299 lines
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299 lines
11 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: classes kernel help.markup help.syntax sequences
alien assocs strings math multiline quotations ;
IN: db
HELP: db
{ $description "The " { $snippet "db" } " class is the superclass of all other database classes. It stores a " { $snippet "handle" } " to the database as well as insert, update, and delete queries." } ;
HELP: new-db
{ $values { "class" class } { "obj" object } }
{ $description "Creates a new database object from a given class." } ;
HELP: make-db*
{ $values { "object" object } { "db" object } { "db" object } }
{ $description "Takes a sequence of parameters specific to each database and a class name of the database, and constructs a new database object." } ;
HELP: make-db
{ $values { "object" object } { "class" class } { "db" db } }
{ $description "Takes a sequence of parameters specific to each database and a class name of the database, and constructs a new database object." } ;
HELP: db-open
{ $values { "db" db } { "db" db } }
{ $description "Opens a database using the configuration data stored in a " { $link db } " tuple." } ;
HELP: db-close
{ $values { "handle" alien } }
{ $description "Closes a database using the handle provided." } ;
HELP: dispose-statements
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } }
{ $description "Disposes an associative list of statements." } ;
HELP: db-dispose
{ $values { "db" db } }
{ $description "Disposes of all the statements stored in the " { $link db } " object." } ;
HELP: statement
{ $description "A " { $snippet "statement" } " stores the information about a statemen, such as the SQL statement text, the in/out parameters, and type information." } ;
HELP: simple-statement
{ $description } ;
HELP: prepared-statement
{ $description } ;
HELP: result-set
{ $description "An object encapsulating a raw SQL result object. There are two ways in which a result set can be accessed, but they are specific to the database backend in use."
{ $subsection "db-random-access-result-set" }
{ $subsection "db-sequential-result-set" }
} ;
HELP: init-result-set
{ $values
{ "result-set" result-set } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: new-result-set
{ $values
{ "query" "a query" } { "handle" alien } { "class" class }
{ "result-set" result-set } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link result-set } " object of type " { $snippet "class" } "." } ;
HELP: new-statement
{ $values { "sql" string } { "in" sequence } { "out" sequence } { "class" class } { "statement" statement } }
{ $description "Makes a new statement object from the given parameters." } ;
HELP: <simple-statement>
{ $values { "string" string } { "in" sequence } { "out" sequence }
{ "statement" statement } }
{ $description "Makes a new simple statement object from the given parameters." } ;
HELP: <prepared-statement>
{ $values { "string" string } { "in" sequence } { "out" sequence }
{ "statement" statement } }
{ $description "Makes a new prepared statement object from the given parameters." } ;
HELP: prepare-statement
{ $values { "statement" statement } }
{ $description "For databases which implement a method on this generic, it does some internal processing to ready the statement for execution." } ;
HELP: bind-statement*
{ $values { "statement" statement } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: low-level-bind
{ $values { "statement" statement } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: bind-tuple
{ $values { "tuple" tuple } { "statement" statement } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: query-results
{ $values { "query" object }
{ "result-set" result-set }
{ $description "Returns a " { $link result-set } " object representing the reults of a SQL query." } ;
HELP: #rows
{ $values { "result-set" result-set } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the number of rows in a result set." } ;
HELP: #columns
{ $values { "result-set" result-set } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the number of columns in a result set." } ;
HELP: row-column
{ $values { "result-set" result-set } { "column" integer }
{ "obj" object }
{ $description "Returns the value indexed by " { $snippet "column" } " in the current row of a " { $link result-set } "." } ;
HELP: row-column-typed
{ $values { "result-set" result-set } { "column" integer }
{ "sql" "sql" } }
{ $description "Returns the value indexed by " { $snippet "column" } " in the current row of a " { $link result-set } " and converts the result based on a type stored in the " { $link result-set } "'s " { $slot "out-params" } "." } ;
HELP: advance-row
{ $values { "result-set" result-set } }
{ $description "Advanced the pointer to an underlying SQL result set stored in a " { $link result-set } " object." } ;
HELP: more-rows?
{ $values { "result-set" result-set } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Returns true if the " { $link result-set } " has more rows to traverse." } ;
HELP: execute-statement*
{ $values { "statement" statement } { "type" object } }
{ $description } ;
HELP: execute-one-statement
{ $values
{ "statement" null } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: execute-statement
{ $values { "statement" statement } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: begin-transaction
{ $description "Begins a new transaction. User code should make use of the " { $link with-transaction } " combinator." } ;
HELP: bind-statement
{ $values
{ "obj" object } { "statement" null } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: commit-transaction
{ $description "Commits a transaction. User code should make use of the " { $link with-transaction } " combinator." } ;
HELP: default-query
{ $values
{ "query" null }
{ "result-set" null } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: in-transaction
{ $description "A variable that is set true when a transaction is in progress." } ;
HELP: in-transaction?
