292 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
292 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
! Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Bigot
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax multiline ;
IN: adsoda
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! faces
! --------------------------------------------------------------
ARTICLE: "face-page" "Face in ADSODA"
"explanation of faces"
"link to functions" $nl
"what is an halfspace" $nl
"halfspace touching-corners adjacent-faces" $nl
"touching-corners list of pointers to the corners which touch this face" $nl
"adjacent-faces list of pointers to the faces which touch this face"
{ $subsection face }
{ $subsection <face> }
"test relative position"
{ $subsection point-inside-or-on-face? }
{ $subsection point-inside-face? }
"handling face"
{ $subsection flip-face }
{ $subsection face-translate }
{ $subsection face-transform }
HELP: face
{ $class-description "a face is defined by"
{ $list "halfspace equation" }
{ $list "list of touching corners" }
{ $list "list of adjacent faces" }
"Touching corners and adjacent faces are defined by algorithm thanks to other faces of the solid"
HELP: <face>
{ $values { "v" "an halfspace equation" } { "tuple" "a face" } } ;
HELP: flip-face
{ $values { "face" "a face" } { "face" "flipped face" } }
{ $description "change the orientation of a face" }
HELP: face-translate
{ $values { "face" "a face" } { "v" "a vector" } }
{ $description
"translate a face following a vector"
"a translation of an halfspace doesn't change the normal vector. this word just compute the new constant term" }
HELP: face-transform
{ $values { "face" "a face" } { "m" "a transformation matrix" } }
{ $description "compute the transformation of a face using a transformation matrix" }
! --------------------------------
! solid
! --------------------------------------------------------------
ARTICLE: "solid-page" "Solid in ADSODA"
"explanation of solids"
"link to functions"
{ $subsection solid }
{ $subsection <solid> }
"test relative position"
{ $subsection point-inside-solid? }
{ $subsection point-inside-or-on-solid? }
"playing with faces and solids"
{ $subsection add-face }
{ $subsection cut-solid }
{ $subsection slice-solid }
"solid handling"
{ $subsection solid-project }
{ $subsection solid-translate }
{ $subsection solid-transform }
{ $subsection subtract }
{ $subsection get-silhouette }
{ $subsection solid= }
HELP: solid
{ $class-description "dimension" $nl "silhouettes" $nl "faces" $nl "corners" $nl "adjacencies-valid" $nl "color" $nl "name"
HELP: add-face
{ $values { "solid" "a solid" } { "face" "a face" } }
{ $description "reshape a solid with a face. The face truncate the solid." } ;
HELP: cut-solid
{ $values { "solid" "a solid" } { "halfspace" "an halfspace" } }
{ $description "like add-face but just with halfspace equation" } ;
HELP: slice-solid
{ $values { "solid" "a solid" } { "face" "a face" } { "solid1" "the outer part of the former solid" } { "solid2" "the inner part of the former solid" } }
{ $description "cut a solid into two parts. The face acts like a knife"
} ;
HELP: solid-project
{ $values { "lights" "lights" } { "ambient" "ambient" } { "solid" "solid" } { "solids" "projection of solid" } }
{ $description "Project the solid using pv vector"
"TODO: explain how to use lights"
} ;
HELP: solid-translate
{ $values { "solid" "a solid" } { "v" "translating vector" } }
{ $description "Translate a solid using a vector"
"v and solid must have the same dimension "
} ;
HELP: solid-transform
{ $values { "solid" "a solid" } { "m" "transformation matrix" } }
{ $description "Transform a solid using a matrix"
"v and solid must have the same dimension "
} ;
HELP: subtract
{ $values { "solid1" "initial shape" } { "solid2" "shape to remove" } { "solids" "resulting shape" } }
{ $description "Substract solid2 from solid1" } ;
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! space
! --------------------------------------------------------------
ARTICLE: "space-page" "Space in ADSODA"
"A space is a collection of solids and lights."
