686 lines
22 KiB
686 lines
22 KiB
;;; fuel-markup.el -- printing factor help markup
;; Copyright (C) 2009 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
;; See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
;; Author: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org>
;; Keywords: languages, fuel, factor
;; Start date: Thu Jan 01, 2009 21:43
;;; Comentary:
;; Utilities for printing Factor's help markup.
;;; Code:
(require 'fuel-eval)
(require 'fuel-base)
(require 'fuel-table)
(require 'button)
;;; Customization:
(defface fuel-font-lock-markup-title '((t (:inherit bold)))
"article titles in help buffers"
:group 'fuel-help
:group 'fuel-faces
:group 'faces)
(defface fuel-font-lock-markup-heading '((t (:inherit bold)))
"headlines in help buffers"
:group 'fuel-help
:group 'fuel-faces
:group 'faces)
(defface fuel-font-lock-markup-link '((t (:inherit link)))
"links to topics in help buffers"
:group 'fuel-help
:group 'fuel-faces
:group 'faces)
(defface fuel-font-lock-markup-emphasis '((t (:inherit italic)))
"emphasized words in help buffers"
:group 'fuel-help
:group 'fuel-faces
:group 'faces)
(defface fuel-font-lock-markup-strong '((t (:inherit link)))
"bold words in help buffers"
:group 'fuel-help
:group 'fuel-faces
:group 'faces)
;;; Links:
(defvar-local fuel-markup--follow-link-function 'fuel-markup--echo-link)
(define-button-type 'fuel-markup--button
'action 'fuel-markup--follow-link
'face 'fuel-font-lock-markup-link
'follow-link t)
(defun fuel-markup--follow-link (button)
(when fuel-markup--follow-link-function
(funcall fuel-markup--follow-link-function
(button-get button 'markup-link)
(button-get button 'markup-label)
(button-get button 'markup-link-type))))
(defun fuel-markup--echo-link (link label type)
(message "Link %s pointing to %s named %s" label type link))
(defun fuel-markup--insert-button (label link type)
(let ((label (format "%s" label))
(link (if (listp link) link (format "%s" link))))
(insert-text-button label
:type 'fuel-markup--button
'markup-link link
'markup-label label
'markup-link-type type
'help-echo (format "%s (%s)" label type))))
(defun fuel-markup--article-title (name)
(let ((name (if (listp name) (cons :seq name) name)))
(fuel-eval--send/wait `(:fuel* ((,name fuel-get-article-title)) "fuel")))))
(defun fuel-markup--link-at-point ()
(let ((button (condition-case nil (forward-button 0) (error nil))))
(when button
(list (button-get button 'markup-link)
(button-get button 'markup-label)
(button-get button 'markup-link-type)))))
(defun fuel-markup--nav-crumbs (e)
(fuel-markup--links e " > ")
;;; Markup printers:
(defconst fuel-markup--printers
'(($all-tags . fuel-markup--all-tags)
($all-authors . fuel-markup--all-authors)
($author . fuel-markup--author)
($authors . fuel-markup--authors)
($class-description . fuel-markup--class-description)
($code . (lambda (e) (fuel-markup--code e t)))
($command . fuel-markup--command)
($command-map . fuel-markup--null)
($complex-shuffle . fuel-markup--complex-shuffle)
($contract . fuel-markup--contract)
($curious . fuel-markup--curious)
($definition . fuel-markup--definition)
($description . fuel-markup--description)
($doc-path . fuel-markup--doc-path)
($emphasis . fuel-markup--emphasis)
($error-description . fuel-markup--error-description)
($errors . fuel-markup--errors)
($example . (lambda (e) (fuel-markup--code e t)))
($examples . fuel-markup--examples)
($fuel-nav-crumbs . fuel-markup--nav-crumbs)
($heading . fuel-markup--heading)
($index . fuel-markup--index)
($instance . fuel-markup--instance)
($io-error . fuel-markup--io-error)
($link . fuel-markup--link)
($links . (lambda (e) (fuel-markup--links e ", ")))
($list . fuel-markup--list)
($low-level-note . fuel-markup--low-level-note)
($markup-example . fuel-markup--markup-example)
($maybe . fuel-markup--maybe)
($sequence . fuel-markup--sequence)
($methods . fuel-markup--methods)
($next-link . (lambda (e) (fuel-markup--prefixed-link "Next:" e)))