{ $values
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Returns true if there is currently a transaction in progress in this scope." } ;
HELP: query-each
{ $values
{ "statement" null } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: query-map
{ $values
{ "statement" null } { "quot" quotation }
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "" } ;
HELP: rollback-transaction
{ $description "Rolls back a transaction; no data is committed to the database. User code should make use of the " { $link with-transaction } " combinator." } ;
HELP: sql-command
{ $values
{ "sql" string } }
{ $description "Executes a SQL string using the databse in the " { $link db } " symbol." } ;
HELP: sql-query
{ $values
{ "sql" string }
{ "rows" "an array of arrays of strings" } }
{ $description "Runs a SQL query of raw text in the database in the " { $link db } " symbol. Each row is returned as an array of strings; no type-conversions are done on the resulting data." } ;
{ sql-command sql-query } related-words
HELP: sql-row
{ $values
{ "result-set" result-set }
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Returns the current row in a " { $link result-set } " as an array of strings." } ;
HELP: sql-row-typed
{ $values
{ "result-set" result-set }
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Returns the current row in a " { $link result-set } " as an array of typed Factor objects." } ;
{ sql-row sql-row-typed } related-words
HELP: with-db
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence } { "class" class } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation with a database bound to the " { $link db } " symbol. The database called is based on the " { $snippet "class" } " with the " } ;
HELP: with-transaction
{ $values
{ "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "" } ;
ARTICLE: "db" "Database library"
{ $subsection "db-custom-database-combinators" }
{ $subsection "db-protocol" }
{ $subsection "db-result-sets" }
{ $subsection "db-lowlevel-tutorial" }
"Higher-level database:"
{ $vocab-subsection "Database types" "db.types" }
{ $vocab-subsection "High-level tuple/database integration" "db.tuples" }
! { $subsection "db-tuples" }
! { $subsection "db-tuples-protocol" }
! { $subsection "db-tuples-tutorial" }
"Supported database backends:"
{ $vocab-subsection "SQLite" "db.sqlite" }
{ $vocab-subsection "PostgreSQL" "db.postgresql" }
"To add support for another database to Factor:"
{ $subsection "db-porting-the-library" }
ARTICLE: "db-random-access-result-set" "Random access result sets"
"Random-access result sets do not have to be traversed in order. For instance, PostgreSQL's result set object can be accessed as a matrix with i,j coordinates."
"Databases which work in this way must provide methods for the following traversal words:"
{ $subsection #rows }
{ $subsection #columns }
{ $subsection row-column }
{ $subsection row-column-typed } ;
ARTICLE: "db-sequential-result-set" "Sequential result sets"
"Sequential result sets can be iterated one element after the next. SQLite's result sets offer this method of traversal."
"Databases which work in this way must provide methods for the following traversal words:"
{ $subsection more-rows? }
{ $subsection advance-row }
{ $subsection row-column }
{ $subsection row-column-typed } ;
ARTICLE: "db-result-sets" "Result sets"
"Result sets are the encapsulated, database-specific results from a SQL query."
"Two possible protocols for iterating over result sets exist:"
{ $subsection "db-random-access-result-set" }
{ $subsection "db-sequential-result-set" }
"Query the number of rows or columns:"
{ $subsection #rows }
{ $subsection #columns }
"Traversing a result set:"
{ $subsection advance-row }
{ $subsection more-rows? }
"Pulling out a single row of results:"
{ $subsection row-column }
{ $subsection row-column-typed } ;
ARTICLE: "db-protocol" "Low-level database protocol"
"The high-level protocol (see " { $vocab-link "db.tuples" } ") uses this low-level protocol for executing statements and queries."
ARTICLE: "db-lowlevel-tutorial" "Low-level database tutorial"
"Although Factor makes integrating a database with its object system easy (see " { $vocab-link "db.tuples" } "), sometimes you may want to write SQL directly and get the results back as arrays of strings, for instance, when interfacing with a legacy database that doesn't easily map to " { $snippet "tuples" } "."
ARTICLE: "db-porting-the-library" "Porting the database library"
"This section is not yet written."
ARTICLE: "db-custom-database-combinators" "Custom database combinators"
"Every database library requires some effort on the programmer's part to initialize and open a database. SQLite uses files on your harddisk, so a simple pathname is all the setup required. With PostgreSQL, you log in to a networked server as a user on a specfic port." $nl
"Make a " { $snippet "with-" } " word to open, close, and use your database."
{ $code <"
USING: db.sqlite db io.files ;
: with-my-database ( quot -- )
{ "my-database.db" temp-file } sqlite-db rot with-db ;
"> }
ABOUT: "db"