
211 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman, Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays calendar io io.sockets kernel match namespaces
sequences splitting strings continuations threads ascii ;
IN: irc
! "setup" objects
TUPLE: profile server port nickname password default-channels ;
C: <profile> profile
TUPLE: channel-profile name password auto-rejoin ;
C: <channel-profile> channel-profile
! "live" objects
TUPLE: irc-client profile nick stream stream-process controller-process ;
C: <irc-client> irc-client
TUPLE: nick name channels log ;
C: <nick> nick
TUPLE: channel name topic members log attributes ;
C: <channel> channel
! the delegate of all irc messages
TUPLE: irc-message timestamp ;
C: <irc-message> irc-message
! "irc message" objects
TUPLE: logged-in name text ;
C: <logged-in> logged-in
TUPLE: ping name ;
C: <ping> ping
TUPLE: join name channel ;
C: <join> join
TUPLE: part name channel text ;
C: <part> part
TUPLE: quit text ;
C: <quit> quit
TUPLE: privmsg name text ;
C: <privmsg> privmsg
TUPLE: kick channel er ee text ;
C: <kick> kick
TUPLE: roomlist channel names ;
C: <roomlist> roomlist
TUPLE: nick-in-use name ;
C: <nick-in-use> nick-in-use
TUPLE: notice type text ;
C: <notice> notice
TUPLE: mode name channel mode text ;
C: <mode> mode
! TUPLE: members
TUPLE: unhandled text ;
C: <unhandled> unhandled
! "control message" objects
TUPLE: command sender ;
TUPLE: service predicate quot enabled? ;
TUPLE: chat-command from to text ;
TUPLE: join-command channel password ;
TUPLE: part-command channel text ;
SYMBOL: irc-client
: irc-stream> ( -- stream ) irc-client get irc-client-stream ;
: trim-: ( seq -- seq ) [ CHAR: : = ] left-trim ;
: parse-name ( string -- string )
trim-: "!" split first ;
: irc-split ( string -- seq )
1 swap [ [ CHAR: : = ] find* ] keep
swap [ swap cut trim-: ] [ nip f ] if >r [ blank? ] trim trim-:
" " split r> [ 1array append ] when* ;
: me? ( name -- ? )
irc-client get irc-client-nick nick-name = ;
: irc-write ( s -- )
irc-stream> stream-write ;
: irc-print ( s -- )
irc-stream> [ stream-print ] keep stream-flush ;
: nick ( nick -- )
"NICK " irc-write irc-print ;
: login ( nick -- )
dup nick
"USER " irc-write irc-write
" hostname servername :irc.factor" irc-print ;
: connect* ( server port -- )
<inet> <client> irc-client get set-irc-client-stream ;
: connect ( server -- ) 6667 connect* ;
: join ( channel password -- )
"JOIN " irc-write
[ >r " :" r> 3append ] when* irc-print ;
: part ( channel text -- )
>r "PART " irc-write irc-write r>
" :" irc-write irc-print ;
: say ( line nick -- )
"PRIVMSG " irc-write irc-write " :" irc-write irc-print ;
: quit ( text -- )
"QUIT :" irc-write irc-print ;
GENERIC: handle-irc ( obj -- )
M: object handle-irc ( obj -- )
"Unhandled irc object" print drop ;
M: logged-in handle-irc ( obj -- )
logged-in-name irc-client get [ irc-client-nick set-nick-name ] keep
irc-client-profile profile-default-channels
[ channel-profile-name ] keep
channel-profile-password join
] each ;
M: ping handle-irc ( obj -- )
"PONG " irc-write
ping-name irc-print ;
M: nick-in-use handle-irc ( obj -- )
nick-in-use-name "_" append nick ;
: delegate-timestamp ( obj -- obj )
now <irc-message> over set-delegate ;
MATCH-VARS: ?name ?name2 ?channel ?text ?mode ;
SYMBOL: line
: match-irc ( string -- )
dup line set
dup print flush
{ { "PING" ?name }
[ ?name <ping> ] }
{ { ?name "001" ?name2 ?text }
[ ?name2 ?text <logged-in> ] }
{ { ?name "433" _ ?name2 "Nickname is already in use." }
[ ?name2 <nick-in-use> ] }
{ { ?name "JOIN" ?channel }
[ ?name ?channel <join> ] }
{ { ?name "PART" ?channel ?text }
[ ?name ?channel ?text <part> ] }
{ { ?name "PRIVMSG" ?channel ?text }
[ ?name ?channel ?text <privmsg> ] }
{ { ?name "QUIT" ?text }
[ ?name ?text <quit> ] }
{ { "NOTICE" ?name ?text }
[ ?name ?text <notice> ] }
{ { ?name "MODE" ?channel ?mode ?text }
[ ?name ?channel ?mode ?text <mode> ] }
{ { ?name "KICK" ?channel ?name2 ?text }
[ ?channel ?name ?name2 ?text <kick> ] }
! { { ?name "353" ?name2 _ ?channel ?text }
! [ ?text ?channel ?name2 make-member-list ] }
{ _ [ line get <unhandled> ] }
} match-cond
delegate-timestamp handle-irc flush ;
: irc-loop ( -- )
irc-stream> stream-readln
[ match-irc irc-loop ] when* ;
: do-irc ( irc-client -- )
dup irc-client set
dup irc-client-profile profile-server
over irc-client-profile profile-port connect*
dup irc-client-profile profile-nickname login
[ irc-loop ] [ irc-stream> dispose ] [ ] cleanup ;
: with-infinite-loop ( quot timeout -- quot timeout )
"looping" print flush
over [ drop ] recover dup sleep with-infinite-loop ;
: start-irc ( irc-client -- )
! [ [ do-irc ] curry 3000 with-infinite-loop ] with-scope ;
[ do-irc ] curry 3000 with-infinite-loop ;
! For testing
: make-factorbot
"irc.freenode.org" 6667 "factorbot" f
"#concatenative-flood" f f <channel-profile> ,
] { } make <profile>
f V{ } clone V{ } clone <nick>
f f f <irc-client> ;
: test-factorbot
make-factorbot start-irc ;