117 lines
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117 lines
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IN: io.monitors
USING: help.markup help.syntax continuations destructors
concurrency.mailboxes quotations ;
HELP: with-monitors
{ $values { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls a quotation in a new dynamic scope where file system monitor operations can be performed." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the platform does not support file system change monitors." } ;
HELP: <monitor>
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "recursive?" "a boolean" } { "monitor" "a new monitor" } }
{ $contract "Opens a file system change monitor which listens for changes on " { $snippet "path" } ". The boolean indicates whether changes in subdirectories should be reported." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the pathname does not exist, if a monitor could not be created or if the platform does not support monitors." } ;
HELP: (monitor)
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "recursive?" "a boolean" } { "mailbox" mailbox } { "monitor" "a new monitor" } }
{ $contract "Opens a file system change monitor which listens for changes on " { $snippet "path" } " and posts notifications to " { $snippet "mailbox" } " as triples with shape " { $snippet "{ path changed monitor } " } ". The boolean indicates whether changes in subdirectories should be reported." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the pathname does not exist, if a monitor could not be created or if the platform does not support monitors." } ;
HELP: next-change
{ $values { "monitor" "a monitor" } { "path" "a pathname string" } { "changed" "a change descriptor" } }
{ $contract "Waits for file system changes and outputs the pathname of the first changed file. The change descriptor is a sequence of symbols documented in " { $link "io.monitors.descriptors" } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the monitor is closed from another thread." } ;
HELP: with-monitor
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "recursive?" "a boolean" } { "quot" { $quotation "( monitor -- )" } } }
{ $description "Opens a file system change monitor and passes it to the quotation. Closes the monitor after the quotation returns or throws an error." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the pathname does not exist, if a monitor could not be created or if the platform does not support monitors." } ;
HELP: +add-file+
{ $description "Indicates that a file has been added to its parent directory." } ;
HELP: +remove-file+
{ $description "Indicates that a file has been removed from its parent directory." } ;
HELP: +modify-file+
{ $description "Indicates that a file's contents have changed." } ;
HELP: +rename-file-old+
{ $description "Indicates that a file has been renamed, and this is the old name." } ;
HELP: +rename-file-new+
{ $description "Indicates that a file has been renamed, and this is the new name." } ;
HELP: +rename-file+
{ $description "Indicates that a file has been renamed." } ;
ARTICLE: "io.monitors.descriptors" "File system change descriptors"
"Change descriptors output by " { $link next-change } ":"
{ $subsection +add-file+ }
{ $subsection +remove-file+ }
{ $subsection +modify-file+ }
{ $subsection +rename-file-old+ }
{ $subsection +rename-file-new+ }
{ $subsection +rename-file+ } ;
ARTICLE: "io.monitors.platforms" "Monitors on different platforms"
"Whether the " { $snippet "path" } " output value of " { $link next-change } " contains an absolute path or a path relative to the path given to " { $link <monitor> } " is unspecified, and may even vary on the same platform. User code should not assume either case."
"If the immediate path being monitored was changed, then " { $snippet "path" } " will equal " { $snippet "\"\"" } "; however this condition is not reported on all platforms. See below."
{ $heading "Mac OS X" }
"Factor uses " { $snippet "FSEventStream" } "s to implement monitors on Mac OS X. This requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later."
{ $snippet "FSEventStream" } "s always monitor directory hierarchies recursively, and the " { $snippet "recursive?" } " parameter to " { $link <monitor> } " has no effect."
"The " { $snippet "changed" } " output value of the " { $link next-change } " word always outputs " { $link +modify-file+ } " and the " { $snippet "path" } " output value is always the directory containing the file that changed. Unlike other platforms, fine-grained information is not available."
"Only directories may be monitored, not individual files. Changes to the directory itself (permissions, modification time, and so on) are not reported; only changes to children are reported."
{ $heading "Windows" }
"Factor uses " { $snippet "ReadDirectoryChanges" } " to implement monitors on Windows."
"Both recursive and non-recursive monitors are directly supported by the operating system."
"Only directories may be monitored, not individual files. Changes to the directory itself (permissions, modification time, and so on) are not reported; only changes to children are reported."
{ $heading "Linux" }
"Factor uses " { $snippet "inotify" } " to implement monitors on Linux. This requires Linux kernel version 2.6.16 or later."
"Factor simulates recursive monitors by creating a hierarchy of monitors for every subdirectory, since " { $snippet "inotify" } " can only monitor a single directory. This is transparent to user code."
"Inside a single " { $link with-monitors } " scope, only one monitor may be created for any given directory."
"Both directories and files may be monitored. Unlike Mac OS X and Windows, changes to the immediate directory being monitored (permissions, modification time, and so on) are reported."
{ $heading "BSD" }
"Factor uses " { $snippet "kqueue" } " to implement monitors on BSD."
"The " { $snippet "kqueue" } " system is limited to monitoring individual files and directories. Monitoring a directory only notifies of files being added and removed to the directory itself, not of changes to file contents."
{ $heading "Windows CE" }
"Windows CE does not support monitors." ;
ARTICLE: "io.monitors" "File system change monitors"
"File system change monitors listen for changes to file names, attributes and contents under a specified directory. They can optionally be recursive, in which case subdirectories are also monitored."
"Monitoring operations must be wrapped in a combinator:"
{ $subsection with-monitors }
"Creating a file system change monitor and listening for changes:"
{ $subsection <monitor> }
{ $subsection next-change }
"An alternative programming style is where instead of having a thread listen for changes on a monitor, change notifications are posted to a mailbox:"
{ $subsection (monitor) }
{ $subsection "io.monitors.descriptors" }
{ $subsection "io.monitors.platforms" }
"Monitors are closed by calling " { $link dispose } " or " { $link with-disposal } ". An easy way to pair construction with disposal is to use a combinator:"
{ $subsection with-monitor }
"Monitors support the " { $link "io.timeouts" } "."
"An example which watches a directory for changes:"
{ $code
"USE: io.monitors"
": watch-loop ( monitor -- )"
" dup next-change . . nl nl flush watch-loop ;"
": watch-directory ( path -- )"
" [ t [ watch-loop ] with-monitor ] with-monitors"
} ;
ABOUT: "io.monitors"