($nl . fuel-markup--newline)
($notes . fuel-markup--notes)
($operation . fuel-markup--link)
($or . fuel-markup--or)
($parsing-note . fuel-markup--parsing-note)
($predicate . fuel-markup--predicate)
($prettyprinting-note . fuel-markup--prettyprinting-note)
($prev-link . (lambda (e) (fuel-markup--prefixed-link "Prev:" e)))
($quotation . fuel-markup--quotation)
($references . fuel-markup--references)
($related . fuel-markup--related)
($see . fuel-markup--word-info)
($see-also . fuel-markup--see-also)
($shuffle . fuel-markup--shuffle)
($side-effects . fuel-markup--side-effects)
($slot . fuel-markup--snippet)
($snippet . fuel-markup--snippet)
($strong . fuel-markup--strong)
($subheading . fuel-markup--subheading)
($subsection . fuel-markup--subsection)
($subsections . fuel-markup--subsections)
($synopsis . fuel-markup--word-info)
($syntax . fuel-markup--syntax)
($table . fuel-markup--table)
($tag . fuel-markup--tag)
($tags . fuel-markup--tags)
($unchecked-example . (lambda (e) (fuel-markup--code e t)))
($url . fuel-markup--url)
($value . fuel-markup--value)
($values . fuel-markup--values)
($values-x/y . fuel-markup--values-x/y)
($var-description . fuel-markup--var-description)
($vocab . fuel-markup--vocab)
($vocab-link . fuel-markup--vocab-link)
($vocab-links . fuel-markup--vocab-links)
($vocab-subsection . fuel-markup--vocab-subsection)
($warning . fuel-markup--warning)
(article . fuel-markup--article)
(describe-words . fuel-markup--describe-words)
(vocab-list . fuel-markup--vocab-list)))
(defvar-local fuel-markup--maybe-nl nil)
(defun fuel-markup--print (e)
(cond ((null e) (insert "f"))
((stringp e) (fuel-markup--insert-string e))
((and (listp e) (symbolp (car e))
(assoc (car e) fuel-markup--printers))
(funcall (alist-get (car e) fuel-markup--printers) e))
((and (symbolp e)
(assoc e fuel-markup--printers))
(funcall (alist-get e fuel-markup--printers) e))
((listp e) (mapc 'fuel-markup--print e))
((symbolp e) (fuel-markup--print (list '$link e)))
(t (insert (format "\n%S\n" e)))))
(defun fuel-markup--print-str (e)
(fuel-markup--print e)
(defun fuel-markup--maybe-nl ()
(setq fuel-markup--maybe-nl (point)))
(defun fuel-markup--insert-newline (&optional justification nosqueeze)
(fill-region (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))
(or justification 'left)
(defsubst fuel-markup--insert-nl-if-nb (&optional no-fill)
(unless (eq (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)) (point))
(if no-fill (newline) (fuel-markup--insert-newline))))
(defsubst fuel-markup--put-face (txt face)
(put-text-property 0 (length txt) 'font-lock-face face txt)
(defun fuel-markup--insert-heading (txt &optional no-nl)
(unless (bobp) (newline))
(fuel-markup--put-face txt 'fuel-font-lock-markup-heading)
(fuel-markup--insert-string txt)
(unless no-nl (newline)))
(defun fuel-markup--insert-string (str)
(when fuel-markup--maybe-nl
(newline 2)
(setq fuel-markup--maybe-nl nil))
(insert str))
(defun fuel-markup--article (e)
(setq fuel-markup--maybe-nl nil)
(insert (fuel-markup--put-face (cadr e) 'fuel-font-lock-markup-title))
(newline 1)
(fuel-markup--print (car (cddr e))))
(defun fuel-markup--heading (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading (cadr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--subheading (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading (cadr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--subsection (e)
(insert " - ")
(fuel-markup--link (cons '$link (cdr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--subsections (e)
(dolist (link (cdr e))
(insert " - ")
(fuel-markup--link (list '$link link))
(defun fuel-markup--vocab-subsection (e)
(insert " - ")
(fuel-markup--vocab-link (cons '$vocab-link (cdr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--newline (e)
(defun fuel-markup--doc-path (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Related topics")
(insert " ")
