248 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
248 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
! Copyright (C) 2008 William Schlieper
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel threads combinators concurrency.mailboxes
sequences strings hashtables splitting fry assocs hashtables colors
sorting qualified unicode.collation math.order
ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.commands ui.gadgets.frames ui.gestures
ui.gadgets.tabs ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.labels
io io.styles namespaces calendar calendar.format models continuations
irc.client irc.client.private irc.messages
irc.ui.commandparser irc.ui.load ;
RENAME: join sequences => sjoin
IN: irc.ui
SYMBOL: listener
SYMBOL: client
TUPLE: ui-window < tabbed client ;
M: ui-window ungraft*
client>> terminate-irc ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client window ;
: write-color ( str color -- )
foreground associate format ;
: dark-red T{ rgba f 0.5 0.0 0.0 1 } ;
: dark-green T{ rgba f 0.0 0.5 0.0 1 } ;
: dot-or-parens ( string -- string )
dup empty? [ drop "." ]
[ "(" prepend ")" append ] if ;
GENERIC: write-irc ( irc-message -- )
M: ping write-irc
drop "* Ping" blue write-color ;
M: privmsg write-irc
"<" blue write-color
[ irc-message-sender write ] keep
"> " blue write-color
trailing>> write ;
M: notice write-irc
[ type>> blue write-color ] keep
": " blue write-color
trailing>> write ;
TUPLE: own-message message nick timestamp ;
: <own-message> ( message nick -- own-message )
now own-message boa ;
M: own-message write-irc
"<" blue write-color
[ nick>> bold font-style associate format ] keep
"> " blue write-color
message>> write ;
M: join write-irc
"* " dark-green write-color
irc-message-sender write
" has entered the channel." dark-green write-color ;
M: part write-irc
"* " dark-red write-color
[ irc-message-sender write ] keep
" has left the channel" dark-red write-color
trailing>> dot-or-parens dark-red write-color ;
M: quit write-irc
"* " dark-red write-color
[ irc-message-sender write ] keep
" has left IRC" dark-red write-color
trailing>> dot-or-parens dark-red write-color ;
M: kick write-irc
"* " dark-red write-color
[ irc-message-sender write ] keep
" has kicked " dark-red write-color
[ who>> write ] keep
" from the channel" dark-red write-color
trailing>> dot-or-parens dark-red write-color ;
: full-mode ( message -- mode )
parameters>> rest " " sjoin ;
M: mode write-irc
"* " blue write-color
[ irc-message-sender write ] keep
" has applied mode " blue write-color
[ full-mode write ] keep
" to " blue write-color
channel>> write ;
M: nick write-irc
"* " blue write-color
[ irc-message-sender write ] keep
" is now known as " blue write-color
trailing>> write ;
M: unhandled write-irc
"UNHANDLED: " write
line>> blue write-color ;
M: irc-end write-irc
drop "* You have left IRC" dark-red write-color ;
M: irc-disconnected write-irc
drop "* Disconnected" dark-red write-color ;
M: irc-connected write-irc
drop "* Connected" dark-green write-color ;
M: irc-listener-end write-irc
drop ;
M: irc-message write-irc
drop ; ! catch all unimplemented writes, THIS WILL CHANGE
GENERIC: time-happened ( message -- timestamp )
M: irc-message time-happened timestamp>> ;
M: object time-happened drop now ;
: print-irc ( irc-message -- )
[ time-happened timestamp>hms write " " write ]
[ write-irc nl ] bi ;
: send-message ( message -- )
[ print-irc ]
[ listener get write-message ] bi ;
GENERIC: handle-inbox ( tab message -- )
: value-labels ( assoc val -- seq )
'[ nip , = ] assoc-filter keys sort-strings [ <label> ] map ;
: add-gadget-color ( pack seq color -- pack )
'[ , >>color add-gadget ] each ;
M: object handle-inbox
nip print-irc ;
: display ( stream tab -- )
'[ , [ [ t ]
[ , dup listener>> read-message handle-inbox ]
[ ] while ] with-output-stream ] "ircv" spawn drop ;
: <irc-pane> ( tab -- tab pane )
[ <pane-stream> swap display ] 2keep ;
TUPLE: irc-editor < editor outstream tab ;
: <irc-editor> ( tab pane -- tab editor )
irc-editor new-editor
swap <pane-stream> >>outstream ;
: editor-send ( irc-editor -- )
{ [ outstream>> ]
[ [ irc-tab? ] find-parent ]
[ editor-string ]
[ "" swap set-editor-string ] } cleave
'[ , irc-tab set , parse-message ] with-output-stream ;
irc-editor "general" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "RET" } editor-send }
{ T{ key-down f f "ENTER" } editor-send }
} define-command-map
: new-irc-tab ( listener ui-window class -- irc-tab )
swap >>window
swap >>listener
<irc-pane> [ <scroller> @center grid-add ] keep
<irc-editor> <scroller> @bottom grid-add ;
M: irc-tab graft*
[ listener>> ] [ window>> client>> ] bi add-listener ;
M: irc-tab ungraft*
[ listener>> ] [ window>> client>> ] bi remove-listener ;
TUPLE: irc-channel-tab < irc-tab userlist ;
: <irc-channel-tab> ( listener ui-window -- irc-tab )
irc-channel-tab new-irc-tab
<pile> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] keep >>userlist ;
: update-participants ( tab -- )
[ userlist>> [ clear-gadget ] keep ]
[ listener>> participants>> ] bi
[ +operator+ value-labels dark-green add-gadget-color ]
[ +voice+ value-labels blue add-gadget-color ]
[ +normal+ value-labels black add-gadget-color ] tri drop ;
M: participant-changed handle-inbox
drop update-participants ;
TUPLE: irc-server-tab < irc-tab ;
: <irc-server-tab> ( listener -- irc-tab )
f irc-server-tab new-irc-tab ;
: <irc-nick-tab> ( listener ui-window -- irc-tab )
irc-tab new-irc-tab ;
M: irc-tab pref-dim*
drop { 480 480 } ;
: join-channel ( name ui-window -- )
[ dup <irc-channel-listener> ] dip
[ <irc-channel-tab> swap ] keep
add-page ;
: query-nick ( nick ui-window -- )
[ dup <irc-nick-listener> ] dip
[ <irc-nick-tab> swap ] keep
add-page ;
: irc-window ( ui-window -- )
[ ]
[ client>> profile>> server>> ] bi
open-window ;
: ui-connect ( profile -- ui-window )
{ [ [ <irc-server-listener> ] dip add-listener ]
[ listeners>> +server-listener+ swap at <irc-server-tab> dup
"Server" associate ui-window new-tabbed [ swap (>>window) ] keep ]
[ >>client ]
[ connect-irc ] } cleave ;
: server-open ( server port nick password channels -- )
[ <irc-profile> ui-connect [ irc-window ] keep ] dip
[ over join-channel ] each drop ;
: main-run ( -- ) run-ircui ;
MAIN: main-run