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// -*-C-*-
// $Id: s48_bignumint.h,v 1.14 2005/12/21 02:36:52 spestov Exp $
// Copyright (c) 1989-1992 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
// This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
// Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
// Computer Science. Permission to copy and modify this software, to
// redistribute either the original software or a modified version, and
// to use this software for any purpose is granted, subject to the
// following restrictions and understandings.
// 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
// in full.
// 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
// return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
// they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
// to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
// 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
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// MIT in each case.
namespace factor {
// Internal Interface to Bignum Code
// The memory model is based on the following definitions, and on the
// definition of the type `bignum_type'. The only other special
// definition is `CHAR_BIT', which is defined in the Ansi C header
// file "limits.h".
typedef fixnum bignum_digit_type;
typedef fixnum bignum_length_type;
#ifndef _WIN64
#ifdef FACTOR_64
typedef __int128_t bignum_twodigit_type;
typedef int64_t bignum_twodigit_type;
// BIGNUM_TO_POINTER casts a bignum object to a digit array pointer.
#define BIGNUM_TO_POINTER(bignum) ((bignum_digit_type*)(bignum->data()))
// BIGNUM_EXCEPTION is invoked to handle assertion violations.
#define BIGNUM_EXCEPTION abort
#define BIGNUM_DIGIT_LENGTH (((sizeof(bignum_digit_type)) * CHAR_BIT) - 2)
#define BIGNUM_RADIX (bignum_digit_type)(((cell)1) << BIGNUM_DIGIT_LENGTH)
#define BIGNUM_RADIX_ROOT (((bignum_digit_type) 1) << BIGNUM_HALF_DIGIT_LENGTH)
#define BIGNUM_START_PTR(bignum) ((BIGNUM_TO_POINTER(bignum)) + 1)
#define BIGNUM_LENGTH(bignum) (untag_fixnum((bignum)->capacity) - 1)
#define BIGNUM_NEGATIVE_P(bignum) (bignum->data()[0] != 0)
#define BIGNUM_SET_NEGATIVE_P(bignum, neg) (bignum->data()[0] = neg)
#define BIGNUM_ZERO_P(bignum) ((BIGNUM_LENGTH(bignum)) == 0)
#define BIGNUM_REF(bignum, index) (*((BIGNUM_START_PTR(bignum)) + (index)))
// These definitions are here to facilitate caching of the constants
// 0, 1, and -1.
#define BIGNUM_ZERO() untag<bignum>(special_objects[OBJ_BIGNUM_ZERO])
#define BIGNUM_ONE(neg_p) untag<bignum>( \
special_objects[neg_p ? OBJ_BIGNUM_NEG_ONE : OBJ_BIGNUM_POS_ONE])
#define HD_LOW(digit) ((digit) & BIGNUM_HALF_DIGIT_MASK)
#define HD_HIGH(digit) ((digit) >> BIGNUM_HALF_DIGIT_LENGTH)
#define HD_CONS(high, low) (((high) << BIGNUM_HALF_DIGIT_LENGTH) | (low))
#define BIGNUM_DIGITS_FOR(type) \
(BIGNUM_BITS_TO_DIGITS((sizeof(type)) * CHAR_BIT))
#define BIGNUM_ASSERT(expression) \
{ \
if (!(expression)) \