(dolist (art (cdr e))
(fuel-markup--insert-button (car art) (cadr art) 'article)
(insert ", "))
(delete-char -2)
(fuel-markup--insert-newline 'left))
(defun fuel-markup--emphasis (e)
(when (stringp (cadr e))
(fuel-markup--put-face (cadr e) 'fuel-font-lock-markup-emphasis)
(insert (cadr e))))
(defun fuel-markup--strong (e)
(when (stringp (cadr e))
(fuel-markup--put-face (cadr e) 'fuel-font-lock-markup-strong)
(insert (cadr e))))
(define-button-type 'fuel-markup--url
'action 'fuel-markup--follow-url
'face 'fuel-font-lock-markup-link
'follow-link nil)
(defun fuel-markup--follow-url (button)
(browse-url (button-get button 'markup-link)))
(defun fuel-markup--url (e)
(let ((url (cadr e)))
(insert-text-button url
:type 'fuel-markup--url
'markup-link url)))
(defun fuel-markup--snippet (e)
(insert (mapconcat #'(lambda (s)
(if (stringp s)
(factor-font-lock-string s)
(fuel-markup--print-str s)))
(cdr e)
" ")))
(defun fuel-markup--code (e indent)
(dolist (snip (cdr e))
(unless (stringp snip)
(error "snip is not a string"))
(dolist (line (split-string (factor-font-lock-string snip) "\n"))
(when indent (insert " "))
(insert line)
(defun fuel-markup--command (e)
(fuel-markup--snippet (list '$snippet (nth 3 e))))
(defun fuel-markup--syntax (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Syntax")
(fuel-markup--print (cons '$code (cdr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--markup-example (e)
(fuel-markup--snippet (cons '$snippet (cdr e))))
(defun fuel-markup--link (e)
(let* ((link (or (nth 1 e) 'f))
(type (or (nth 3 e) (if (symbolp link) 'word 'article)))
(label (or (nth 2 e)
(and (eq type 'article)
(fuel-markup--article-title link))
(fuel-markup--insert-button label link type)))
(defun fuel-markup--links (e sep)
"Inserts a sequence of links. Used for rendering see also lists
and breadcrumb navigation. The items in e can either be strings
or lists."
(let ((links (cdr e)))
(when links
(dolist (link links)
(message (format "link %s" link))
(if (listp link)
(cons '$link link)
(list '$link link)))
(insert sep))
(delete-char (- (length sep))))))
(defun fuel-markup--index-quotation (q)
(cond ((null q) nil)
((listp q) (vconcat (mapcar 'fuel-markup--index-quotation q)))
(t q)))
(defun fuel-markup--index (e)
(let* ((q (fuel-markup--index-quotation (cadr e)))
(cmd `(:fuel* ((,q fuel-index)) "fuel"
("assocs" "builtins" "classes" "classes.builtin"
"classes.intersection" "classes.predicate"
"classes.singleton" "classes.tuple" "classes.union"
"help" "help.topics" "namespaces" "sequences"
"vocabs" "words")))
(subs (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd 200))))
(when subs
(let ((start (point))
(sort-fold-case nil))
(fuel-markup--print subs)
(sort-lines nil start (point))))))
(defun fuel-markup--vocab-link (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-button (cadr e) (or (car (cddr e)) (cadr e)) 'vocab))
(defun fuel-markup--vocab-links (e)
(dolist (link (cdr e))
(insert " ")
(fuel-markup--vocab-link (list '$vocab-link link))
(insert " ")))
(defun fuel-markup--vocab-list (e)
(let ((rows (mapcar #'(lambda (elem)
(list (list '$vocab-link (car elem))
(cadr elem)))
(cdr e))))
(fuel-markup--table (cons '$table rows))))
(defun fuel-markup--vocab (e)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* ((,(cadr e) fuel-vocab-help)) "fuel" t))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(when res (fuel-markup--print res))))
(defun fuel-markup--parse-classes ()
(let ((elems))
(while (looking-at ".+ classes$")
(let ((heading `($heading ,(match-string-no-properties 0)))
(when (looking-at "Class *.+$")
(push (split-string (match-string-no-properties 0) nil t) rows)
(while (not (looking-at "$"))
(let* ((objs (split-string (thing-at-point 'line) nil t))
(class (list '$link (car objs) (car objs) 'word))
(super (and (cadr objs)
(list (list '$link (cadr objs) (cadr objs) 'word))))
(slots (when (cddr objs)