"link to functions"
"Defining words"
{ $subsection space }
{ $subsection <space> }
{ $subsection suffix-solids }
{ $subsection suffix-lights }
{ $subsection clear-space-solids }
{ $subsection describe-space }
"Handling space"
{ $subsection space-ensure-solids }
{ $subsection eliminate-empty-solids }
{ $subsection space-transform }
{ $subsection space-translate }
{ $subsection remove-hidden-solids }
{ $subsection space-project }
HELP: space
{ $class-description
"dimension" $nl " solids" $nl " ambient-color" $nl "lights"
HELP: suffix-solids
"( space solid -- space )"
{ $values { "space" "a space" } { "solid" "a solid to add" } }
{ $description "Add solid to space definition" } ;
HELP: suffix-lights
"( space light -- space ) "
{ $values { "space" "a space" } { "light" "a light to add" } }
{ $description "Add a light to space definition" } ;
HELP: clear-space-solids
"( space -- space )"
{ $values { "space" "a space" } }
{ $description "remove all solids in space" } ;
HELP: space-ensure-solids
{ $values { "space" "a space" } }
{ $description "rebuild corners of all solids in space" } ;
HELP: space-transform
" ( space m -- space )"
{ $values { "space" "a space" } { "m" "a matrix" } }
{ $description "Transform a space using a matrix" } ;
HELP: space-translate
{ $values { "space" "a space" } { "v" "a vector" } }
{ $description "Translate a space following a vector" } ;
HELP: describe-space " ( space -- )"
{ $values { "space" "a space" } }
{ $description "return a description of space" } ;
HELP: space-project
{ $values { "space" "a space" } { "i" "an integer" } }
{ $description "Project a space along ith coordinate" } ;
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! 3D rendering
! --------------------------------------------------------------
ARTICLE: "3D-rendering-page" "The 3D rendering in ADSODA"
"explanation of 3D rendering"
"link to functions"
{ $subsection face->GL }
{ $subsection solid->GL }
{ $subsection space->GL }
HELP: face->GL
{ $values { "face" "a face" } { "color" "3 3 values array" } }
{ $description "display a face" } ;
HELP: solid->GL
{ $values { "solid" "a solid" } }
{ $description "display a solid" } ;
HELP: space->GL
{ $values { "space" "a space" } }
{ $description "display a space" } ;
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! light
! --------------------------------------------------------------
ARTICLE: "light-page" "Light in ADSODA"
"explanation of light"
"link to functions"
ARTICLE: { "adsoda" "light" } "ADSODA : lights"
{ $code <"
! HELP: light position color
! <light> ( -- tuple ) light new ;
! light est un vecteur avec 3 variables pour les couleurs\n
void Light::Apply(Vector& normal, double &cRed, double &cGreen, double &cBlue)\n
{ \n
// Dot the light direction with the normalized normal of Face.
register double intensity = -(normal * (*this));
// Face is a backface, from light's perspective
if (intensity < 0)
// Add the intensity componentwise
cRed += red * intensity;
cGreen += green * intensity;
cBlue += blue * intensity;
// Clip to unit range
if (cRed > 1.0) cRed = 1.0;
if (cGreen > 1.0) cGreen = 1.0;
if (cBlue > 1.0) cBlue = 1.0;
"> }
ARTICLE: { "adsoda" "halfspace" } "ADSODA : halfspace"
" defined by the concatenation of the normal vector and a constant"
ARTICLE: "adsoda-main-page" "ADSODA : Arbitrary-Dimensional Solid Object Display Algorithm"
"multidimensional handler :"
"design a solid using face delimitations. Only works on convex shapes"
{ $emphasis "written in C++ by Greg Ferrar" }
"full explanation on adsoda page at " { $url "http://www.flowerfire.com/ADSODA/" }
"Useful words are describe on the following pages: "
{ $subsection "face-page" }
{ $subsection "solid-page" }
{ $subsection "space-page" }
{ $subsection "light-page" }
{ $subsection "3D-rendering-page" }
ABOUT: "adsoda-main-page"