109 lines
3.3 KiB
109 lines
3.3 KiB
+ 0.87:
- callback scheduling issue
- error popup obscures input area
- ui docs
- test factor on linux/ppc
+ 0.88:
- poorly documented vocabs:
- alien
- cocoa
- command-line
- compiler
- completion
- image
- interpreter
- objc
- optimizer
- calling 'see' with an nonexistent method should be an error
- grid-lines are rendered incorrectly
- interactor: show stack effect for word at caret in status bar
- lisppaste gui
- growable data heap
- variable width word wrap
- graphical crossref tool
- inspector where slot values can be changed
- compiled call traces do not work if the runtime is built with
-fomit-frame-pointer on ppc
- use crc32 instead of modification date in reload-modules
- models: don't do redundant work
- top level window positioning on ms windows
- httpd crash
- these things are "Too Slow":
- make-image
- workspace-window
- apropos
- 10000 [ dup number>string ] map describe in the UI
- available-modules
- :trace
- string-lines
- md5, crc32
- all-words [ word-name ] map prune [ words-named ] map
- 100000 [ "\"hello\" not" eval drop ] times
- auto-update browser and help when sources reload
- mac intel: struct returns from objc methods
- new windows don't always have focus, eg focus follows mouse
- recompile get/set/>n/n>/ndrop if needed
- cross-word type inference
- some kind of declarative wiring framework for ui
- if we're printing a block on multiple lines, break at some words like
set off on % # , ... and assembler opcodes
- don't end lines with literals, shuffle words or symbols?
- see should try to not show ; on a line by itself
- IN: on its own line if the entire 'see' form doesn't fit
- command buttons: indicate shortcuts
- test what is done in the case of an invalid declaration on an inline
- how do we refer to command shortcuts in the docs?
+ ui:
- browser tool: dropdown menu button for definition operations
- copying pane output
- editor:
- autoscroll
- transpose char/word/line
- more efficient multi-line inserts
- see if its possible to only repaint dirty regions
- structure editor
+ compiler/ffi:
- C types should be words
- TYPEDEF: float { ... } { ... } ; ==> \ float T{ c-type ... } "c-type" swp
- TYPEDEF: float FTFloat ; ==> \ float \ FTFloat "c-type" swp
- make typedef aliasing explicit
- seeing a C struct word should show its def
- amd64 structs-by-value bug
- %allot-bignum-signed-2 is broken on both platforms
- [ [ dup call ] dup call ] infer hangs
- stdcall callbacks
- callstack overflow when compiling mutually recursive inline words
- arm backend
- float= doesn't consider nans equal
- C functions returning structs by value
- compiled continuations
+ misc:
- if a word drops the stack pointer below the bottom, then an error
won't be thrown until the next word accesses the stack
- prettyprinter: don't build entire tree to print first
- automatic help/effects for slot accessors
- tuple shape changes
- should be possible to reload any source file in library
- minor GC takes too long now, we should card mark code heap
- buffer-ptr should be an alien
- swap nappend ==> nappend
- incremental GC
- slice: if sequence or seq start is changed, abstraction violation
- hashed generic method dispatch
+ httpd:
- remaining HTML issues need fixing
- embedded.factor is O(n^2)