(list (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (list s " ")) (cddr objs))))))
(push `(,class ,@super ,@slots) rows))
(push `(,heading ($table ,@(reverse rows))) elems))
(reverse elems)))
(defun fuel-markup--parse-words ()
(let ((elems))
(while (looking-at ".+ words\\|Primitives$")
(let ((heading `($heading ,(match-string-no-properties 0)))
(when (looking-at "Word *\\(Stack effect\\|Syntax\\)$")
(push (list "Word" (match-string-no-properties 1)) rows)
(while (looking-at " ?\\(.+?\\)\\( +\\(.+\\)\\)?$")
(let ((word `($link ,(match-string-no-properties 1)
,(match-string-no-properties 1)
(se (and (match-string-no-properties 3)
`(($snippet ,(match-string-no-properties 3))))))
(push `(,word ,@se) rows))
(push `(,heading ($table ,@(reverse rows))) elems))
(reverse elems)))
(defun fuel-markup--parse-words-desc (desc)
"This function parses the text description of the vocab that
the 'words.' word emits."
(insert desc)
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward "^Words$" nil t)
(forward-line 2)
(let ((elems '(($heading "Words"))))
(push (fuel-markup--parse-classes) elems)
(push (fuel-markup--parse-words) elems)
(reverse (remove nil elems))))))
(defun fuel-markup--describe-words (e)
(when (cadr e)
(fuel-markup--print (fuel-markup--parse-words-desc (cadr e)))))
(defun fuel-markup--tag (e)
(fuel-markup--link (list '$link (cadr e) (cadr e) 'tag)))
(defun fuel-markup--tags (e)
(when (cdr e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Tags: " t)
(dolist (tag (cdr e))
(fuel-markup--tag (list '$tag tag))
(insert ", "))
(delete-char -2)
(defun fuel-markup--all-tags (e)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* (all-tags) "fuel" t))
(tags (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(cons '$list (mapcar (lambda (tag) (list '$link tag tag 'tag)) tags)))))
(defun fuel-markup--author (e)
(fuel-markup--link (list '$link (cadr e) (cadr e) 'author)))
(defun fuel-markup--authors (e)
(when (cdr e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Authors: " t)
(dolist (a (cdr e))
(fuel-markup--author (list '$author a))
(insert ", "))
(delete-char -2)
(defun fuel-markup--all-authors (e)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* (all-authors) "fuel" t))
(authors (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(cons '$list (mapcar (lambda (a) (list '$link a a 'author)) authors)))))
(defun fuel-markup--complex-shuffle (e)
`($description "Shuffle word. Rearranges the top of the datastack as "
"indicated in the stack effect pattern."))
`(nil "The data flow represented by this shuffle word can be more clearly "
"expressed using " ($vocab-link "Lexical variables" "locals") ".")
"This word is deprecated"))
(defun fuel-markup--list (e)
(dolist (elt (cdr e))
(insert " - ")
(fuel-markup--print elt)
(defun fuel-markup--table (e)
(mapcar #'(lambda (row) (mapcar 'fuel-markup--print-str row)) (cdr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--instance (e)
(insert " an instance of ")
(fuel-markup--print (cadr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--maybe (e)
(fuel-markup--instance (cons '$instance (cdr e)))
(insert " or f "))
(defun fuel-markup--sequence (e)
(insert "a ")
(fuel-markup--link (list '$link 'sequence 'sequence 'word))
(insert " of ")
(fuel-markup--print (cadr e))
(insert "s"))
(defun fuel-markup--or (e)
(let ((fst (car (cdr e)))
(mid (butlast (cddr e)))
(lst (car (last (cdr e)))))
(insert (format "%s" fst))
(dolist (m mid) (insert (format ", %s" m)))
(insert (format " or %s" lst))))
(defun fuel-markup--values (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Inputs and outputs")
(dolist (val (cdr e))
(insert " " (car val) " - ")
(fuel-markup--print (cdr val))
(defun fuel-markup--predicate (e)
(fuel-markup--values '($values ("object" object) ("?" "a boolean")))
(let ((word (make-symbol (substring (format "%s" (cadr e)) 0 -1))))
`($description "Tests if the object is an instance of the "
($link ,word) " class."))))
