210 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
210 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Daniel Ehrenberg, Bruno Deferrari,
! Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: assocs hashtables kernel namespaces sequences
sets strings vocabs sorting accessors arrays compiler.units
combinators vectors splitting continuations math
parser.notes ;
IN: vocabs.parser
ERROR: no-word-error name ;
: word-restarts ( possibilities -- restarts )
[ [ vocabulary>> "Use the " " vocabulary" surround ] keep ] { } map>assoc ;
: word-restarts-with-defer ( name possibilities -- restarts )
swap "Defer word in current vocabulary" swap 2array
suffix ;
: <no-word-error> ( name possibilities -- error restarts )
[ drop \ no-word-error boa ] [ word-restarts-with-defer ] 2bi ;
TUPLE: manifest
{ search-vocab-names hashtable }
{ search-vocabs vector }
{ qualified-vocabs vector }
{ extra-words vector }
{ auto-used vector } ;
: <manifest> ( -- manifest )
manifest new
H{ } clone >>search-vocab-names
V{ } clone >>search-vocabs
V{ } clone >>qualified-vocabs
V{ } clone >>extra-words
V{ } clone >>auto-used ;
M: manifest clone
[ clone ] change-search-vocab-names
[ clone ] change-search-vocabs
[ clone ] change-qualified-vocabs
[ clone ] change-extra-words
[ clone ] change-auto-used ;
TUPLE: extra-words words ;
M: extra-words equal?
over extra-words? [ [ words>> ] bi@ eq? ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
C: <extra-words> extra-words
: clear-manifest ( -- )
manifest get
[ search-vocab-names>> clear-assoc ]
[ search-vocabs>> delete-all ]
[ qualified-vocabs>> delete-all ]
tri ;
ERROR: no-word-in-vocab word vocab ;
: (add-qualified) ( qualified -- )
manifest get qualified-vocabs>> push ;
: (from) ( vocab words -- vocab words words' vocab )
2dup swap load-vocab ;
: extract-words ( seq vocab -- assoc' )
[ words>> extract-keys dup ] [ name>> ] bi
[ swap [ 2drop ] [ no-word-in-vocab ] if ] curry assoc-each ;
: (lookup) ( name assoc -- word/f )
at dup forward-reference? [ drop f ] when ;
: (use-words) ( assoc -- extra-words seq )
<extra-words> manifest get qualified-vocabs>> ;
: set-current-vocab ( name -- )
[ manifest get (>>current-vocab) ]
[ words>> <extra-words> (add-qualified) ] bi ;
: with-current-vocab ( name quot -- )
manifest get clone manifest [
[ set-current-vocab ] dip call
] with-variable ; inline
TUPLE: no-current-vocab ;
: no-current-vocab ( -- vocab )
\ no-current-vocab boa
{ { "Define words in scratchpad vocabulary" "scratchpad" } }
throw-restarts dup set-current-vocab ;
: current-vocab ( -- vocab )
manifest get current-vocab>> [ no-current-vocab ] unless* ;
: begin-private ( -- )
manifest get current-vocab>> vocab-name ".private" ?tail
[ drop ] [ ".private" append set-current-vocab ] if ;
: end-private ( -- )
manifest get current-vocab>> vocab-name ".private" ?tail
[ set-current-vocab ] [ drop ] if ;
: using-vocab? ( vocab -- ? )
vocab-name manifest get search-vocab-names>> key? ;
: use-vocab ( vocab -- )
dup using-vocab?
[ vocab-name "Already using ``" "'' vocabulary" surround note. ] [
manifest get
[ [ load-vocab ] dip search-vocabs>> push ]
[ [ vocab-name ] dip search-vocab-names>> conjoin ]
] if ;
: auto-use-vocab ( vocab -- )
[ use-vocab ] [ manifest get auto-used>> push ] bi ;
: auto-used? ( -- ? ) manifest get auto-used>> length 0 > ;
: unuse-vocab ( vocab -- )
dup using-vocab? [
manifest get
[ [ load-vocab ] dip search-vocabs>> remove-eq! drop ]
[ [ vocab-name ] dip search-vocab-names>> delete-at ]
] [ drop ] if ;
TUPLE: qualified vocab prefix words ;
: <qualified> ( vocab prefix -- qualified )
[ load-vocab words>> ] [ CHAR: : suffix ] bi*
[ swap [ prepend ] dip ] curry assoc-map
qualified boa ;
: add-qualified ( vocab prefix -- )
<qualified> (add-qualified) ;
TUPLE: from vocab names words ;
: <from> ( vocab words -- from )
(from) extract-words from boa ;
: add-words-from ( vocab words -- )
<from> (add-qualified) ;
TUPLE: exclude vocab names words ;
: <exclude> ( vocab words -- from )
(from) [ nip words>> ] [ extract-words ] 2bi assoc-diff exclude boa ;
: add-words-excluding ( vocab words -- )
<exclude> (add-qualified) ;
TUPLE: rename word vocab words ;
: <rename> ( word vocab new-name -- rename )
[ 2dup load-vocab words>> dupd at [ ] [ swap no-word-in-vocab ] ?if ] dip
associate rename boa ;
: add-renamed-word ( word vocab new-name -- )
<rename> (add-qualified) ;
: use-words ( assoc -- ) (use-words) push ;
: unuse-words ( assoc -- ) (use-words) remove! drop ;
TUPLE: ambiguous-use-error words ;
: <ambiguous-use-error> ( words -- error restarts )
[ \ ambiguous-use-error boa ] [ word-restarts ] bi ;
: (vocab-search) ( name assocs -- words n )
[ words>> (lookup) ] with map
sift dup length ;
: vocab-search ( name manifest -- word/f )
(vocab-search) {
{ 0 [ drop f ] }
{ 1 [ first ] }
drop <ambiguous-use-error> throw-restarts
dup [ vocabulary>> ] [ name>> 1array ] bi add-words-from
} case ;
: qualified-search ( name manifest -- word/f )
(vocab-search) 0 = [ drop f ] [ last ] if ;
: search-manifest ( name manifest -- word/f )
2dup qualified-search dup [ 2nip ] [ drop vocab-search ] if ;
: search ( name -- word/f )
manifest get search-manifest ;