100 trials)
SOLUTION: euler059