
66 lines
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class TreeNode extends Object [
|left right item|
method binarytrees: n to: output [
| minDepth maxDepth stretchDepth check longLivedTree iterations |
minDepth := 4.
maxDepth := minDepth + 2 max: n.
stretchDepth := maxDepth + 1.
check := (TreeNode bottomUpTree: 0 depth: stretchDepth) itemCheck.
nextPutAll: 'stretch tree of depth '; print: stretchDepth; tab;
nextPutAll: ' check: '; print: check; nl.
longLivedTree := TreeNode bottomUpTree: 0 depth: maxDepth.
minDepth to: maxDepth by: 2 do: [:depth|
iterations := 1 bitShift: maxDepth - depth + minDepth.
check := 0.
1 to: iterations do: [:i|
check := check + (TreeNode bottomUpTree: i depth: depth) itemCheck.
check := check + (TreeNode bottomUpTree: -1*i depth: depth) itemCheck
print: (2*iterations); tab;
nextPutAll: ' trees of depth '; print: depth; tab;
nextPutAll: ' check: '; print: check; nl
nextPutAll: 'long lived tree of depth '; print: maxDepth; tab;
nextPutAll: ' check: '; print: longLivedTree itemCheck; nl
method binarytrees: arg [
self binarytrees: arg to: self stdout.
method left: leftChild right: rightChild item: anItem [
left := leftChild.
right := rightChild.
item := anItem
method itemCheck [
^left isNil
ifTrue: [item] ifFalse: [item + (left itemCheck - right itemCheck)]
method bottomUpTree: anItem depth: anInteger [
^(anInteger > 0)
ifTrue: [
left: (self bottomUpTree: 2*anItem - 1 depth: anInteger - 1)
right: (self bottomUpTree: 2*anItem depth: anInteger - 1)
item: anItem
] ifFalse: [self left: nil right: nil item: anItem]
method left: leftChild right: rightChild item: anItem [
^(super new) left: leftChild right: rightChild item: anItem