(defun fuel-markup--side-effects (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Side effects")
(insert "Modifies ")
(fuel-markup--print (cdr e))
(defun fuel-markup--definition (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Definition")
(fuel-markup--code (cons '$code (cdr e)) nil))
(defun fuel-markup--methods (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Methods")
(fuel-markup--code (cons '$code (cdr e)) nil))
(defun fuel-markup--value (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "Variable value")
(insert "Current value in global namespace: ")
(fuel-markup--snippet (cons '$snippet (cdr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--values-x/y (e)
(fuel-markup--values '($values ("x" "number") ("y" "number"))))
(defun fuel-markup--curious (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "For the curious...")
(fuel-markup--print (cdr e)))
(defun fuel-markup--references (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "References")
(dolist (ref (cdr e))
(if (listp ref)
(fuel-markup--print ref)
(fuel-markup--subsection (list '$subsection ref)))))
(defun fuel-markup--see-also (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "See also")
(fuel-markup--links (cons '$links (cdr e)) ", "))
(defun fuel-markup--related (e)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading "See also")
(fuel-markup--links (cons '$links (cadr e)) ", "))
(defun fuel-markup--shuffle (e)
(insert "\nShuffle word. Re-arranges the stack "
"according to the stack effect pattern.")
(defun fuel-markup--low-level-note (e)
(fuel-markup--print '($notes "Calling this word directly is not necessary "
"in most cases. "
"Higher-level words call it automatically.")))
(defun fuel-markup--parsing-note (e)
(insert "This word should only be called from parsing words.")
(defun fuel-markup--io-error (e)
(fuel-markup--errors '($errors "Throws an error if the I/O operation fails.")))
(defun fuel-markup--prettyprinting-note (e)
(fuel-markup--print '($notes ("This word should only be called within the "
($link with-pprint) " combinator."))))
(defun fuel-markup--prefixed-link (prefix e)
(insert (format " %s " prefix))
(fuel-markup--link e)
(defun fuel-markup--elem-with-heading (elem heading)
(fuel-markup--insert-heading heading)
(fuel-markup--print (cdr elem))
(defun fuel-markup--stack-effect (e)
(let* ((in (mapconcat 'identity (nth 1 e) " "))
(out (mapconcat 'identity (nth 2 e) " "))
(str (format "( %s -- %s )" in out)))
(fuel-markup--snippet (list '$snippet str))))
(defun fuel-markup--quotation (e)
(insert "a ")
(fuel-markup--link (list '$link 'quotation 'quotation 'word))
(insert " with stack effect ")
(fuel-markup--stack-effect (nth 1 e)))
(defun fuel-markup--warning (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Warning"))
(defun fuel-markup--description (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Word description"))
(defun fuel-markup--class-description (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Class description"))
(defun fuel-markup--error-description (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Error description"))
(defun fuel-markup--var-description (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Variable description"))
(defun fuel-markup--contract (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Generic word contract"))
(defun fuel-markup--errors (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Errors"))
(defun fuel-markup--examples (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Examples"))
(defun fuel-markup--notes (e)
(fuel-markup--elem-with-heading e "Notes"))
(defun fuel-markup--word-info (e)
"Uses the 'see' word to lookup info about a given word. Note
that this function is called in contexts where it is impossible
to guess the correct usings, so a static using list is used."
(let* ((word (nth 1 e))
(cmd `(:fuel* ((:quote ,(symbol-name word)) see)
"fuel" ("kernel" "lexer" "see" "sequences")))
(ret (and cmd (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd)))
(res (and (not (fuel-eval--retort-error ret))
(fuel-eval--retort-output ret))))
(if res
(fuel-markup--code (list '$code res) nil)
(fuel-markup--snippet (list '$snippet " " word)))))
(defun fuel-markup--null (e))
(provide 'fuel-markup)
;;; fuel-markup.el ends here