115 lines
3.3 KiB
115 lines
3.3 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2007 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: xml kernel sequences xml.utilities combinators.lib
math xml.data arrays assocs xml.generator xml.writer namespaces
math.parser io ;
IN: faq
: find-after ( seq quot -- elem after )
over >r find r> rot 1+ tail ; inline
: tag-named*? ( tag name -- ? )
assure-name swap tag-named? ;
! Questions
TUPLE: q/a question answer ;
C: <q/a> q/a
: li>q/a ( li -- q/a )
[ "br" tag-named*? not ] subset
[ "strong" tag-named*? ] find-after
>r tag-children r> <q/a> ;
: q/a>li ( q/a -- li )
[ q/a-question "strong" build-tag* f "br" build-tag* 2array ] keep
q/a-answer append "li" build-tag* ;
: xml>q/a ( xml -- q/a )
[ "question" tag-named tag-children ] keep
"answer" tag-named tag-children <q/a> ;
: q/a>xml ( q/a -- xml )
[ q/a-question "question" build-tag* ] keep
q/a-answer "answer" build-tag*
"\n" swap 3array "qa" build-tag* ;
! Lists of questions
TUPLE: question-list title seq ;
C: <question-list> question-list
: xml>question-list ( list -- question-list )
[ "title" swap at ] keep
tag-children [ tag? ] subset [ xml>q/a ] map
<question-list> ;
: question-list>xml ( question-list -- list )
[ question-list-seq [ q/a>xml "\n" swap 2array ]
map concat "list" build-tag* ] keep
question-list-title [ "title" pick set-at ] when* ;
: html>question-list ( h3 ol -- question-list )
>r [ children>string ] [ f ] if* r>
children-tags [ li>q/a ] map <question-list> ;
: question-list>h3 ( id question-list -- h3 )
question-list-title [
"h3" build-tag
swap number>string "id" pick set-at
] [ drop f ] if* ;
: question-list>html ( question-list start id -- h3/f ol )
-rot >r [ question-list>h3 ] keep
question-list-seq [ q/a>li ] map "ol" build-tag* r>
number>string "start" pick set-at
"margin-left: 5em" "style" pick set-at ;
! Overall everything
TUPLE: faq header lists ;
C: <faq> faq
: html>faq ( div -- faq )
unclip swap { "h3" "ol" } [ tags-named ] with map
first2 >r f add* r> [ html>question-list ] 2map <faq> ;
: header, ( faq -- )
dup faq-header ,
faq-lists first 1 -1 question-list>html nip , ;
: br, ( -- )
"br" contained, nl, ;
: toc-link, ( question-list number -- )
number>string "#" swap append "href" swap 2array 1array
"a" swap [ question-list-title , ] tag*, br, ;
: toc, ( faq -- )
"div" { { "style" "background-color: #eee; margin-left: 30%; margin-right: 30%; width: auto; padding: 5px; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em" } } [
"strong" [ "The big questions" , ] tag, br,
faq-lists 1 tail dup length [ toc-link, ] 2each
] tag*, ;
: faq-sections, ( question-lists -- )
unclip question-list-seq length 1+ dupd
[ question-list-seq length + ] accumulate nip
0 -rot [ pick question-list>html [ , nl, ] 2apply 1+ ] 2each drop ;
: faq>html ( faq -- div )
"div" [
dup header,
dup toc,
faq-lists faq-sections,
] make-xml ;
: xml>faq ( xml -- faq )
[ "header" tag-named children>string ] keep
"list" tags-named [ xml>question-list ] map <faq> ;
: faq>xml ( faq -- xml )
"faq" [
"header" [ dup faq-header , ] tag,
faq-lists [ question-list>xml , nl, ] each
] make-xml ;
: read-write-faq ( xml-stream -- )
read-xml xml>faq faq>html write-xml ;